Chapter three: strange events

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I awoke attached to a machine, I noticed that a few things had changed but I was back to my normal self. I noticed the doctor moving back and forth working on a few things, sitting up I looked around. I hadn't been in here before I don't think, I guessed it had been a few days if I was attached to a machine keeping my soul healthy.

"D-Doctor?" I called out softly, he turned to look at me and I caught a glimpse of relief on his face.

"Subject 3-A I see you finally woke up," he acknowledged, I nodded and looked around again.

"How long have I been out?" I questioned, he thought about it for a moment.

"A few weeks maybe a month or so I'm not sure, your soul was fine though but I attached you to this machine to keep you stable just incase, in all honesty I thought I was going to have to scrap your project," he shrugged going back to work, I felt my chest tighten at the word "scrap". I didn't want to die because of a mistake my soul made, I shrugged off and stood up. I pulled the things from my arms and watched the doctor fix a few things, I heard voices down the hall making me confused.

"Ignore the noise Subject 3-A they are not important, but if you desire I guess you could meet them," he grumbled, I nodded.

"Are they skeletons as well?" I questioned as we began to head down the hall towards the noise, he nodded.

"Yes they too are subjects of my work, Subject 1-S is a bit of a problem while Subject 2-P seems to have a bit more obedience," he explained as we arrived at another room holding two skeletons roughly my size, they looked at me confused.

"Subject 1-S And Subject 2-P this is Subject 3-A, I will leave you three to get to know each other," the doctor explained leaving us together in the room, we all looked at each other studying the other.

"H-hi," I said uncomfortably, Subject 2-P walked over smiling and shook my hand.

"Hello there new friend! I'm Subject 2-P and this is my brother Subject 1-S," he greeted, I gave a scared half smile as I backed away a bit.

"Well nice to meet you I guess, anyways what do you guys do?" I questioned, they looked at each other and I saw a strong bond between them making me growl mentally. How could two Subjects get attached like this, we weren't meant to have feelings as the doctor told me.

"We draw and get tested on, the doctor hurts us with those stupid machines, how come you trust him so much?" The smaller of the two sneered, I backed him against a wall.

"I trust him because we aren't meant to feel and he's the only one who actually acknowledges I exist, yes I might be an experiment but that's all we are, your "brother" as you call him is rather silly for being so cheery, that will get him killed and I will tell you this, killing him might be a good choice," I growled at him, this made his eyes narrow and a blue glow began to emit from one of them.

"Don't you dare call him silly and weak! He is far stronger than you are and he believes there is good in everyone which makes him even stronger! Call him weak one more time and I won't hesitate to hurt you!" He snapped, I pulled my head back in disgust before I threw him aside.

"Talk to me like that again brat!" I growled, he stood up and I felt magic begin to stir within the room. Before I could even think both Subject 1-S and I were thrown against seperate sides of the room by a blue magic, we both turned to see the doctor looking rather furious about our fighting.

"Both of you stop this fighting, right now!" He roared, I winced slightly at how angry he was while Subject 1-S only stared at him. Subject 2-P seemed to be frozen to the spot, I growled at how much of a wimp he was.

"With all due respect doctor this short brat started it," I growled staring back at Subject 1-S, he tried to free himself of the magic but he couldn't.

"I don't care who started it! I'm finishing it! Now you two are going to be punished and trust me it won't tickle!" He roared throwing us into the hallway, I didn't even bother screaming when I felt a bone snap but Subject 1-S on the other hand began to cry. I went to stand up but was thrown against the wall again this time screaming when I felt more bones break, this went on for a few minutes before I heard Subject 2-P trying to make the doctor stop.

"Subject 2-P Get Back before I do the same to you!" The doctor growled, I felt the breath knocked out of me as I was dropped to the ground.

"P-please, Th-they didn't mean it, Th-they just need t-time to figure th-things out," Subject 2-P pleaded, I mentally growled since I couldn't make a noise with my broken jaw. This idiot would get himself killed one day, I felt the heavy weight on my chest leave as the doctor grumbled to himself.

"Fine, heal them and I will fix what you can't heal," he growled storming off and leaving us in a room together, I sat up watching as Subject 2-P leant over his brother and began to heal him with a green magic. I began to heal myself starting with my jaw, I didn't even notice Subject 2-P walk over until he began to help me heal myself.

"Don't touch me weakling!" I growled, he ignored me and continued to help me heal myself.

"We all need help sometimes, you just have to see it," he explained his voice high pitched but at the same time soft a caring, I have never felt kindness but I ignored the feeling it gave me.

"Well if you get attached to something and it breaks your world falls apart, you help others and they will backstab you," I grumbled, he yet again ignored me and we all fell asleep with me sleeping by myself and the two brothers curled up together. I wondered why they even felt emotions, I guessed it was because of how they were raised together.

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