Chapter 16

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"Has Harry ever been diagnosed with too little magic?" The healer flicked through pieces of parchment that were likely either related to Harry, or whatever his condition ever was.

"No that I'm aware of, they came back in time on their own, so I know they have very powerful magic, and before then I believe that they were raised by muggles." James was confused, maybe Harry's magic was depleted after the traveling back in time, but it was his understanding that the problem was Harry absorbing a Sprite.

"I see." The healer looked annoyed, pushing their fringe out of their face, gesturing for them to sit down.

Harry was unconscious, sleeping in an isolated room. It was impossible to see a way to enter, but there was a wall that seemed to be made of glass separating their room and the one the lot of them were in. Though James obviously couldn't tell, it seemed like they were sleeping peacefully.

"I'm sorry," Euphemia spoke up, "But why are you asking about that?"

"There's an illegal procedure that is still done on people with 'too little magic' where they are fused with Potion Mushrooms. It means they absorb almost all of the magic around them, like this instance with the Sprite. If they have come from the future that makes things more complicated. We can't find out who did this to them and get that person properly punished." The healer looked annoyed, checking notes.

"So what do we do?" James moved forwards on his chair, desperate to know how he could help his child.

"If you can find a way to figure out who did this to them that would be great. There's no way to undo this. I have put in for a specialised tool to regulate magic for them, but in the meantime they need to stay in Hogwarts. Its age will regulate how much they can absorb itself." The healer explained, pulling out some of the papers and handing them to the Potters. "We will inform you as soon as the tool has been made."

"So we can take them home?" Fleamont looked thrilled at the news.

"No, for the time being they must remain at Hogwarts. Until proven otherwise, they should be kept away from others as they may absorb that person's magic. We will be sending them to a similar enclosed space in Hogwarts." The healer explained.

"But wouldn't waking up in a clear box like that be traumatising for them?" James flailed wildly, clearly annoyed about the situation.

"I understand this is far from an ideal situation-"

"'Ideal situation'? You're damn right this isn't an ideal situation, this is probably one of the worst you could come up with! You're trapping an abused kid in a glass cage because even though you know there are people like them you don't have anything to deal with their condition on hand just because it's illegal as though that has ever stopped anything!" James was breathing heavily, seething at the way his child was being treated.

"Mr Potter," The healer stood up, but James didn't back down. "I already acknowledged that this is not an ideal situation, but it is the one we are in."

"And I am saying that we should not be in this situation and that I am not willing to let my child suffer because you and St Mungo's don't think that their condition is the kind that deserves to be treated with respect, or that they deserve your consideration to their mental health." James didn't think he had ever felt this angry before.

"James." Fleamont laid a hand on James' shoulder, only for James to shake him off.

"No, dad, they are caging Harry! Caging them! None of us know what they have been through, but there is no way that this is going to even possibly not affect their mental health! I am not going to let them go through that!" James furiously rubbed under his eyes, trying not to draw attention to the tears forming in his eyes.

"What is the procedure for testing if Harry is safe around someone's magic?" Euphemia asked a lot more gently.

"Place a hand on the glass and force your magic into Harry's space and then we use sensors to see how that magic reacts with them." The healer stood near the door.

"I don't need your fucking sensors." James was up to the wall of Harry's glass room, hand placed against it and pushing his magic in.

"I assure you that we do need the sensors." The healer stepped towards James, clearly trying to stop him.

"Leave it." Fleamont told the healer. "We Potters are all able to feel magic very sensitively."

While never going to be able to meet Harry's levels of magic, James had a lot of it himself. It was nothing ground-breaking, only to the extent that James tired more slowly than others would when using magic of any kind.

This kind of situation was no different, James was able to pour a lot more magic through the wall into Harry's room before having to step back, unable to put any more through the wall that was so against letting magic through. James leant forwards, so his forehead was resting on the glass, desperately sensing his magic as it flowed around Harry.

James' magic swirled around the room, slowly making its way over to Harry. As it did, James was unable to stop his breath hitching, hoping against hope that Harry was going to not absorb his magic, that Harry would be alright around him.

"He isn't absorbing my magic." James turned to face the healer, his face hardening again as he looked at them.

"You can't really be expecting me to put Harry's life at risk because you don't want them to be in there." The healer crossed their arms.

Of course they knew that it was inhumane to force a child into a cage, but was it really any more humane to let a child suffer and die because of the excess magic? Because if James was lying here and they believed him, then Harry was the only one who would suffer because of it. They would become overwhelmed by the magic, in most cases people who had been put through that surgery died young.

"It's alright. I felt the same thing. Which family do you think helped to develop those sensors you use?" Fleamont smiled at the healer. It was easily confirmable, after all, the Potter name was in the name of the sensors.

"We will be sending them to Hogwarts the same way as we discussed, they will be sleeping the whole time they are transferred for safety anyway. After that it's not in my hands." The healer shook their head, Mme Pomfrey was the one with the sensors, she could test it again.

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