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Ochako POV:

I found myself in a dark room with nothing in it. "What the? Am I dreaming?" I walked around it not exactly sure what's going on. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked around understanding this isn't the first time I've been noticing something weird like having self awareness in my dreams. Normally it's when I'm talking with the former users of OFA.

"It's fitting to know this could've been avoided if you did not feel any empathy." I turned around to see the one person I wished to never see again in front of me.

"AFO!" I charged at him to begin attacking. Unfortunately, he kept dodging for me to continually miss. He gave me a solid punch though in my stomach to send me back into something. "That hurt. Huh? Is this water-" I saw my hand to notice what was on it was dark red. My head slowly moved to the side to see something that shook me to my core. Above me, my friends and classmates were all in a pile on the ground in a pool of their own blood. "AAAHHHH!!!" I jumped back in fear as AFO walked closer to me.

"You could've stopped this entirely if you had done what you believed was right. However, you chose to hold a conscience and feel empathy for Izuku Midoriya and these children paid the price. Along with these heroes." Lights came up to show the teachers of UA and a bunch of pro heroes on crucifixes. The more dimented part of this is their eyes looked as if they were mortified. "Shame. So many lives could've been saved if you didn't think so kindly of Midoriya."

I was enraged about what he did. I powered up my quirk as much as possible to charge at him and punch AFO in the face. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO EVERYONE!" The face covering shattered for AFO to fall to the ground. I felt a little satisfied with doing that.

"Mommy..." Ochako heard Eri to look towards the voice to see her tied in a chair with Overhaul behind her. She was crying and looked as if she was in absolute fear over something. "Why...why are you hurting daddy?"

'Daddy?' I turned to AFO to see Midoriya's face under the visor laughing at me.

"Hahahaha. Ahahahahaha!"

"Uraraka. This is a dream." I heard someone I haven't heard in a while to see the first user placing his hand on my shoulder. "Do not fall for this evil. If you do not, you'll go mad with my brother's toxic influence he's trying to imprint on his son."

The area around us turned into a somewhat cosmic area with some seats in front of me. Each was from what I can assume was a past user. One however was a shadowy specter to make some sense to be dad.

"What did I just see? What do you mean I'd go mad if I see the influence of AFO?"

"Easy little lady. We'll explain stuff, but you gotta let us talk." A guy with no hair said this for me to calm down and listen. "To make things simple, what you just saw was what the Midoriya kid regularly sees. AFO had been usin the kid's personal fears of what he could be to his advantage. And the more he falls to the unease and insecurity, the worse that becomes."

My eyes widened a little remembering the failsafe that AFO was talking about. "So how does he stop it?"

"He doesn't. It's stuck in him until the day he dies." Some guy with a hairstyle similar to Bakugou's having his head on the wall not facing us said this for it to confuse me.

"What? Then why are you telling me this if there's no way to stop it!? That shit was fucked up!"

"Easy, Uraraka. I understand what you're mad over, but this is something he needs to handle with help." A woman with long hair said this to make me understand this was dad's teacher. "Midoriya's progression can't be stopped entirely, but if someone were to impede his mindset and hold confidence in his individuality, the implant AFO gave can begin receding. Unfortunately, Midoriya's mindset isn't as stable as you're certain."

I remembered Midoriya's off questions to understand what she meant. "My nephew's stability is...flawed for the best terms. His heart is in the right place, but his mind is not. As such, he can slowly recede to my brother's ideology if he is in the mindset to believe it's the right thing. As such, we are trying to do all we can from within the lingering trace elements we can interact with on this side of his mind."

"Wait, how can you do that? I thought OFA was put within my quirk's matrix. How can you still hold a link with him?"

"It's due to the fact he altered the quirk's matrix." A huge man with what looks like a scar over his eye that looked like a crack said. "Due to him altering the matrix of the quirk, Midoriya unintentionally bonded the quirk to himself, such as how AFO did so when he created the quirk. As such, we discovered ourselves what AFO is doing and wished to help Midoriya. And so, we are hindering the damage done to his psyche on this side. But we can only do so much. We need you to assist on the conscious plane to recede the problem to where it won't alter him."

"Ok. So how do I handle this?" I asked not entirely sure how to do this.

"Just keep doing what you've been doing, girly. You're doing fine on your own." The bald past user points this out with a slim guy that looked a little like a dark hair Best Jeanist explaining more.

"You may not understand it, but you giving more reassurance to him and keeping his mind from thinking too deeply into these thoughts he has that will grow the threat is helping avoid the problem."

"As such, we as a whole suggest you continue to be a person to help him vent and understand the reality of what the ideology of his father and the ideology he should have." I nodded at the first with everything starting to fade to black.

Back in reality

I started waking up in my bed feeling something latch onto my torso. Out of fear someone was trying to do something to me, I slipped the covers to see Eri latched onto my stomach. '*sigh* Just Eri.'

