Chapter 17: the stable fire

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Chapter Seventeen
The stable fire

3rd person POV

indiana was half asleep when she heard her phone ring and she picked it up to see a few calls from zoe and everyone else. she sat up in the bed as she answered the call groggily

"DIA" zoe yelled and Indiana groaned

"what is it z? its 10 pm" she sighed and Zoe ranted

"the stables they're on fire, we need you to get here now" Zoe said and Indiana shot up out of her bed as fast as she could. she put her shoes on and put her hair up as she looked at her phone

"I'm on my way" she said and she ran out of the house and to her car. she got in and she drove as fast as she could to the stables. she sped down the roads and she got there as fast as she could and she got out to see the others

"MAC" she yelled and he ran to her as raven ran towards zoe and she looked at all of the horses and then she looked around

"wheres bob?" Indiana and Becky said and Indiana looked at the others and she sighed

"I'll be back" she said and she ran into the stables

"INDIANA" zoe and the others yelled as she ran in and coughed. she covered her mouth and ran to fireflys stall as she saw him still in there and she sighed. she kicked open the door and he ran out as she looked at bob and he ran out too. she coughed again and she watched them run out as she ran after them and she heard the firetruck

"firefly" mia said

"bob, it was bob who let the horses out" becky said and Indiana nodded

"bob must've done his party trick to open the doors" she said and Indiana smiled

"bobs a hero, becky" Mia stated

"bob you're the best , I love you" becky said and bob groaned in pain and he whinnied before he fell to the ground

"bob bob hey whats wrong?" Indiana said and she got down on the ground next to becky and bob

"we need to set up a sanctuary for him" Indiana stated and they all nodded as the fire was put out and they got to work. they set up a tent and they put bob in it. Indiana stayed with becky and bob the whole time.

"hey, how is he doing?" Zoe asked and Indiana looked up at them

"you know bob, loves to be the center of attention" Becky retorted sadly and Indiana smiled sadly too.

"he's being really brave, but he's having difficulty breathing" the doctor said and Indiana took a deep breathe in

"thank you" zoe said to the doctor and she sat down next to becky and Indiana as she leaned her head on Indiana

"guys, its okay, bob has been through far worse. like he drank my chocolate donut freakshake and was ill for three weeks. all he needs is cuddles, mints and wait. wheres his toy? bob needs his toy, no wonder he's so down" Becky ranted and Indiana sighed

"becky, I don't think he's down. he is really sick" Zoe said and Indiana couldn't hear anymore. she kissed beckys temple and she got up as she left the tent and leaned against the wall. she remembered what it was like loosing rocky and it hurt her more then anything, she knew what it was like to lose someone she cared about more then anything and she didn't know what to do. she looked at Marcus and he looked at her as she sighed and shook her head

"is it bad?" Pin asked and Indiana sighed

"more then you could think" Indiana said and she got up as she walked away and she looked at mac. she laid her head on his side and he laid his head on her neck. she sighed as she ran her hand over his mane and sighed again. it felt like at the moment all she knew what to do was to sigh, cry and be mad.

"I'm sorry I left you here" She said and she felt the years drift down her face, she didn't bother to wipe them. she left them on her face as she looked up and saw gabby looking down at her

"is he okay?" she asked and Indiana looked at her and then mac

"yeah he'll be alright, I'm more worried about bob then anything" she stated and gabby nodded as she sat down and Indiana sighed as she looked at the sky and then at the others. she watched as they tacked up the horses and she sighed

"we're bringing them to holloway, if you want to come with us and bring mac. I'm sure they'll be be safer there" gabby said and Indiana nodded as she stood up and let mac stand too. Gabby looked at them as she ran her hand over his hand and nodded

"let me tack him up and then ill be going" she said and gabby nodded as Indiana left with mac and she tacked him up. she didn't want to leave mac and she knew that she had his things at her her house but she also knew that he needed to be with the others at the moment and she didn't want to take that away from him

"Dia" Marcus said and she turned to him as he wrapped his arms around her and she took a deep breathe. she hugged him back and the tears began to fall as she cried and he noticed but he didn't stop her

"its alright, we're okay, I'm here" he whispered and she nodded against her boyfriends chest as she cried harder and harder. she then looked at everyone and nodded as they all brought their horses to holloway

"welcome to holloway" gabby said and they led their horses into the stable as they put their coats on them and she looked at mac

"whats going on?" Callum said

"they need some where to stay" Gabby said

"so? we don't have the space" Callum stated and Indiana scoffed

"this is temporary callum, we truly don't want to be here, now don't think for one second that we like you. grow up" Indiana stated and Marcus wrapped her hand around hers causing alex to scoff

"I'm guessing you haven't told your boyfriend about yesterday?" Alex asked and Indiana scoffed

"what?' the fact that you wont leave me the hell alone or the fact that you tried to kiss me" Dia stated

"oh wow, a cheater and a liar, wow Marcus you truly won" he said and Indiana stormed forward as she connected her fist with his jaw and no one did anything to stop her, not even holloway

"watch what you say about me" She stated and she walked back to mac and Marcus as she rubbed her knuckles as she watched zoe and gaby talk to each but she didn't say anything. she led mac to his stable and then she walked to the tack room and marked down everything for mac as she walked back to his stable and sighed.

"this isn't easy" she sighed to him and he huffed as she nodded and agreed

"you can say that again" she said and she walked out to see mia talking to Marcus about the stables. She watched mia cry and then she heard Marcus

"we don't even have a trainer" she cried

"yes you do, me. i know the riders one of them being my girlfriend, the horses, the competition" he stated

"what about the academy?" mia asked and Indiana sighed as the question as she was wondering the exact same thing

"I'm not going back. I'm not cut out for that world. i belong here. we'll get through this together mia" he said and Indiana sighed

she didn't know why Marcus didn't tell her but it hurt her. she was and is his girlfriend but he couldn't even tell her that he wouldn't be going back to the academy, he couldn't even be honest and she was more hurt by that then anything.

when she got back to bright fields, she went into bobs and saw everyone with him and she knew it was bad.

"indi" becky said and she looked at her as did everyone else. Indiana walked over and she ran her hand over beckys back and then she looked at bob

" you found him" becky said and Indiana smiled at jade as she walked over and gave bob Mr. duck. Indiana sighed as she hugged becky and becky leaned into her

"goodbye, my hairy friend. i always knew you were a legend. now you're apart of island history, whenever things went unexpected, whenever someone goes that extra mile..." becky said

"whenever there's a strange unidentifable smell" her brother said

"people will stop and remember the brave bob"becky said

"its time, my love" maggie said and the doctor walked over and pin walked in

"wait. i think I can help" pin said and he ran over

"they use it in horse racing in Ireland"Pin stated

"at least let him try" maggie said and pin knelt down as he put his hand on bob and they all waited and they walked outside.

"that young man just saved your horse" the doctor said

"yes! bob lives" he yelled and they all walked into the tent. Indiana leaned against Marcus as she tried to ignore what he said as she smiled at jade and becky sing together

"he'll be alright" becky said and Indiana smiled at them as she saw zoe and pin talking to each other. she knew they had to go back to holloway but she almost didn't want to. she liked to live in bliss but it wouldn't last forever


believe me when I say I hate writing drama between Marana but it needs to happen because neither of them is truly perfect

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