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Izuku POV:

After coming home from the whole ordeal with Ryukyu, it was pretty late with everyone in their rooms. "I'm gonna go check on Eri."

"Gotcha. Want something heated up?"

I thought about it for a moment before smiling. "Cup noodle's just fine. I more just wanna go to bed soon." Tsu nodded as I began going up the stairs. Once at Eri's door, I opened it slightly to see Eri in her bed sleeping in a ball. What surprised me though was Uraraka hugging her out cold. 'That's...kinda cute.'

I wanted to take a picture of this, but Uraraka started waking up and glancing at me. "...Why are you in my room?"

"This is Eri's room. You fell asleep wrapped around her." She glanced down to see Eri and pull away. "I think it's adorable you're sleeping with her. It's like you're her mommy." I snickered at this for Uraraka to glare at me. "Alright. I didn't mean to get you mad. C'mon. I think I owe you a thank you."

She followed me out of the room and towards the common space where Tsu was finishing up getting some water hot. She glanced over to notice us walk into the kitchen. "Oh, hey Uraraka. How'd Eri handle today."

"Fine. Until Bakugou began shouting and cursing to almost give her a panic attack. I wanted to kick his ass after this happened and make him eat carpet while apologizing to Eri about insulting Midoriya in front of her."

"Wow...didn't know you had it in you to do something like that." I was a bit surprised and worried after hearing this. "She took her medicine before going to bed, right?"

"She did. Speaking of which, what took you so long to get back?"

I turned away with what happened not something I'd want to get into. "Please don't get me started on that."

"We found another bunker of AFO's that held some kind of monster in it." Tsu placed three things of ramen on the ounter before pouring the water in it. "I didn't get a good enough look at it, but the thing could've easily been 10 feet. Maybe taller. It apparently is also a cannibal."

"...I'm scared to know how you found that one out."

Tsu placed the kettle to the side before I answered. "When we uhh...when we found the remains of what was the first set of cops and pros that went into the underground tunnels, they were umm...eaten to the point we couldn't tell who exactly was who without DNA tests." I grabbed one of the ramen before holding my head down.

"There's going to be a lot of closed caskets for their funerals." I was disgusted this was the case with Uraraka taking a seat across from me at the table.

"But that's not what has you uneasy, is it?" I shook my head no before wanting to get someone else's opinion for what the monster said.

"Shot in the dark with this comment. But if you both had the ability to change the world we're in and shape it in the way you think is best, would you?"

"You mean, like what you've got?" Tsu asked for me to nod. She slurped up a thing of noodles before answering. "Probably not. Yeah, this world has problems and I understand there's things that we need to do right now if we want to make sure everyone's ok, but going dictator isn't going to solve it."

"But how do you know that's not a good thing? Take Eri for example. She fell within the cracks because our society couldn't help her sooner. What right does this society have to say what is and isn't in her case?"

"Midoriya. You're walking on a thin line between sounding like someone worried for the world and a tyrannical dictator." Tsu stopped me while explaining. "Yes. Eri fell within the cracks. That's a terrible thing to have happen no matter who you ask. But, that doesn't mean the system is broken. There will be a decent amount that fail in the system. But does this technically mean the system is broken? Technically, every system no matter what we put in will have someone that loses. It's not the system's fault that it's taking a broad spectrum for people to fall in line. This country's laws and people aren't perfect. You will have mistakes happen. But that doesn't mean the country's wrong in it's methods."

"I...I think it's more where you look and see the problem too." Uraraka spoke up while looking at her noodles. "Whether we like to admit it or not, you'll see the world in a completely different way than me and Tsu because the system failed you already once. Because of that, it's harder for you to understand that this is just an unfortunate incident." She let out a sigh before continuing. "I used to think the fact we allowed someone like you safety in the system our country holds is wrong, but you're just trying to live life without guilt and harming anyone. You've been hurt and it's a deep scar, but let me ask you this. The same system we use today keeps dangerous criminals behind bars. The same system arrested your father and the only reason he's not put to death was because the death sentence was deemed inhumane by our people's standards. So if this is the system you're saying is broken, what part of it specifically is broken and how can we fix it that doesn't cost people free will?"

I couldn't answer it to hold my head down. "Sorry. That was...something that was stuck in my head."

"You're not wrong in thinking the system we have can be better. But unless we specify and give a better suggestion that works better and we know it works better, we just have to wait for a better part to be added." I began eating my food with Uraraka's and Tsu's thoughts making it a little clearer for me.

'If I did go down this route, would that make me a bad guy?' I finished up to head up and check on Eri one final time. I patted her head before she moved her arm to try and pull me next to her and hug me. Not wanting to make her wake up so she'd stop, I kinda accepted this and let myself fall asleep there. 'At least I know you're unable to understand this to make it a little easier.'

The next morning

After waking up and helping Eri with getting her medicine in her, I asked Uraraka to help get her ready for the day with her even picking out a pair of pink overalls with a white and pink stripped shirt underneath it. When ready, we started to head down to at least find nobody in the room other than Jirou and Kirishima.

"Hey, Midoribro. What's up?" Kirishima smiled at us before going down to his knee and holding his hand up for Eri to high five. "How ya doing today Eri?"

She didn't know what to do for me to bend down and smile at her. "He's saying hello and giving you a high five. You pat your hand on his as a way to say hi." She didn't follow this so well as she just slowly moved to his hand and patted it quickly before hiding back behind me. "Sorry. She's still really scared of people."

"To be honest, we didn't give her the best first impression at all with Bakugou and Iida kinda getting into it. That's kinda a little more blame on our end than anything."

"It's not your fault. Most of us really don't hang around children that much to understand there's things we should and shouldn't say. But we should be able to get better at it as we keep going." I turned to Eri and patted her head while smiling. "And we'll keep going one step at a time as long as it takes until we're able to enjoy being around one another."