The sudden act I did began to make her move around and get up to look at me. "Morning mommy."

"Morning Eri. Why are you in my bed? Did you have a bad dream?" Eri hugged me and hid her face in my stomach before nodding. I felt bad for her to pat her head. "It's ok. A dream can't hurt you. They're just something scary that are meant to make you scared. But all you need to know is they aren't anything but a bad thought that you just need to pretend didn't happen."

"Ok." I started sitting up with Eri able to pull away. She got on her feet as I got on mine with us going downstairs. I glanced down at Eri who was holding my hand focusing on making sure she doesn't fall down the stairs. "Hey, Eri. What do you think of your daddy?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean do you think he's ok? Do you think he should be better with something? I won't say this to anyone, but I just wanna know."

Eri thought for a second as she stood on a step before answering. "I think daddy needs a hug a lot of times. When I see him in the morning, he looks like he needs to vent."


"Daddy says it's a way that someone can get bad feelings out without hurting someone. When I see him, I think he needs a hug and go to hug him." I remember Midoriya did regularly get Eri hugging him early in the morning to get what she was talking about.

"So you think he's a good person?"

"Daddy tries. I think he needs help when he does try too much, but I like that he tries to be good." I smiled at this knowing Eri understands Midoriya's situation enough to know he's just as messed up as her to a point. We continue walking down to the common area to see Midoriya somewhat distraught downstairs.

'Guess maybe this means the dream last night was similar to Midoriya's.' Eri ran over to hug Midoriya and try to help him. When she did this, I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink and grabbing something for Midoriya. I walked to him and handed him a mug of coffee. "You look like you need this really bad."

"Thanks." He took some sips before putting Eri on his lap. She hugged him and made Midoriya smile more.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Just a bad dream. Not something I wanna talk about."

I understood this to walk over to Midoriya's ear to whisper to him a bit. "You're not your father. Don't think you are anything like him." This seemed to reassure Midoriya for him to smile a bit and take another sip of the coffee I gave him. "So what do you think we'll learn today?"

"Dunno. But I'm gonna be out of classes today on another raid." This caught my attention as Midoriya explained what he could. "To make things simple, another lab was found connected to my father. I can't go much more into detail, but there's something in it that's able to mess with people on a molecular level."

"Like how?" He shrugged while answering.

"I'm not sure. All I was told was that and that I'd be able to find out when I get there. I should probably start getting ready. Do you mind telling Mr. Aizawa that Tsu and I will be out today?"

"Fair enough." I took a sip of my drink before a realized there was a couple of people coming down the girls' side. One of which was Jirou who seemed to be kinda spooked for some reason. "Hey, Jirou. You good?"

"I just had the most demented dream ever."


"You and Midoriya ended up becoming a married couple and doing the deed and you getting knocked up by it. The more messed up part was the vivid detail about your naked bodies, the detail of your reactions and the sound of you humping the other until you uhh...finished." Hearing this, I was suddenly not wanting something to drink anymore to place the mug on the table.

'Ok...that's one way to force something out of my hand.' "That's a little too vivid to hear early in the morning. Especially with Eri in the room." I pointed to Eri who was sipping from a cup of apple juice she got from Midoriya.

"I know, and let's be honest. What are the odds of that actually happening?" Jirou laughed a little with it now reminding me of the weird dream of a marriage with Midoriya to start blushing a little. I avoided staring at her to see Midoriya and seeing him extremely red.

"I-is it bad that I've seen some dreams like that?" We all looked at him for Midoriya to explain a little more in depth. "T-the one where we were um....m-marriage and b-being p-p-pregnant." We gave Midoriya a blank stare as he basically said he had the exact same dream in the past.

"When was the dream?" Jirou asked with it now making me question it.

"S-sometime about a-a week ago. I-it's happened more than once."

"Ok." I pulled my seat back and got up. "Not hearing anymore." I walked up to the sink before cleaning my mug, putting it up in the cabinet and went upstairs. "I'm gonna go and get ready. Jirou, you mind watching Eri if Midoriya's gotta leave?"

"On it." I walked directly towards my room without saying anything and not even showing any emotion at all. When the door shut, I locked it, walked up to my pillow and Screamed.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN WITH ME!? WHY CAN'T HE DREAM OF SOMEONE LIKE SHIOZAKI OR JIROU!? I'D EVEN GET IT IF HE DREAMT THAT WITH MOMO OR TSU! BUT WHY ME!?" I got the scream out of me and calmed down a little before going to my dresser. I grabbed some clothes and started to change for school. "I need to calm my head. This is now getting too much for me mentally."

And that finishes this chapter. So I wanted to do a bit of a gag with the dream bit I had a while back and thought this chapter and the one coming up would need some light humor in it. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading,

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