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A/N: I'm sorry for the lack of updates. My life has been pretty hectic and complicated from school stress, family, financial, and friends problems, and just life. But thank you for waiting. Unfortunately this is a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.


3rd Person P.O.V. (w/Adrien)

They walked to this cafe Adrien had been dying to try out. It was, Cafe Du Destin or something like that. It opened a few weeks ago, so naturally, buisness was slow for them.

They walked in and sat at a table. Lila was looking at her phone, so there wasn't much conversation. He sighed. Man, a date with Lila. The girl of my dreams. What should I do now? 

As Adrien was mentally freaking out, he didn't notice Lila waving her hand in his face, trying to get his attention, until she tapped him on the shoulder.

"Adrien?" She said.

"AH!" Adrien yelped out of shock. 

She smiled and started giggling. "I knew you liked me, but I never thought you'd be scared of my touch."

Adrien regained his composure, and sighed. "Sorry Lila, I'm just nervous."

"It's okay. I'm quite nervous myself. I've been on many dates in Italy, but all of my relationships ended after a few weeks, due to me or them either losing interest, and because of job related reasons." Lila sighed.

"What did you work as and for?" Adrien asked, curious, and trying to keep the conversation going.

"T-the job was unimportant." Lila quickly said. "But it was for savings. I want to go to a college in Italy." 

"Cool." Adrien said.

There was another few moments of silence, until Adrien decided to break it.

"Uh, do you want to order anything?" Adrien asked. 

"Oh! Get me a caramel mocha expresso, skim milk, decaf, with a hint of mint, no ice." Lila told him, looking at her phone again. 

A/N: Do those exist? I don't get anything but frappachinos, so at this point, I made it up

"Okay." Adrien answered, walking up towards the counter.

An old man was standing behind the counter, smiling. "Hello young man. Welcome to Cafe Du Destin. What would you like?"

"A caramel mocha expresso, skim milk, decaf, with a bit of mint, and no ice." Adrien answered, hoping he got Lila's order correct.

"Ah, okay. Is that all?" The man asked, writing everything down on a piece of paper.

He looked at the options on the list.

A/N: Author searches 'a healthy drink from starbucks for models like Adrien' on Google and decides on a combination of a grande iced coffee with coconut milk and a grande cappachino with almond milk (frick, these are fancy)

"I'll get a grande latte with coconut and almond milk." Adrien said, giving the man the money.

The man walks away, and just as Adrien was about to go back to his table, the man comes back.

"Here you go." The man hands him the caramel expresso. "I will get your other order later."

Adrien takes the drink and walks back to Lila. 

"Thank you." Lila answers without looking up from her phone.

Adrien sighed, disappointed in himself. If he liked her so much, why couldnt he carry out a conversation.

Walking back to the counter, he saw a girl midnight blue hair. Her back was facing him, so he couldnt see who it was. 

She seems familiar. Adrien thought. He could have figured it out, if his mind hadn't been freaking out about his date. 

He stood at the counter, waiting for his latte, as the girl finished ordering.

"2 glasses of milk and a few cookies, please." He heard her say.

"Okay." The man wrote down and walked away, which Adrien assumed, was to make his and her orders.

They waited a few minutes, until the man came back up to them.

"I'm sorry, but we seem to be having some trouble. Please take a seat over there." The man pointed to two chairs near the counter. "As we try and deal with this. Thank you for your patience. If you need anything, my name is Master Fu."

The man walked back, and Adrien and the girl sat in the seats. He didnt see her face, because her back was facing him the whole time, until she sat down, seats across form each other.

It was none other than Dupain-Cheng.

"Marinette." Hate laced his voice.

"Adrien." She responded, cold and flat.

"What are you doing here?" Adrien asked her, growling a little.

"I'm hanging out with Alya." She scoffed.

"Don't you scoff at me, you bitch." He answered, angerly. "You should be crying right now for what you did to me."

She froze, tensed. Realizing what she had said and who she said it to. Her voice shriveled up again and came as a cracked whisper. "Sorry."

"Ugh." He groaned. 

They waited, Adrien doing nothing because it was a public setting, but giving Marinette glares.

