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Berlin, Germany

If it was silence that occupied the estate previously then now there was no sound of even a pin falling.

Every one of the German mafia already knew that the intruder in the estate was none other than Mafia Princess Audrey.

And the Russians who didn't know also realized as soon as they saw her. She was an exact replica of her father. Her features completely resembled Victor Antonov.

'Igor Antonov' was frozen. He couldn't believe his eyes. His only granddaughter was standing only a few feet away from him. The girl he was dying to meet since the day he had seen her picture was now in front of his eyes.

The picture of hers he had seen in his office couldn't compare to the feeling of seeing her in front of his eyes. Seeing her in front of him felt as if he had seen everything.

She looked like a mini replica of his son.

She looked absolutely precious, just like a diamond that needs to be stored very safely.

Just by looking at her Igor understood that he would anything and everything for her.

'Demitri Antonov' had two sons but no daughter. He always wished for a daughter but he wasn't very fortunate.

But looking at the precious soul in front of him he felt like his dream come true.

He felt the responsibility of being a girl's father just by looking at her.

He knew from that moment on wards she would always hold an important string to his heart.

He could feel it, she would always be a very big parts of their lives.

'Caesar Antonov' was a single-pringle. He was always considered himself being a self-content man. He was a very joyful soul. He loved all three of his nephews.

Now when he realized that he also had a niece he was unable to comprehend how to react.

He didn't know how to handle a baby girl. With his nephews he could play remote control games and talk about football, but he didn't know how to react with a small girl.

Caesar was very disturbed. He didn't know whether to happy for the fact that he has niece or be sad that he doesn't know how to bond with her.

All the Antonovs were frozen in their places. All had different things rounding up in their heads and the 2 common ones were AUDREY and LOVE.

What they all felt for her was beyond imaginable.

And now they had there last motive which was TO BRING AUDREY BACK.

"Arnold Wolff" could see how the Antonovs behaved as soon as they saw Audrey. He knew they wouldn't go without her. And he knew that he wouldn't let go of her at least not before trying.

They had already killed his daughter, he wouldn't let them take his granddaughter from him too.

He would fight and that too till the end. The Antonovs will never be able to take his granddaughter away from him. He made that promise to himself.

"Gunther Wolff" was tensed. He knew a war between the Germans and the Russians would only result in bloodshed. And to avoid it they would have to give Audrey back to them, which was absolutely not possible.

Even with the small time they had spent their time together, Gunther was in love with his niece. He had never ever seen any kind soul such as her.

He couldn't fulfill the promise he made to his sister, to always protect her. But he swore the day he saw his niece, he would die before he would let any harm befall on her.

And if it was war what the Italians want then WAR they will get.

"Adelaide Wolff" ran after Audrey. Adelaide couldn't believe what just happened in the span of 2 mins.

One second Audrey was walking with her son, Alessio the other second she went darting across the room.

Adelaide panicked completely. There was a WAR brewing in the estate and if anything happened to Audrey, Adelaide wouldn't be able to forgive herself. Ever.

Adelaide kept following the sound of Audrey's footsteps.

She faintly heard the sound of Audrey screaming her husband's name.

Adelaide immediately got horrified and reached the estate.

While assessing the situation she realized each and every guns in the estate were pointed towards the center, where Audrey was standing.

She was extremely frightened for Audrey's live and she screamed,


Helloooooo my dear loves, Chapter 9 is up.

It's the 2nd update in this week and also the 2nd update of the day.

This chapter is dedicated to my mother🥰🥰, she has been my guide and support all throughout🌎🌎.

Stay tuned for the further updates and DO NOT forget to add this book to your Library if you like it.😊

And Please Vote and Comment if you like this chapter!😊╰(*°▽°*)╯

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