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Today was my first day of work. To be honest, I didn't really know how I felt about it. It was like someone had created a hole inside of me and had jumbled everything else up in the process. I felt anxious and happy and angry and scared but on top of everything else I felt numb. It was like a part of me was missing. Like someone had stolen something but I didn't quite know what and I didn't know how to fix it. I didn't know how to get it back... or if I even wanted it back.

Light seeped through cracks in my automatic blinds and eventually woke me from sleep. I hadn't slept all that well after I returned from my meeting with Rachel but I had finally drifted off in the last hour or so. Only to be woken again. Great.

Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My room was exactly as I had left it. I wasn't really sure what I expected though: someone to have broken in? Lucas to have snooped through my stuff? A messenger from Rachel to have come this early? My hopes were rising at an alarming rate but I knew that would be my downfall. I couldn't act any different; I still had a job to do.

Swinging my legs over my bed, I stood up and headed over to my closet. To my surprise, an outfit had already been perfectly coordinated and fashioned. It lay waiting at the front of the closet matches with shoes and a little black handbag. I had never been that stylish and clothes were never that important to me, what fascinated me was the mechanics of the closet and the technology that was being wasted on me now compared to the horrible conditions I had to live in regarding both facilities. Donning a white blouse and a black pencil skirt, I made my way to the vast, modern kitchen where I was equally surprised.

Without being told, the food dispenser had prepared a steaming breakfast of bacon and eggs - rare luxuries for the lower classes - and had left it to cool. I inhaled the scent of it all and sat down at the head of my new table. Hungrily, I devoured the meal and was left with yet another full stomach. It was like I was walking in a dream - all of a sudden I was getting everything I had ever wanted but it was still wrong. I shouldn't have been there. I didn't deserve it.

A small beeping from my DigiWatch distracted me from my thoughts.

"Incoming message," a robotic voice warned.

I clicked the green 'accept' button and a holographic display of Lucas popped up.

"Hi Lucas," I greeted though his very name made me cringe.

"Verity," he returned. "Now, instead of you coming to the office today, I have another task for you. Due to some unrest in the districts, I have decided to bring forward the announcement about Project Refracted and I need you as our glorious prototype to showcase to everyone the potential of this project."

"Okay... what do you need me to do?"

"A conference will be held in front of the Atlantis Chambers in approximately an hour and all you need to do is arrive. Hair and makeup will style you before you meet me onstage at which point you just need to answer a few questions and look pretty."

I winced at the "look pretty". I was so much more than someone to be objectified and an advertisement for Lucas' nightmare of a project. What choice did I have though?

"Sounds good to me," I replied with a fake smile plastered across my face.

"Perfect, I'll see you in an hour. Signing off."

The call ended and Lucas' holograph disappeared.

I sighed. It looked like today I would be playing dress up instead of doing something useful for the rebellion. Not what I wanted but at least I was out of the facility. Once I had finished getting ready, I left my apartment and took the elevator to the bottom. There was no way that I could have faced those treacherous stairs again. Then, I boarded the hover car waiting for me and set off for the Atlantis chambers.

I barely noticed the world outside the hover car as we drove to the destination; my mind was full with endless questions and possibilities and answers to Lucas' own proposed questions at the conference. I was still on probation and couldn't mess up. I had to focus.

As soon as I arrived, I was surrounded by a swarm of people. Each was armed with a brush or eyeshadow or mascara. Yet I had to swallow my claustrophobia and ignore them as they transformed me into a government-approved model for something that didn't work.

Finally, they released me and I was free to wander around the area before the conference started. In the front row the media was setting up with cameras and microphones with all the government officials sat behind them like at the Solar Elections. The elections seemed like a lifetime ago but I'm reality I knew that it was less than a month or so.

With five minutes to go, Lucas arrived already looking photogenic and camera ready. His appearance must have been modified elsewhere for safety or something similar. Little did he know that it was the people closest to him that posed the real threat. That made me feel a little better at least - I had finally got one over on Lucas.

Soon it was go time and I was being rushed onto the stage along with him. Taking a seat behind him, the cameras started rolling.

