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'I'm so sorry Serena, there are no flights going out or in of Kalos. Something about Team Flare resurfacing for a bit?' Shauna said on the videophone. 'I tried so hard, but the receptionist said it would be at least a week. I'm so sorry.'

Serena smiled. 'It's okay Shauna! I guess I'll stay in Hoenn for a bit longer. But you did so well in the Master Class!'

Shauna looked down, and a frown appeared on her face. 'Thank you. Ivysaur and Flabébé did so well.' she said in a small voice. 'But you and Sylveon did amazing! That's your third ribbon right?'

'Oh yes!' Serena said. She took the case containing her ribbons, the turquoise Morpoint City ribbon, the pink Rustboro City ribbon, and the orange Verdanturf Town ribbon. 'Only two more to go!'

'I saw on a TV show that you got a new pokémon. Can I see it?' Shauna asked.

Serena nodded. 'Of course! Swablu!' Swablu flew over, after playing (which was flying around confusing the poor Chansey) with Nurse Joy's assistant, and landed on Serena's head.

'It's a shiny pokémon isn't it?' Shauna asked.

'It is!' replied Serena. 'You want a poképuff Swablu?' Serena held up one of her treats for Swablu, who gobbled it up heartedly.

Shauna watched Serena and Swablu bonding. 'You two are so close! But Serena, when are you going to Alola?'

'Well now that now you can't be there for another week, I might do one more contest.' Serena said.

'Okay then, I'll be training so I can become the Alolan Queen!' She yawned. 'I might go to bed now, night Serena.'

Serena yawned too, as it was dark in Hoenn. 'Sleep well Shauna! Goodnight!'

She went to the sleeping quarters, sent out her pokémon, and promptly fell asleep.


Vines. Red vines. Vines growing and thrashing everywhere. Serena felt fear swirl around her body. Was she back in Kalos? And was she alone?

Ash. Bonnie. Clemont. Braixen. Pancham. Sylveon. Where were they? She felt a hand grab hers, and grasp it tightly. She looked. It was Ash. Behind him were Clemont, Bonnie, and all their pokémon.

All the pokémon. Except one. Squishy. Where was it?

Zygarde, with a glowing red aura, came slithering towards them, with Lysandre standing on top of its head.

'Now Zygarde! Rid the world of these little rats and start a new world!'

Vines. More vines. They hammered at Serena and her friends. The pokémon were trying to get rid of the vines, but to no avail. She felt hands pushing her away, and a hand grasping hers. Bonnie.

Ash. Clemont. They were still under the vines, about to get crushed. Ash yelled out one word, 'Go.'

A huge vine came down. On top of Ash, Clemont, and all their pokémon.

'Ash!' Serena screamed. 


Serena woke with a jolt. She remembered her dream, and started to cry. Her pokémon woke up, and with comforting cries, let Serena grip into their fur, and sob. 'I – I thought I'd – I'd l-lost you.' Her pokémon made sad cries, and slowly Serena relaxed, falling asleep to the soft breathing of Swablu by her face.

Hey. I'm on holidays now! WOOT WOOT. But today we hit a HUGE milestone. 5000 READS! I want to thank you guys so so so much, your support means so much to me and I thank you guys so much. Thank you so much for voting and commenting, it makes me so happy when I can read your opinions about the QOTD, or sometimes snide remarks about the story. If I could hug each and everyone of you, I would. Sending digital hugs your way <3

QOTD: What is your favourite Kalos pokémon? Mine's Sylveon, I love the fairy type, being able to conquer dragons, and Sylveon is amazing in the anime, so I love it. I'm planning to use one in my X playthrough, when I can get an Eevee.

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

Hannah <3

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