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Russia, Moscow

'Verina Antonov' was in shock.

She still couldn't grasp her thoughts which seemed to be getting heavier every moment.

She was






She was Miserable because both her grandson and son, whom she was dieing to meet were dead.

Disappointed because she didn't know about it before, that she wasn't told about it. That she missed so many moments from HER life.

She happy and elated because what was supposed to remain a dream actually came true.

She herself couldn't understand. She recalled back to what happened exactly 30 minutes ago.

Verina and her daughter-in-law Lara were helping the maids set the table for dinner. Lara was a little disturbed, so when Verina asked her Lara told that "Demitri hasn't called me today nor has he replied to my texts and messages."

Verina recalls that even her husband Igor hadn't responded to either her calls or her messages. She then convinced both Lara and herself that maybe they had a busy schedule and forgot to check the message.

As soon as both of them finished setting the table Igor, Demitri and Caesar entered the room with their suits and took their respective seats on the dining table.

Both Lev and Ronan had eaten their dinner a few hours back and had already gone to sleep.

Verina saw her husband and sons enter and sit down on the chairs with a look in their eyes. She couldn't understand what exactly happened.

So she asked Igor "What happened медовый (honey)?"

She saw him look up at her with an unreadable look in his eyes. She then slowly heard everything her husband told her, she tried to grasp it all at once. She broke down hearing that her youngest son and grandson were dead. She grieved for the loss of her children. The little thread of hope she had been holding into broke. She couldn't hold it back anymore, she broke down in her husband's arms cried for the loss of her драгоценный(precious) lives. She thought back to how Victor used to be her boy, a mamma's boy.

Axel used to love to call her "gwanma". She missed hearing those words from Axel's mouth. And now she realized that she will never be able to hear his sweet voice calling out to her, asking her to make his favorite cookies.

On the other side she saw Lara crying in the arms of Demitri and him holding her and trying to console her.

'Lara Antonov' had met Demitri when she was just 25. Their marriage was not a one of Love but they were bonded with contracts formed by both of their father's. During their 1st year of marriage Demitri used to be very busy at work. He used to come home late and used to leave early. It was Victor who told her to talk to Demitri make some ground rules and try to be happy. Without his support Lara couldn't have thought of her and Demitri coming so far.

She was there when Andy left Victor, she knew that he didn't love her but Andy's was still his wife and his child's mother. She saw how worried he used to be regarding Axel. He was both Axel's Mother and Father.

And then Axel, he was so small when his mother left him.

She then regarded Axel as her son treated him no different from her own son Rowan. She abundantly loved both her son and when Lev came she distributed her time and love equally among her sons, her three sons.

Hearing the death of her шурин(brother-in-law) and Axel she couldn't take it. She had always considered Victor to be her younger brother and Axel to be her son. The fact that Axel was dead was something she couldn't believe. The same boy who she used to feed, bath, carry in her arms and love was now dead. She cried and cried in her husband's arms. Nothing could be compared to the loss of a child.

'Caesar Antonov' saw his мать(mother) and золовка(sister-in-law) crying, grieving for the loss of their loved once. But he knew that they must be told about HER. He looked at his father and brother and tried to convey to them what he was thinking about. He saw his father nod, confirming his trail of thoughts.

He heard his father say " дорогой(sweetheart),Lara there is one more thing you must know about. When Victor and Axel went to Mexico you know they met . What happened is that he-he.. I mean to say that we.. I mean you.."

Caesar had never seen his отец(father) stutter before. So he looked at them with a huge smile and told them that "Victor has a daughter, and she is alive ма (ma)."

I don't know if you guys have noticed but I have changed the book cover for this book. The original one is on the top of this chapter. If you liked the first one compared to the one now please comment.

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