The Fall

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Chapter One: The Fall

'Did I do enough?'

'Did I save them?'

'Bring a new hope for both my people and my friends?'

The three thoughts swimming in Mata Nui's head on an endless loop like a broken record. His body ached, his head throbbed with his thoughts as if someone had hit him over the head with Onua's Toa Tool, he couldn't find the strength nor energy to open his heavy eyelids noir enough to keep steady breathing.

"Where is he?!" 'Kiina?..'

A memory flashed in his mind overtaking those once looped thoughts, his first meeting with Kiina in Vulcanus, the cavern beneath her smoldering village, and Kiina's tearful goodbye from her friend as she quickly forced herself to leave the machine controls with his Scarabax friend Click on her shoulder.

He felt something above him move a bit, metal scrapping against metal.


Another set of memories took his mind, his first meeting with Ackar as the golden bot had jumped into the arena of Vulcanus to save Ackar on instant thoughts despite his lack in fighting skills, Ackar first calling him friend which brought both a warmth but a pain to Mata Nui's Heartstone and the final and longest one that took the new loop where Mata Nui stood inside the head and controls of the once ruins of the machine with Ackar. The golden bot had his arms tightly wrapped around the fire Glatorian as if he was afraid to let go. Ackar was the same as well, shaking slightly with uneven breaths which were soon silenced when Mata Nui pressed his forehead against the Glatorian's and both of them practically melted with the action.

A common intimate action Mata Nui remembered his people would do, those who were in love. A feeling he wished to share with Ackar, someone he felt was more than just a friend. Feeling better to act on his actions then die without telling him in case he didn't make it back from the fight against his brother Makuta.

While Ackar was struggling to lift the large metal plate, Kiina rushed back with the Nuva, Onua immediately rushing first with Pohatu to the fire Glatorian's side. The earth and stone Toa's immediately both activated the Great Pakari Nuva mask and tried to lift the metal sheet, even with the Great Kanoi Mask the two struggled to lift the sheet making Tahu, Gali, Kopaka and Takanuva rush over to their brothers to tap into the Pakari Nuva and help their brothers lift the metal.

The seven managed to lift it enough to where was able to Ackar let go and quickly grabbed Mata Nui's underarms and tried to pull the Great Spirit out from under the rubble. With a grunt he managed to pull Mata Nui from underneath the rubble to his arms and lap and immediately held the side of his mask in his left hand, shaking him slightly.

"Come on, wake up." The Nuva let the large metal sheet fall with a loud clang as they let go of it and looked at the two. Mata Nui was so still, it almost seemed as if he was lifeless. His Heartstone glowed so dimly it put them all on edge.

"We need to get him to the ground to help him better." Gali said, her voice unsteady with fear. They had almost lost him forever once, she refused for that to happen again and be permanent.

Ackar nodded with a quiet okay as he wrapped an arm underneath Mata Nui's shoulder and his other underneath the golden Great Spirit's knees as he carefully stood up.
Kiina was down off the rubble pile first to grab the items she could, both Kopaka and Tahu helped Ackar get down without slipping as he carried the unconscious Great Spirit to the ground.

Ackar reached the ground last with slow and calculated steps to make sure he didn't slip and fall, if he did, he would've immediately shielded Mata Nui, so no further harm came to his person. The veteran Glatorian carefully rested the Great Spirit on the ground and Gali was immediately on her knees at the golden bot's head with her hands to her chest.

The Matoran and Agori could only watch in horror and panic for their respective sides of their own worry for Mata Nui, the Turaga gripping their walking staffs tightly.

"Brother's, like with the Rakshi Venom we need to summon all the healing powers we possess to help him." Gali said and the rest of the Nuva, Lewa not present, nodded as they took out their Toa tools. Kiina pulled Ackar away a bit, so he didn't get affected.

The Nuva and Takanuva carefully rested the ends of their Toa tools above Mata Nui's Heartstone and he was immediately jolted with colorful lighting.

Ackar was shaking slightly with uneven breaths making Kiina hug the veteran Glatorian to help calm him down.

Gali raised a hand making the six Toa immediately stop and pull their weapons away as Gali brought her hand back to her chest. The six Toa put their weapons away as soon as they pulled them back.

Gali extended her hands as an orb of water formed itself from thin air between her palms and it quickly traversed over Mata Nui's injured form. Kopaka was reminded when he, Gali and Lewa had to do similar as Gali said with the Rakshi Venom inside corrupting Tahu.

Soon the water left the fallen Great Spirit's person and was absorbed into the ground beneath him. Gali slumped a bit making Pohatu rush to support the water Toa upright as Ackar was let go of Kiina's grip and immediately made it back to Mata Nui's side with Kiina behind him, Gresh and Berix rushing over to them.

Ackar quickly but carefully pulled Mata Nui into his lap and arms again and shook him gently. His Heartstone was still dim but was a bit brighter than before no doubt the energy sucked from the Nuva and Takanuva's healing helped with that.

"Come on Mata, wake up." Ackar croaked out, struggling to fight back his panic and tears. A small relief came as Mata Nui's fingers twitched a bit and his hand closest to Ackar held the said veteran Glatorian's arm in a loose grip.

Ackar let out a small laugh with was filled with relief that Mata Nui was alive as hot tears finally fell from his eyes while pulling the golden bot close, his forehead inches from Mata Nui's as he held onto him. "You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay Mata..." Ackar croaked out as he held the Great Spirit close as if letting go would cause Mata Nui to slip into the void.

"You're gonna be okay, don't worry..."

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