Chapter 15: Indianas Birthday

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Chapter Fifteen
Indianas Birthday

3rd Person POV

Indiana hated her birthdays from the beginning of time to now and she couldn't tell you why. maybe it was the timing, or the idea, or the people surrounding her or maybe just maybe it was the idea that people would take time out of their day to celebrate the life that she didn't want. Indiana hated being the center of attention, riding was the only time she let herself go into that mindset and birthdays had always made her feel alone, sad and weird. no one ever told her happy birthday and she didn't grow up celebrating it, her father ignored it and her mother had barely any time to even say it to her so Indiana stopped telling people her birthday and she stopped celebrating it. Marcus though for as long as she has known him , celebrated her birthday and let her have the day to herself. today wasn't any different , Indiana woke up, got dressed and rode mac to the stables.

it was her 17th birthday and she was trying to act like it was nothing , she was acting like it was nothing however when she walked in , she was met with Marcus and the others smiling at her

"happy birthday!" they all yelled and she sighed as she smiled at them

"thank you" she said to them and she tried to walk off but they wouldn't let her. marcus grabbed her shoulders and he stopped her from leaving

"its a big day dia. you cant act like its not. lets be us for one day" he said and she smiled at him and nodded

"you know I hate this" she whispered and he kissed the side of her head and smiled

"one day dia, one day" he whispered and she sighed and nodded again before she looked at them and noticed jade and becky talking to each other. she felt happy for a second and then she remembered the day it was.

" I have a surprise for you" Zoe said to her and she sighed

"zoe I don't know if anyone told you but I hate surprises with a deep passion" She said and zoe laughed under her breathe before she looked at Marcus

"Im stealing your girlfriend for a second" She spoke and she led Indiana away from Marcus and into the tack room, she opened her box and held out a present for Indiana

"I know that you hate presents and surprises so we can say this is more for mac then you" zoe said and Indiana opened the box to see a charm with macs name on it and a lead for mac with indianas name on it

"Z, I love it. thank you" she said and she hugged zoe quickly as zoe hugged her back and then the door opened. they both looked up to see Mia in the doorway

"the tent got here" Mia said and they all walked out to see a tent in the arena where people could walk in and see it

"okay I wanted this to be small, this is too much" she said and Zoe sighed as Marcus stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her softly

"I didn't know they were doing this" He whispered and Indiana sighed as she leaned her head back on his shoulder and smiled.

"I have to head home and get ready, ill be back" she said and she left the yard as she went home and put on her dress. when she got to the yard, everyone clapped for her as she walked in and she smiled at them

"happy birthday dia, you look amazing" he said to her and she smiled as she leaned up and kissed him softly. when she pulled away, she saw gabby walk in with pin and then she turned to see her dad in a suit

"okay what the hell is he doing here?" Indiana asked Marcus and he turned to pin and then her dad

"which one?" he asked and she sighed as she leaned her head against his shoulder and shrugged . she pulled away from him and she watched zoe walk over to mia and sit next to her which made Indiana smile, since the beginning she knew that mia and zoe would get together. it would just take them some time and she knew that.

"Indiana" Pin said and she turned to him as she did this, she didn't notice gabby go over to talk to Marcus but she almost didn't care. she knew her and Marcus were strong and even if gabby tried to ruin them she wouldn't be able to do it.

"is it true?" Marcus stormed over

"is what true?" Indiana asked

"you got into the academy and you turned it down" Marcus said to pin

"I'm sorry you did what?" Indiana asked and she stood there as she watched pin and Marcus stare each other down

"trouble in paradise?" her father asked as she walked away and she scoffed

"yeah you would know all about that" she said in return and she watched the anger in her fathers eyes flash but for once he wasn't drunk and this almost seemed like pure madness

"no I wouldn't since you killed your mother" he spoke and Indiana looked around

"its my birthday dad for once can you not blame that on me? i wasn't in the fucking car, I couldn't stop it and I couldn't do anything about it. she didn't die because of me but I sure as hell know that shes happy she got away from you and your toxic thoughts and actions. you were a horrible husband and an even worse father, so thank you for ruining my birthday just like you ruin every single one of my others days" she said and she noticed that everyone was staring and I mean why wouldn't they? she is the birthday girl who had just blown up on her father. she stormed out of the tent and she felt a presence behind her but she ignored it as she walked to macs stall and jumped up onto the gate

"where did we go wrong?" she asked and he huffed at her before she felt someone hug her and she knew who it was. she wrapped her arms around his shoulders from where she stood and he smiled into her

"I'm sorry this wasn't as good as you wanted it to be" Marcus said and she shrugged

"you're here m. that's all I need right now" she said to him and he smiled as she did too. all she needed was him and she had it.

but truly would it ever be enough for her? she didn't know but she could only hope over time she would know.


there was like drama yet no drama because I just can't hurt them

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