"That's right, Eri. We're here for you, so don't think we're not going to help how we can." Uraraka knelt down on the other side of Eri for her to glance at the two of us and hug me. I gave her a hug back knowing she's probably extremely happy she's got someone that cares for her on her side.

'Poor girl. I can only assume how messed up she is right now and how much this is a wave of relief on her shoulders.'

"Aww. It kinda looks like you two are her parents." We stopped to turn towards Ashido smirking at us. "But then again, you two are normally at each other's throats, so that's kinda unlikely."

"Midoriya. What does she mean? what's a parent?"

"Well Eri. A parent is someone that protects you. Someone that you trust to raise them and be a role model for yourself to be. If you have a boy parent, they're your daddy and a girl parent is your mommy."

She glanced at me and Uraraka before asking. "So are you and Uraraka my mommy and daddy?" Everyone went dead silent at this before the sound of someone busting out laughing was heard.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS! THE FREAKSHOW AND URARAKA!? THERE'S NO  WAY IN A FUCKING FROZEN OVER SHIT HOLE OF HELL THAT SHIP WOULD EVER FUCKING SAIL!" I glared to see Bakugou busting a gut laughing with the door opening to a specific group I was content walking in to see. "I MEAN, WHAT FUCKING DUMBASS WOULD EVEN WANT TO DATE THIS SHIT RAG OF A-" He was cut off by a blast of energy at his face, followed by a kick to the gut.

"HEY! NOT IN FRONT OF A KID, DUMBASS!" I glanced up at Miruko and Hado who were more than content to shut him up and smile a bit.

"Thank you."

"Tenko mentioned you're watching an ankle biter for me to be curious. Seems she's more timid than I figured." I looked to the side to see Eri hiding behind me when she saw Miruko.

"It's ok, Eri. This is Rumi Usagiyama. But everyone knows her better as the rabbit hero: Miruko. She might come off very scary at first, but she's a very nice lady."

"Hey. What was that about me being scary?" Miruko raised an eyebrow at me before I tried to explain.

"I-I mean scary to her. She's very wary of people and scary, so it's probably better she understands what she finds as a scary person doesn't always man that they're bad people. It's a compliment saying that you're a good person that Eri would be ok being around." 'And also maybe avoid pounding my face in.' I sweated notably with Uraraka doing the same for some reason(wasn't conscious when she was kicked into a wall by Miruko).

"Well...good. Hey, kiddo. You wanna watch some TV with the pig over there while me and your 'mommy' and 'daddy' talk?" Eri glanced at Pork Rinds on the sofa watching an animal documentary on pigs and back at us to nod for her to walk off towards the sofa and sit down. "Alright. So what did she say that made the idiot over there stuck in a wall a laughing mess?"

"Ashido made a joke that me and Midoriya were like her parents with Midoriya explaining what a mom and a dad are for her to ask if we're her parents." Uraraka stated this bluntly for Miruko to look at us and  back at Eri.

"To be honest...I think that might be a good idea."

"Wait, what?" I was kinda shocked this was coming out of Miruko's mouth.

"Let me ask you, Izuku, who do you look at as a female role model?" I thought for a second before glancing at MIruko.

"I guess you out of everyone."

"And you know that you can trust me as someone to go to when you can't with Nezu and Tenko. Now, who do you look at as a male role model?"

"That would probably be either Nezu or Tenko given the situation."

"Exactly. So you understand what you need to be in regards to that. Uraraka. I don't know who you look at as a leading female role model, but I can assume you look at the blond former number 1 as a male role model. So as such, Midoriya knows how to be dependable, and you know how to show strength. Those are two things that kid needs right now. Someone to let her know it's ok now to be not ok and someone to say even if you're not ok, you can be ok."

"Wait, but they hate one another. How is that gonna work?" Kirishima asked for Miruko to look at him.

"It's not a matter of how they'll make it work. It's a matter of how they'll make this work for Eri. Right now, she sees the two of you as two parental figures she really needs. As such, you need to make a type of relationship that is stable at least in her eyes so she knows how to be a proper member of society as she should. Obviously this won't happen overnight and I know you two will without a doubt have more problems that you can't work out. But you'll need to find common ground around Eri. It's not a matter of you two anymore. She plays a part too and no matter what you do, you can't change that."

"Understood." I let out a sigh before turning to Uraraka. "For Eri's sake. Can we at least stay on good grounds while with her? We have problems, but she doesn't belong in them an needs our functioning more than anything right now. If she's no longer in the room and you want to punch me, you're free to do so. Just don't let her see it and...keep it above the belt so if she does come back, I can avoid being leveled."

"Fair deal. But in all honesty, I think I have a little more respect for you now." I raised an eyebrow at her before she walked towards Eri and explain. "The fact someone needs to look at their own heart just to get the solace in knowing they're still human means a lot in my opinion." She sat beside her with the logic sorta shocking me.

'Did...did she see something she wasn't supposed to?'

'Hey, Midoriya. What was she talking about?" Hado began asking me for a bit of a blush to be on my face.

"It''s nothing important. Just something stupid I did that helped me when I was in a bad state. *sigh* Very stupid thing." I went into the kitchen and began making food for me, Uraraka and Eri with the thought of what Eri said about us being her parents. I went red seeing an image of me hugging a pregnant Uraraka and Eri touching her stomach for a kick to have steam come off my head.

"Yo, Izuku. You good?"

"YEP! JUST A LITTLE WARM!" I answered Miruko back a little to fast to try and make breakfast as fast as I could. 'Dammit, Eri. You had to say something messed up like that.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Ochako are going to try and keep a stable 'relationship' when around Eri just so she gets the grounds of what a healthy parental image should look like. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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