"Welcome all to our conference here in Atlantis. I come with some very exciting news. Today, I would like to introduce my pride and joy: Project Refracted." He paused as the journalists took numerous images of him, no doubt for the headlines of newspapers and magazines. It was strange to think of Lucas as the leader of our planet, to me he was the enemy and I had forgotten how powerful he really was.

"This project is the solution to all our problems. Crime rates will decrease and rebel activity will be eradicated. This project is a new system of re-education that will allow the rebels to realise their harm instead of having to eliminate them. It is the humane way to solve all our problems so that we may achieve our goals. Protect! Preserve! Prosper!"

I sniggered in disbelief right as the crowd started cheering but I noticed one journalist at the front with a doubtful look on her face. "How do you know it will work?" They asked.

"Ah," Lucas answered, "I'm glad you asked. Allow me to introduce Verity. She is the very first person to be Refracted with many more on the way. In fact, someone else has just completed the process today!"

I wondered who else had left the facility and whether I knew them. I so desperately wanted it to be Elyse but the idea was incredibly far-fetched. Lucas gestured me forwards and I realised my cue. Time to shine, I guessed.

I hated every minute that I was the centre of attention. Each journalist had a plethora of questions and I didn't have faith in any of my answers. If Lucas was disappointed he didn't show it though and I carried on, refraining from going into too much detail for fear of giving myself away. I told a heavily edited version of my time at the facility and of the admirable sacrifices that Alpha made in order to save me. The audience watched me with awe and I was disgusted by every single one of them.

Lucas took over the presentation and I sat down again, relieved. I watched as he slowly gained support for the project and saw the journalists' minds whirring, conjuring up the content for their next bestselling article. To them, it was just a story but for me, this was people's lives. My fury bubbled up inside of me and I dug my nails into my hand to concentrate on something else. If I didn't have hope for the rebellion, I didn't know what I would have done.

Tuning out Lucas' voice, I ignored the rest of the conference and instead pictured the future we would soon achieve once the rebellion had started. Regardless, they needed to hurry up.

I found Lucas just to the side of the stage once we had done. The media had rushed off to write their articles and publish video footage first (it was only extremely special occasion such as the Solar Elections that were broadcasted live) leaving a large space with fewer people in it. My lack of sleep had made me incredibly exhausted and I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed but it was only the middle of the day and I had a job to do.

As I got closer to him, I noticed Lucas was engaged in quite an intense discussion and I didn't want to interrupt but the mention of the project peaked my interest. He spoke directly into his phone so his voice was muffled but his anger wasn't even remotely controlled.

"What do you mean you lost her?" He demanded. "She is the second to be Refracted and now you don't know where she is?"

So the second prototype was a girl...

Behind me, maintenance crews were dismantling the stage. It made it harder to hear Lucas and I could only read his facial expressions.

I barely registered the bang of the stage folding behind me until Lucas turned round, startled. I ducked but he saw me. His face darkened and he hung up the phone before making his way over to me. There was no escape.

"Can I help you?" He sounded innocent but I caught the malice in his undertone.

"Umm I just wanted to know if there's anything else you need from me?"

His face softened and I relaxed.

"No, that's okay. You can go home. I'll have someone send some work to your computer."

"Thanks. Congratulations on the conference by the way..."

But he was already dialling the number in his phone again and I left. Unfortunately, there was no hover car waiting this time and I had to walk home - again (although that definitely wasn't as bad as last night).

My fatigue was overwhelming when I finally arrived at home but the promise of a comfortable bed kept me just about awake. Half asleep, I held up my tattoo to the lock so that it could identify me but before the door opened I heard something shatter inside of my apartment. Before, I could turn away, my front door automatically opened leaving me a full view of the perpetrator inside my home.

"Oh Verity, thank Terra!l I thought you were someone else!"

"I'm sorry what? Harleen?"

She looked a lot different with normal clothes and shorter hair on but I recognised her all the same. Then it clicked.

Looked like the second prototype wasn't missing after all.

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