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Serena, Crystal and Hannah were looking in the markets when Crystal's friend, Roselyn, came running up to them.

'Crystal!' She said. 'Can we have a battle? I forgot to ask you in the pokécenter!'

'Sure!' Crystal replied excitedly. '3 versus 3?'

Rose nodded. 'I won't lose.' She said playfully.

'That's odd, because I won't either!' Crystal replied.

They went back to the pokémon center to the battle field, Serena and Hannah following. Swablu chirped above them happily.

'Okay Vulpix, it's our first battle together! Let's win!' She threw a great ball, and a Vulpix appeared.

Crystal threw a pokéball, and her Umbreon appeared. 'Umbreon? Are you ready to win? I know I am!' Umbreon made a determined cry, and ran to face Vulpix. In Crystal's pocket, Sylveon burst out, and gave an encouraging cry for Umbreon. The dark type looked back at Sylveon, and gave a grin.

'Vulpix, Fire Spin!' Vulpix produced a tornado made of fire, which Umbreon neatly dodged by jumping.

Sylveon made another encouraging cry. 'Nice dodge, Umbreon! Now, Shadow Ball!' Umbreon produced a dark purple ball, which swirled, and hit Vulpix.

'You okay Vulpix?' The fire type stood up and shook the remnants of the attack off. 'Extrasensory!' Realizing what she said, she yelled, 'Wait no!' But it was too late. Vulpix had already closed her eyes, and sent a pink wave to hit Umbreon.

'Why did she try to stop Vulpix?' Serena whispered to Hannah.

Her friend had her eyes trained on the battle, but whispered back to Serena. 'Pyschic type moves don't effect dark types.' Umbreon hadn't flinched when the pink wave went to hit it. It passed through Umbreon.

'Dark Pulse!' Crystal yelled. Umbreon made a dark ball and flung it to Vulpix, and when it made contact, the fire type fainted, swirls in its eyes.

'Oops that's my cue.' Hannah said to Serena, who giggled. 'Vulpix is unable to battle!'

Roselyn summoned Vulpix back into her great ball. 'You did well, Vulpix. Let Glaceon and Gardevoir do the rest.' She threw a pokéball, and a Glaceon appeared. 'Let's start off with Attract!' The ice type batted her eyes, and hearts appeared around Umbreon, making the dark type fall in love with Glaceon.

'I don't think Sylveon is too happy about that.' Hannah said to Serena. The fairy type looked extremely mad with the Glaceon, and started to bark at Crystal to let her take Umbreon's place.

Crystal looked confused. 'Okay Sylveon. Umbreon, return!' She summoned Umbreon back into his pokéball, and Sylveon leapt into the field, determinded to beat (the s*** out of) Glaceon. 'Moonblast!' Sylveon produced a pink glowing ball, and flung it to hit the ice type.

'You okay Glaceon?' Rose said, worried for her pokémon. 'Ice Shard!' Glaceon produced a huge, glittering, chunk of ice to hit Sylveon.

'Quick Sylveon! Swift!' Sylveon swiped her tail, and stars flung out to hit the Ice Shard. The ice broke into pieces, and hit both pokémon. 'Let's get some health back! Draining Kiss!'

Sylveon ran into Glaceon, and planted a kiss on the ice type's cheek. Glaceon weaked, and Sylveon seemed healthier.

'I see your strategy hasn't changed Crystal.' Roselyn smirked. 'Using an attacking healing move? Hasn't changed since our first battle.'

Crystal nodded in agreement. 'Hasn't changed in three years.'

'For Arceus' sake, carry on with the battle!' Hannah yelled. Serena laughed.

Roselyn laughed with Serena. 'Is she always like this?'

'Yes.' Crystal and Serena said. Hannah looked miffed.

Before she could reply, Rose quickly asked her Glaceon to use Icy Wind. The glittering gust hit Sylveon.

'Hidden Power!' Sylveon produced a green glowing orb, and flung it to hit Glaceon. It missed, the ice type jumping nimbly over it.

'Why was the Hidden Power green?' Serena asked Hannah. 'Braixen's is silver.'

Hannah still looked a little annoyed but answered Serena. 'It's because the move Hidden Power changes the type depending on the pokémon.' She said. 'Sylveon's Hidden Power will be either Bug or Grass, and Braixen's would be Steel.' (I know they are all the same even with different types I don't care)

'That's a very useful move then.' Serena stated. 'Your opponent would never know what type it will be.'

Her friend nodded in agreement.

'Icy Wind!' Rose commanded her Glaceon. The sparkling wind hit Sylveon.

Sylveon looked like there was fire in her pink eyes. 'That's the spirit Sylveon! Now, finish it with Moonblast!' Sylveon let out a angry cry, and produced a pink ball of light, and threw it to Glaceon.

'Counter with Ice Shard!' A glittering chunk of ice pierced the Moonblast, and the chunks of ice, and pieces of pink hit both of the pokémon.

Glaceon had fainted, and Sylveon had just barely held on, muscules quivering, and patches of dirt clung to her fur.

'Glaceon is unable to battle!' Hannah got up and yelled.

