Chapter 8: you look beautiful, indiana

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Chapter Eight
You look beautiful, Indiana

3rd Person POV

Indiana and Marcus decided to match for the dance. he would wear a black suit with a dark blue tie and she would wear a blue dress with black heels and black jewelry. she smiled as she walked into the stables and saw the girls talking to each other

"INDI" jade said and she ran over as she hugged her and indiana hugged her back

"well hello" she exclaimed and she looked at becky and zoe and zoe smiled

"i asked pin to the dance" zoe said and indiana smiled

"i'm happy for you zoe" she exclaimed and then she looked around as she noticed marcus waiting for her in the doorway

"mac said he needs you" marcus said and indiana laughed before she turned away from the girls and she walked to macs stable with marcus.

"i'm really happy we're going to this dance together" he said and she smiled as she grabbed the brush and began to brush through macs hair

"indiana, i'm not a charity case. make sure to tell zoe that" he said and he stormed off before she looked out and saw zoe following after pin.

"jesus" indiana sighed and she leaned her head on marcus's shoulder as he laughed and she sighed. they stayed in macs stall until he knew that he had to leave

"i have to go brush and feed monty" he said and he kissed her forehead before he walked off and indiana smiled

"let's just get through this day" she said to him and she tacked him up before she looked around and smiled

"a little free riding won't hurt anyone" she told him and she got on as she rode him out of the stables. she laid her head on his hair as she ran her hand through it and listened to the music in her headphones that she had put on

"i just wish this was all easier" she said and she continued to ride him throughout the fields and she sighed as she got home. when she got there, she hopped off of mac and hooked him onto a small stall so he wouldn't run

she walked into the house quietly and smiled as she walked up to her room and opened her closet door. she pulled out the dress and she smiled as she put it on and looked at herself in the mirror

"you look just like your mom" her father said and she turned to him. that's what she was scared of, bringing back the memories of her. she knew that she looked exactly like her and that's a part of the reason he was so abusive, he blamed her for the loss. he blamed her for the death and he hated her face

"i can change if you want me to" she told him and he shook his head. for once, he wasn't drunk and for once it didn't seem like he would hurt indi over something so small and inconvenient

"don't , you look beautiful, indiana. go have fun" he said and he walked away to leave her in her room all alone. she smiled at herself in the mirror and then looked at the picture of her mom that she had taped up tor safe keeping

"it's my night mom" she said and she kissed the tips of her fingers as she put them to the picture and nodded. she then looked around her room turning off any and all lights before she climbed down the stairs of her room. for once she wasn't scared of the man thay waited for her at the bottom of them

"i love indi" he told her and he kissed her forehead before he handed her the sweatshirt that she got to match and smiled. she put it on and nodded

"bye dad" she turned and left the house. she couldn't bring herself to tell him that she loved him. once she got on mac safely, she started to ride him to the stables before her phone rang and she pulled it out of the pocket that was in her dress

"what's up?" she asked and she heard jade sigh happily

"we need your help at the old barn, please hurry" Jade said and she nodded as she turned with mac and she rode to the old barn. she sighed and nodded as she hopped off of mac and turned to the girls

"hey" she called and they all turned to her before they heard something approaching and hid

" Look, I know the guy. That's a fake photographer. Remember, the guy who said he was from the pony people magazine?" Zoe said and indiana scoffed

"this son of a bitch" indiana said under her breathe and the girls laughed

"he's wearing one of our hoodies. how very dare he" Becky said and she shot up but indiana pulled her back down

" Look we need a plan before we go in there storming guns a blazing. We wait for him OK and then we do what we need to play but we wait" she said and she waited until it got dark. her and the girls snuck over and hid as indiana pulled her phone out and found the sound of macs neighs on her phone . she watched and waited for the man

"who's there?" he asked and indiana smiled as he walked into the crate. they ran forward and they locked him in

"yes we did it" becky said and they called the police but indiana noticed the time

"oh shit marcus" she said and they all looked at her

"GO" they yelled and she ran to mac as she climbed onto him and rode him to the stables. she smiled as she got there. she didn't care about the dirt that covered her face when she entered and marcus looked straight at her

"you continue to amaze me everyday, you're late though. where were you?" he asked and she sighed

"oh you know just catching a horse thief with the girls, daily indiana stuff" she said and he laughed as he ran his hand over her arm and smiled at her. she smiled back before they looked at the dance floor and nodded. he grabbed her hand and led her to the floor as he spun her around and smiled

"you look amazing dia" he told her and she smiled. no one called her dia, some would say that she was his dia and she smiled up at him

"you do too mar" she said softly and he looked in her eyes and then down at her lips. he had wanted to kiss her for years and now ; now he had the chance to

he went to lean in and so did she. until she heard someone run out of the room and someone follow. she turned to her head and marcus did too. two minutes later there was a loud noise and a scream

indiana grabbed his hand and they ran out to see zoe with pin staring at ravens stall. indiana held his hand tightly as he held hers and sighed

it was supposed to be her night

ceo of making my ocs have almost kissed

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