Marinette put her head down as she waited, feeling Adrien's eyes on her, sending her glares.

Marinette put her head up and opened her mouth, "Adrien." She took his hand into her own.

Adrien was shocked for a few seconds, not comprehending what was happening.

"You don't control me anymore." She said, squeezing his hand. "You set me free from the promise, and that's how it's going to stay. You can hurt me, but that doesn't mean I will cower before you. That doesn't mean you have anything against me anymore."

Shocked to hear he say those words, he sat there in silence.

After a few seconds, anger grew inside of him, he stood up. How dare she tell him that?

"How dare you tell me that?! My life is shit because of you and-"

"BUT DON'T YOU HAVE LILA BACK?! WHY ARE YOU STILL MAD AT ME WHEN SHE'S BACK AND YOU'RE DATING?!" She exclaimed, standing up, catching a few people's attentions, but they ultimately just ignored it. She was breathing heavy. "Why? You have her back. There's no reason you control me anymore. I won't tell a soul about what you do, but leave me alone. I know I deserve to be hurt, and you can hurt me, but you can't get mad and try to ruin me when I do get happy."

Confused, Adrien replied, "What?"

"You can hurt me, yes, I deserve it, but you can't ruin every moment I get to be happy, okay?" She said.

Adrien looked into her bluebell eyes and saw something he hadn't seen in a long while, determination.

"Adrien!" She yelled, as she fell down from the monkey bars.

"I told you, you couldn't do it." Adrien teased. "Please stop trying, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't stop until I finish it!" She looked at him. "I will be able to do the monkey bars, just watch me."

"Oh yeah?" Adrien challenged.

"Just you wait...." Marinette smiled.

Adrien saw a light spark in her eyes, determination.

"Okay, then I'll help you." Adrien laughed

Adrien shook his head at the memory. He shouldn't think about that now.

"Adrien?!" a voice called out to him.

They both looked to see Lila, standing with tears in her eyes.

"I knew you still liked her." She responded, wiping the tears.

"What?!" Adrien exclaimed, finally looking at the position him and Mari were in.

They were both standing, Mari's hand holding his, and from the looks of what she saw, they were staring at each other.

Marinette quickly jerked her hand back, but it was too late.

Alya came in a few seconds after Lila and ran to Mari's side.

"Lila! Let me explain." Adrien pleaded.

"There's nothing to explain." She said, walking away.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Adrien yelled at Marinette, then running to get Lila, who was out of the Cafe.

"It's all my fault, Alya." Mari said to Alya, as she sat in the chair and cried as Alya hugged her.




But it did drive the plot somewhere, creating conflict between Lila, Adrien, and Marinette.

Oh, and I should probably tell you what happened with Mari and Alya.

It's just a quick little thing, not really much:


They entered the cafe and Alya pulled Mari towards the nearest table.

"Spill the beans gurl." Alya said, holding Marinette's hand. "I want to help you."

Marinette sighed, she knew Alya wouldn't stop until she knew. She was about to tell the story, until Alya examined Marinette.

"What?" Marinette asked, feeling a bit self-concious of Alya's eyes.

"I'll get something to eat first. Something quick and simple." Alya sighed.

"No, it's fine." Marinette smiled.

"Mari, you look like you're starving. I am going to get you something to eat!" Alya said.

"Fine, but I'll get it." Marinette said.

Alya sighed. If that was Marinette's condition for her to eat, then so be it. 

"Okay, but I'm paying." Alya smiled.

Marinette giggled. "Of course you are."

Alya exclaimed, "Hey! That was your plan all along."

Marinette smiled, "Maybe."

" So, 2 glasses of milk and cookies?" Mari asked.

"Yes." Alya said, giving Marinette the money.

Marinette went up to the counter and felt the presence of another behind her, but thought nothing of it. 

She saw an old man behind the counter.

"Hi!" She said.

"Hello to you too. What would you like today?" The man responded, a smile on his face.

"2 glasses of milk and a few cookies, please."

And the story carries out from there.

I hope you enjoyed!

Maybe if I can, I might get another chapter out.

I'm sorry for the wait, and that you might have to suffer another one.

I'm trying and I hope you enjoy the story.

Au Revoir!


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