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Izuku POV:

'....This is more awkward than I thought it would be.' Today was Saturday and for some reason, I found myself standing in the middle of the city next to Uraraka. She seemed to dress up a bit to confuse me a little. But this wasn't nearly as confusing as the fact she asked me here to begin with.

"What? Got a problem with me wearing girly stuff?" She began blushing while glaring at me with her wearing a bright pink dress with frills and her hair brushed down to be pulled out of her normal bob haircut to reach her shoulders. To be honest, she actually looked...very pretty.

"N-no! I was just thinking of what happened to get us here." I thought back on the incident a few days ago and how we're here right now.

Few days prior

"Wait, what?" Uraraka approached me with what looked like a face ready to kill as she spoke her favor. "You wanna repeat that again, I think my ears are a little deaf?"

"I-I said....d-d-do you wanna...go out...with me this Saturday...." She seemed to struggle to say what she was for it to shock me. "Well...What's your answer!?"

"U-uh...sure. But what about Eri."

"Taken care of." Tenko came over to me with a thumbs up as he gave Eri a small juice box of apple juice to give a similar thumbs up before looking at it with some curiosity.

"....What's the catch? Do I need to wear some kind of quirk suppressant cuffs or something?"

"Do you honestly think I'm that bad of a person to demand that!?"


"Don't even dare to say what you're thinking. Bad choice of words on my end, but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid to sock you if you finish saying that thought." I shut my mouth realizing it was probably for the best that I did. "So. What's your answer."


"Wait, really!?" She seemed surprised at this before becoming curious. "Why did you agree?"

"I uhh...I got into a talk with Rumi recently about relationships and how you're only going to learn about people if you talk with them one on one if they're right for a relationship." Uraraka seemed to have an odd look before shrugging it off.

"Ok then. We'll head out around 10 on Saturday. Fine with you?"


Back to present

We started walking down the sidewalk a bit trying to figure out what to do. "So anything you wanna do?"

"Dunno. Haven't really done something like this. What was it you decided to do with Shiozaki on your date again?" I thought about what I did and kinda figured they might not be the best choice of actions for Uraraka of all people.

"I'm not thinking you'll enjoy going to a book store and stuff like that."

"Hm. Fair point. If that's the case, then how about we head into a shop that catches our eyes." I agreed not thinking it was a problem. We went down the street for a few minutes before noticing an arcade. We decided to head in not having any reason not to. There, we found a couple of old school games that we decided to play. They weren't anything intense per say, but both of us kinda became a little competitive with facing off against one another. However, we noticed what seemed to be one of those old time punching games where you'd hit the punching bag and it rated your force. Uraraka went first to punch it herself to notice it not get as high as she wanted.

"Moderate. Guess that could be about right without quirks."

"Well if you're such a great fighter, then why don't you punch the thing!" I guess I hit a sore spot for her to agree and pull my arm back. When I hit it, I jammed my thumb for Uraraka to roll her eyes. "You don't hold your thumb while punching. You're gonna break it that way. You hold it to the side of your knuckles while using the knuckles connecting your fingers to the palm of your hand as your surface to hit what you want to." I followed her logic to hold my hand the way she said in a fist. I pulled my arm back and punched the punching bag as hard as I could. When it finished, I looked at my score.

"Slightly below moderate. Could be worse."

"Eh. Kinda makes the fact you're a walking Armageddon look stupid."

"And your score doesn't make your raw power attacks that are as strong as All Might's half assed?"

"...True." We decided to head out with this nd notice a movie theater. "Any movie you wanna see?"

"Not so much." I glanced over to see a new horror movie to see it was part of the Saw franchise. I shuttered at it knowing how similar the treatment there was shown to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just, not a fan of one of the movies out." Uraraka glanced at the movie title to smirk at me.

"What's wrong, big bad Midoriya can't do a little blood and gore?"

"Oh, it's the opposite. I can handle it, but I'm more disgusted by how similar I've seen things to try and avoid watching stuff like this."

"Ha! Yeah right. You're probably just chicken shit about seeing scary stuff."

"As I said, I can handle this stuff fine since I'm desensitized to it. I just choose not to because it brings up unpleasant thoughts."

"Hey, we don't have to see it if you don't want to. I'm sure Magical Pony Sparkle Dance has a running going on soon." She egged me on a bit to have a tick mark on my head.

I walked right over to the usher and slammed down the money needed for two tickets. "Two for Saw Revolution!"

"O....kay...." The usher rung me up and gave me the tickets. Once done we went for popcorn and a few drinks to sit in the movie theater for Saw. Once there, we sat in the dead center of the rows to begin watching. Basically, it was exactly what I expected with massive amounts of bloodshed, some guy getting chopped up, some chick having her insides eaten out by rodents. Normal disgusting gore stuff that I'd rather not see more just because I've seen this lived through people. I was sceved, but Uraraka looked like she wanted to hurl.

"Hey, we can always catch Magical Pony Sparkle Dance if this is too much for you." I joked with her for Uraraka to scowl before seeing a guy pulled into a woodchipper and then hurling in the popcorn bucket we had. Finally, the movie ended with us heading out, getting rid of the trash we had and making a B line to the bathroom for Uraraka. She cleaned her mouth off before coming back out looking a little pale still.

"Sorry about that."

"Honestly, I kinda egged you on a bit in the theaters as well, so lets just call us even and pretend this never happened."

"Fair." She didn't look the best for it to worry me a little.

"C'mon. I know a tea shop that's really nice and has a mix that's good for an upset stomach." We walked out of the shop and began heading towards the shop I requested. It was about a 10 minute walk with us opening it up and being greeted by a girl with cow features on her, including the full body fur with the black spots on white.

"Welcome. Two?"

"Yeah. Any chance we can get your one tea mix for an unsettled stomach and a green tea for me if it doesn't make it difficult."

