Chapter ten: On The Move

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I awoke to the sound of metal being dragged and wheels turning, shooting awake I looked around to see a smirking Undyne standing above me.

"Well well Well, looks like I found you a lot sooner then I wanted thanks to some useful folk in town, come with me quietly and I won't have to use these chains that I know for a fact have been enchanted to hurt those who try to escape, after that nasty gash I gave ya I don't think you should chance it," Undyne chuckled, I growled softly to myself before shooting up with my dagger giving her a nasty cut across her right eye.

"Don't fuck with me Undyne, I have far more magic and power then you realise," I spat, holding her eye she gave a shriek of anger and charged swinging her sword. I quickly dodged and felt my bones shifting without command, being distracted got me smacked against a wall which pushed me over the edge. Shrieking in pain my bones broke and grew turning me into a beast I hated seeing, the roof broke at the size I grew too and Undyne cowered away in fear. Giving a mighty roar I blasted blue flames around the building, seeing Gaster hiding I picked him up with my talons and took off into the air. My wound from before was bleeding again and the gauze was long ripped which made me growl in annoyance, flying with this wound made my HP drop significantly which made me very concerned. Finding a somewhat decent spot I collapsed out of exhaustion and pain, Gaster began to use what things he had to try and fix me. Shifting back would completely kill me so I was forced to stay in this ugly form until I healed, using very little magic I went to work healing my wound while Gaster tried to help. Poor guy couldn't heal unlike the brothers and I, feeling the wound close up slightly I let my head flop feeling completely exhausted.

"You should get some rest Atari, you need it after that........ oh my god Atari your HP is too low for comfort we need to get you medical attention stat!" Gaster panicked, I watched as he began to pace trying to figure out where he could take a large and strange dragon for help when the whole underground wanted us captured. Rolling my eyes I gave a sigh and continued to watch him pace, my eyes began to glow and so did my soul which made me rather confused until I saw Sans standing nearby. How he got here so fast was beyond me but he was leaning against a tree just watching us, growling I lifted my head to look at him.

"If ya think I'm here to rat you out then think otherwise, I just want to know why I find you both so familiar," he shrugged looking up at the large caverns ceiling, the underground didn't have a sky which made things confusing since it was rather bright.

"You find me familiar because I was the one who created you Sans or should I say Subject 1-S, if I remember correctly you tried to kill me by pushing me into the core which to my surprise only just kept me alive, after a few months of searching I found Atari here or Subject 3-A and so far she has proved to be the successful one of my subjects," Gaster explained before I could open my mouth, Sans just stared at us.

"That makes sense but why is Atari a god damn dragon!?" Sans raised his voice towards the last part, growling I tried to stand but collapsed again causing Gaster to rush to my side to make sure my wound didn't open again.

"I'm not sure how she got this ability since she was created in a similar way to you Sans, the only difference is I used the DNA of a skeleton who died many many years ago, this probably affected her gender as well which makes sense, now if you must keep watching us you may as well help heal her wound before her HP levels drop too low causing her to go into a coma like state where if they drop any further she will turn to dust," Gaster grumbled towards the last part, Sans having heard enough walked over and pressed a hand to my wound. I felt a soft flow of magic coming from his hand as he stared at my wound, resting my head I gave a sigh earning a strange look from him. Is that hatred or is that sympathy? I wondered to myself, shrugging it off I laid there looking out into the distance. Soon enough I felt the flow of magic stop causing me to look over to see my wound healed, I gave it a sniff and surely enough I was good as new.

"Well I better go before Undyne has my head, anyways cya I guess," Sans shrugged walking away, I thought over my options before speaking.

"Thank you Sans," I whispered, Sans froze for a few seconds before shrugging.

"It was nothing Atari," Sans chuckled before vanishing into thin air, I allowed my head to rest on the ground thinking about what just happened. Did Sans really just show sympathy? Or was that an emotion I've never seen before? I wondered looking at where my wound used to be, I shook my head as we weren't meant to feel emotions.

"Well That was unexpected," Gaster pointed out mostly to himself, I gave a sigh.

"It was, I wonder why he even bothered helping us," I mumbled, Gaster overheard me but only just and he nodded.

"Well get some rest, I doubt Undyne will follow us anytime soon after you almost melted down her whole squad," Gaster chuckled, I couldn't hold back my chuckle before I rested my head again. I closed my eyes thinking over what happened today, it was odd and I'm not sure why but when Sans touched my soul I felt it almost skip a beat and I'm sure he did too.

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