Chapter 12:Indiana and Marcus for life

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Chapter Twelve
Indiana and Marcus for life

3rd Person POV

Indiana felt tired of everything and she didn't know what to say or do. she had woken up that morning with a sad look on her face and she felt like she would feel like that the whole day. this didn't happen to Indiana all the time but when it did, she knew that only one person could help her and make her feel better so that's where she went.

"diana" he called as she sat down on macs stall and she looked up at Marcus and he sat down next to her as she shook her head

"not today" she said and he nodded as he hugged her and she leaned her head against his shoulder. she sighed as she felt the sun start to come through the shades and she looked up at Marcus again

"it's my last day before I leave for the academy " he stated and she nodded

"I know" she said and he sighed as she did too and then she looked around

"just for today, its me and you. that's ill I ever wanted, Indiana and Marcus for life?" she asked and he laughed as he nodded in agreement

"for life" he told her and he leaned in and kissed her as she kissed him back with a smile until mac huffed and they both laughed

"don't be mad because you're single and I'm not" Indiana said to mac and Marcus laughed as they both stood up and left his stall. they looked over to see zoe talking to someone and Indiana leaned against Marcus as she watched.

"I thought I told you raven is my horse" zoe exclaimed and Indiana smiled at the girls words

"of course but first, tell me. is this horse a thoroughbred or an American quarter horse?" he asked and Indiana leaned against the wall as she watched

"I'm James Forsythe and I'm your new trainer. training starts in 15 minutes ago, that includes you Indiana" he called and Indiana scoffed

"don't talk to me like you know me" she called and she watched him walk off before she turned to Marcus and he sighed

"guess it's not just us, ill see you later," he said and he walked off Indiana sighed as she left and walked to the arena where she saw jade, mia, Susie and zoe together. she looked around and then she looked at James with a glare.

"alright listen up , two buckets each, two laps of the arena and two months to get you ready for junior nationals" he called

"where are the horses?" zoe questioned

"a champion horse needs strength, balance, agility and the ability to follow orders so does his rider" James stated, Indiana sighed as she listened to him.

"from now on, the order of importance is me, then your horse, then the buckets, then the fence, and then you," he said and then he whistled as the girls picked up their buckets and started to walk around. Indiana began to do what she was told and even though she hated it, she did with ever care in the world.

Indiana went through it with an annoyed look on her face and when it was done, she stood next to jade and zoe before something on their phones went off Jade opened it

"oh no" jade spoke

"What?" Indiana asked

" so I set up a bright fields news alert for bright fields and um" jade said and mia continued for her

"oh no. the article about zoes heist must be up" Mia stated and Indiana sighed as she looked at zoe

"this cant be right. it says pin stole the cup by himself" Zoe read off and indianas eyebrows shot up

"wait what?" Indiana asked and she grabbed the phone as she read it

" Oh this is perfect. If pin takes blame, this year's reputation remains intact" Mia spoke

"he's one of us mia" Zoe retorted

"yeah , he was" mia said

" He could be charged , Mia" Zoe said

"even better that should put a line under the matter" Mia said and Zoe opened the gate as she left and Indiana watched. she wanted to do something but she knew that she shouldn't. she knew that she needed to stay with Marcus and be there for his final day at the stables. She looked at jade, mia and becky as they continued on with their training until their phones went off and they all looked at them to see a text from zoe in the groupchat

"should we go?" Indiana asked jade and she nodded as she got on mac and the others got on their horses and they rode to holloway. they now all stood to watch as they watched pin ride around on Elvis in the yard

"How did this happen?" Mia said and Indiana watched pin closely

"no way is that pin" jade spoke

"I didn't know he could ride like that" Marcus stated

"he's amazing," Susie said and Indiana sighed as she looked around and then back at mac. she ignored what the others were saying until they all decided to leave and Indiana went with the others back to the stables. when they walked in, Indiana held Marcus's hand as they all looked at him and cheered

"thanks, guys" He said and Indiana smiled up at her boyfriend and the smile that lay on his face.

" Well, what do you think? I can only do so much with what I was given. What happened? Is Pin okay?" Rosie asked

"pins fine. better than fine, actually" he said

"world order is restored, here" Rosie spoke and she handed Marcus the plate as they smiled at each other. Indiana now watched as Marcus handed james a paper and then he walked off. Indiana smiled at him and his trying. marcus had always cared about helping out and in that moment he truly wanted to.

"diana" he called to her and she smiled at him as he smiled down at her and he leaned in as he kissed her slowly and she kissed him back. they held each others wrists as they kissed softly and smiled into it. Indiana felt safe in that moment and she always would. with Marcus she felt safe and without him, she felt empty and that was scary. when they pulled away, Indiana looked out at the others and then she looked at becky and down at the box

"I think she has something for you" Indiana said to Marcus and he turned to Becky with a smile before he walked up to Becky and she held out the map to him. Indiana watched as Becky read off a piece of paper to Marcus and Indiana leaned against the wall as she watched becky finally say what she needed to. She then watched as he leaned down and kissed beckys cheek and Indiana laughed at her boyfriend and at becky before he turned to her and smiled

"let's go to the boat," he said and they left the stables. they got in the car and drove to the pier but when they got there, Indiana noticed that the boat was gone and she felt happy in that moment

"we're late," he said and she sighed before they sat down and Marcus looked around before he held her hand and she held his

"Is it bad to say i don't want you to leave?" she asked and he laughed as he shook his head

"ill miss you more than anything Dia, you are my heart and soul and i will always try to be there for you no matter what" he said and he leaned in as he kissed her and she kissed him back. She was happy in that moment but she knew that it wouldn't last forever?

she was scared of everything but being alone was the scariest thing she could ever imagine? who was she when she was alone?


I cant promise anything I'm so sorry for that

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