"If you know what you want already, it makes our job a little easier. Right this way please." We were led to a booth where Uraraka sat and we were given food menus. "I'll be back after putting in your drinks. If you need anything else, please let me know." The hostess walked away with me and Uraraka left to look at the menu.

"This place seems nice."

"Yeah. It's one of those spots you need to know someone to understand it's a very nice place." She looked around and understood what I meant. The cafe as a whole was actually hard to find since the outside looked like any other door to apartments or businesses. No actual windows or anything like that to prove this place actually existed. "You want anything to eat while we're here?"

"Let's see then, what do they have." She glanced at the menu with it already being known what I wanted to not even worry about looking. "The steamed dumplings look nice."

"Jirou had them before. She really liked the blend in the meat."

As we finished talking our waitress who had a dog features to look like a hybrid if you crossed a human and a dog together came over to us and smiled. "Hello. I'm Nala. I'll be your waitress today." She placed two teas in front of us and smiled while we gave our orders. I decided to do the spicy udon they do here and Uraraka went with the steamed dumplings. She left with something catching Uraraka's eyes.

"Is it me or are most of these people here mutation type quirk users?"

"Actually, you're right. The person who owns this place comes from the countryside where some people aren't...fond of mutation type quirk users. So as a way to help those in the city and those moving out of the country, he decided to make a place where mutation quirk users can relax and enjoy. Heck, Ashido and Tsu were offered a job here before realizing they were under 18."

"wait, why would it be a problem if they're 18?"

"They sell alcohol here is why. Minors can't work with it or else you can get fined." She understood this before taking a sip of her tea. She enjoyed it a lot for a smile to show up on Uraraka's face. It was weird seeing her smile so happily, but I wasn't complaining over it. Soon enough, our waitress brought our food for us to relax and enjoy our meal. It was actually a nice time. Nothing bad was happening, no reason to hit one another. It just felt like two people enjoying themselves with no reason to not.

Later that evening

The sun began to set with both me and Uraraka heading to a place she liked It was a hill on the outskirts of town that overlooked everything. From what we could tell, the sun was nearly aligned with the city to have it emphasize the outlines of the city in a pleasant way. "This is nice."

"Yeah. It looks nicer in the next five minutes."

I heard this to turn to Uraraka. "What do you mean?"

"When the lights start up with the sunset in the background, it's something that you gotta enjoy." She smiled at this for something to hit me a bit. Uraraka was a nice person. Nicer now than she was when we first met. As the lights started up, they glowed behind her for an amazing image of Uraraka smiling behind several bright lights. I felt my face heat up a bit before looking away. "You good?"

"Y-yeah. Just felt a little overheated is all. Nothing serious." I kept myself from saying anything before the onlookers behind us made too much sound for both Uraraka and I to lose any emotion and look to a bush. "We know you're there. No point hiding." Out of nowhere, Jirou, Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu and Tsu came falling out of the bush with Eri falling on top of them. "Can someone tell me why you've been following us this entire time?"

"Wait, you knew we were following both of you?" Jirou questioned for Uraraka to roll her eyes.

"You think we're that stupid to not realize you're following us. It's kinda hard to miss Er. She's a kid with pale skin, silver hair and a horn sticking out of her head. She really stands out in a crowd."

"Knew we should've put a wig on her." Ashido snapped her fingers in irritation for me to explain another hint they were following us.

"Also, Jirou kinda made it known you were behind us running out of the movie to hurl. Side note, WHERE WAS ERI WHILE YOU WERE IN THE MOVIE!?"

"I helped out with that." Shiozaki came out from the bushes a little ashamed. "I'm not a fan of horror, so I opted to remain out of the theater and watch a kid movie with her."

"We got to see a pony movie about dancing and sparkling rainbows. One of the ponies even was able to dance while wiggling it's butt to us." Eri seemed to find some comfort in her movie with it kinda passing for me since she wasn't shown anything bad.

"Our waiter also greeted Tsu and Ashido knowing them."

"Aww, man. I knew we should've tried to avoid seeing Nala."

"She's a good person, ribbit." I continued scowling at the group as they went pale.

"You still never answered why you chose to do this."

"Well umm...It's sorta...well kinda-"

"It's my fault, daddy." Eri cut Kirishima off while holding her head down. "I wanted to see if what aunty Mina said about you both being lovey dovey was right. You both seem very distant to each other and I just wanted to see if you would be nicer if you were out with each other alone. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything bad from it." She started to tear up a little for Uraraka to go over and hug her.

"It's not your fault, sweetie. You just wanted to be a good person. I don't blame you." Uraraka patted her head before giving everyone else a death glare. "Why did all of you agree to this?"

"To be honest, we were scared you both were gonna fight again." Tsu stated this with hardly any emotion to make both of us feel kinda bad this is how far people thought we'd go alone with our past history. "We just wanted to prevent a problem if one came up."

"That...I can't really blame all of you for."

"Don't justify what they did, Midoriya. That just gives them reason to do it again."

"Maybe, but given our track record, it's not the worst thing." She tried to argue this, but understood we kinda didn't have a leg to stand on. "How about we head home before it gets dark."

"Yeah. Like this place during the sunset, but it's not the greatest place when night comes."

We started heading out with Uraraka taking Eri on her shoulders with her holding her head. "To be honest, this was fun. Might do this again next time. But...let's leave the horror movie out of this."

"As long as you don't tick me off and belittle
my desire not to, we're cool." We walked off with Eri looking at both of us with a confused look.

"Is this what a mommy and daddy should act like?" I blushed at this comment and tried to brush it off feeling at least a little better about what we did and a probably better relationship with Uraraka as a whole.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Ochako are in a better spot in their relationship platonically now with some attraction with them now. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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