Rose winced. 'Ugh. You've gotten better.' She summoned Glaceon into her pokéball. 'Come on out Gardevoir! Let's do this!' A Gardevoir appeared with a bracelet on the fairy type's wrist.

'So your Kirlia evolved when I was gone.' Crystal noted.

Hannah was looking at the Gardevoir. 'Is that – is that a mega stone?' She mumbled.

'I think it is!' Serena said. It was a green, pink and white stone on a silver chain. 'That's the same stone that Diantha's Gardevoir had!'

The brunette looked at her with disbelief. 'You met Diantha? Do you get to do interesting things just because you travel with Ash?'

'Okay Gardevoir.' Rose said, taking Serena's attention away from Hannah. 'Show Crystal our bond! Mega evolve!' She flipped a lid on a bracelet she wore that matched Gardevoir, to reveal a key stone, sparkling in rainbow colours. She touched it, and silver threads connected the two stones, and when they joined, they turned gold. Gardevoir turned into her mega form.

Crystal looked shocked. 'You found a megastone and a keystone?'

'Yup.' Rose said, grinning.

'Let's get this started then. Sylveon, Draining Kiss!' Sylveon ran in to kiss Gardevoir, when it easily avoided.

Gardevoir and Rose made eye contact. 'Thunderbolt!' Gardevoir generated electicity with her hands and sent it to hit Sylveon, who fainted.

'Sylveon!' Crystal cried. 'Oh no.' She put Sylveon back into her pokéball, and sent out Umbreon. 'Okay Umbreon,' she said, kneeling down to her pokémon, 'I know you can do it!'

Serena and Hannah were concerned for Umbreon. 'Gardevoir has the type advantage.' Hannah mumured.

'Shadow Ball!' Crystal said. Umbreon made a dark purple ball and flung it to Gardevoir. It made contact.

'Moonblast!' Roselyn yelled. Gardevoir made a pink glowing ball, and sent it flying to hit Umbreon. As it made contact, Umbreon fainted.

Serena and Hannah gasped. Crystal stopped. 'Oh. I see.' She said. 'Kirlia, I choose you!' After Umbreon returned to her, Crystal sent out her Kirlia.

'Time to battle with the Ralts we got together long ago.' Roselyn said.

Serena looked at Hannah. 'They got their Ralts together?'

'Must have. I'm thinking something...' Hannah trailed off.

The battle was in full force, each evolution of Ralts doing strong attacks.

'Gardevoir, Thunderbolt!' Gardevoir sent a bolt of electricity to hit Kirlia.

It looked like Kirlia was going to faint. 'Kirlia!' Crystal screamed.

When the smoke cleared, Kirlia wasn't there. Instead, a glowing figure had taken the psychic pokémon's place. Crystal looked shocked.

'I knew it!' Hannah screamed with pride. 'Kirlia's evolving!'

Crystal looked at Hannah. 'Hannah's right for once!' Hannah spluttered. 'Kirlia, wait no, Gardevoir!'

There was now a Gardevoir in Kirlia's place.

'I must say,' Rose said, 'I think this was an appropiate time for Kirlia to evolve.'

Crystal nodded. 'Against you, my rival since the very beginning when we caught our Ralts together? When we battled for the first time? When I told you my dream of being a co-ordinator, with my Ralts by my side? Yeah, it's perfect.' She said. 'Gardevoir, Heal Pulse!' Sparkles appeared around Gardevoir, meaning the pokémon was healed.

'Thunderbolt again!' Rose shouted. Her Gardevoir generated electricity with her hands, and sent a bolt to hit Crystal's Gardevoir.

'Psychic!' cried Crystal. 'Bend that Thunderbolt!' Gardevoir's eyes glowed blue, and a blue aura surrounded the Thunderbolt. It bent back on itself and hit the Gardevoir. In a low voice, she said to Gardevoir, 'Future Sight.' The fairy pokémon closed her eyes.

Serena could see that Roselyn's Gardevoir was getting tired, while Crystal's was perfectly fine. Even though with the mega evolution, Roselyn and her Gardevoir were no match for Crystal and her Gardevoir.


'Magical Leaf!'

The leaves and the pink orb collided, making the leaves have a pink sheen to them. They flew at both Gardevoirs.

Both of the girls shouted for their pokémon. Rose's Gardevoir's mega fell, and she flopped to the ground, swirls for eyes.

'Gardevoir is unable to battle, which means the winner is Crystal!' Hannah said.

Crystal came running on the field to hug Gardevoir. 'We won! And you evolved!'

'Congratulations.' Rose said, after she put Gardevoir into her pokéball. 'You too Gardevoir. It's been a while since you have beaten me.'

'True.' Crystal said. She then gave her friend a hug, then looked away in embarassment as her stomach rumbled. 'Battling gets you hungry, okay?' She said, after Roselyn, Hannah, and Serena burst into laughter.

Serena quickly stopped laughing. It took Hannah and Rose a bit longer to stop, but after they did, Serena said, 'Let's go eat!'

ded. i'm ded. too long. so long that i'm ded. Okay so yeah, it wasn't meant to be this long, and only one thing really important happened. Pshhh whatever it was fun to write


QOTD: What is your favourite Johto pokémon? Mine is Ampharos, it's cute, I love its mega, yeah I like it.

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

Hannah <3

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