The town to the northwest

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It wasn't that hard, catching up to Tanjiro, he didn't have that much of a head start after all, the trouble was finding a way to express your desire to join him without sounding like a creepy grifter. You found a way, but it was so forced you'd rather not say what it was out of embarrassment. He was understandably suspicious of a complete stranger following him, but despite that he let you follow him. Even harder was understanding what he was doing after getting to the town. Kazumi, someone you met after arriving and claims his fiancee vanished the previous night, had brought you to the place he says she dissapeared.

Kazumi: This is where Satoko vanished, but you probably don't believe me.

Tanjiro: *looks Kazumi dead in the eyes* I do believe you.

You and Kazumi watched as Tanjiro got down on all fours and began literally sniffing out the demon.

Kazumi: What is he doing?

Kojiro: I have no idea.

For the rest of the day you and Kazumi followed Tanjiro throughout the town, both still bewildered by his behavior. As the sun hung low on the horizon Kazumi spoke up again.

Kazumi: *pleading* I want you to believe me, she really did just vanish.

Once again, Tanjiro looked him in the eye.

Tanjiro: I know. That's why I came here, so I could stop this.

His words sparked something within you. Now you understood, at least partially, why he joined the Demon Slayer corps. Now your reason for following him had changed, before you were doing it out of curiosity, wishing to meet him and see the water breathing technique in action, but now you felt a desire to help.

Kojiro: Don't worry Kazumi-San. We aren't here to persecute you further.

Tanjiro continued his search into the night, you and Kazumi still following close behind.

Kazumi: Are you really going to keep going?

Tanjiro: *bluntly* Yes.

Kazumi: Come on, it's getting late. I'm flattered that you're so concerned about this, but shouldn't you rest? Maybe pick it up in the morning?

Kojiro: Demons are only active at night. Resting now would be counterproductive.

Tanjiro: *kneels, still sniffing around then looks in a direction* Got something, there's a new scent in the area. It shouldn't be long now.

A realization suddenly dawns on Kazumi, but before he can ask anything Tanjiro suddenly bolts upright and runs off, you stood there for a second, taking a moment to process what just transpired, before quickly running after him. When you finally caught up to him you saw him holding an unconscious girl in his arms and the demon half submerged in the ground, making an ungodly scratching noise with its teeth.

Kojiro: *grimaces, unsheathing laundry drying pole* That noise is awful!

You punctuated the sentence by lunging toward the demon.

[Scene end]

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