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This will take place on the same day as the last two chapters with Ochako. Enjoy.

Ochako POV:

After finding out that Midoriya and Tsu went to Ryukyu's agency for their Work Study, I began heading off towards Nighteye's for my own. Once there, I had noticed his sidekick Bubble Girl strapped to some kind of torture machine forced to be tickled to the point she looked like she was ready to pee herself. 'JUST WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH DOES THAT TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!?'

"I see you're both here. Good. We can begin the matter at hand." Nighteye released Bubble Girl from her prison for the sudden act to still concern me.

"What the heck happened to force him to do that with Bubble Girl?" I whispered to Togata who shrugged.

"Wasn't that funny I guess."

I shook thinking of this answer and hoped he wouldn't do that to me in the future. "Currently, the agency we're part of is going over high profile cases that work underground. Uraraka. What do you know of the Yakuza?"

"Uhh, they're an old organization of crime lords that were able to stand atop when quirks didn't exist. Once they began showing up though, they became less and less capable of controlling the crime underworld. Long in the short, they're just a bad memory of a time before quirks that are for the most part not as much of a threat now."

"Correct. However, recently they have shown more of a threat. I'm sure you're both familiar with the man Kai Chisaki, correct?" We both nodded for Nighteye to continue. "Our investigation is to find out if this man still holds ties with the Yakuza. If he does, we can directly link them and the League together and thus create a warrant to take down their base. Inside, we also believe they are working on a quirk neutralizing drug. This will deactivate a quirk entirely and keep it deactive for a long period of time. What we know of how it works is still unknown, but we plan to find out."

"Ok, so why don't we storm the Yakuza base now? I mean, they're criminals from the past. Why is that now a problem?"

"Let me ask you this, Togata." I tried to answer the question for him with my own. "What kept the police of the past from doing so in their time? We personally know that they're criminals and thugs, but we can't prove it with facts. If we tried to bring them in or get a warrant, we'd need undeniable proof that what they're doing is illegal and have valid sources for this. If we can't, we have no legal grounds to search the premises, let alone arrest anyone."

"Uravity is correct. Though they are criminals, we can't pin anything on them to make this more difficult. Every act that they've been part of has been for the most part having their position as random bystanders. The fact they show up at several is fishy alone, but there is no evidence to say otherwise. As such, we can't touch them. But that doesn't mean we can't find a way to pin something on them. But one thing does bug me." Nighteye looked at me before continuing. "Do you remember what AFO had said to you, Midoriya and your friends when you were in your dreamscape?"

I thought of what he said before answering. "He said something about Midoriya's cycle of torment being repeated."

"Correct. I don't know the exact merit to this, but it begs the question of just what exactly he was planning. As such, we'd need to find a location that would keep someone in order to tell where exactly this person would be. If we find them when the trauma first began, we could possibly salvage their lives and keep them from being completely incapable of returning to daily life."

"Wait, then wouldn't it make sense to look for AFO's secret bases like Ryukyu's group is doing." Togata did hold a valid point. If this was connected to AFO, it would probably be in a secret base of his.

"Right now, Ryukyu's group is able to manage that. However, we are in focus for finding this drug's origin in particular. This implies we need to find Chisaki. With any luck, the Yakuza still take orders from him and are holding up the League's members in their home." Nighteye stood up and began walking towards us. "Today we'll split into two teams. Lumillion and Uravity will patrol the area, while Bubble Girl and myself will search the area around the Yakuza residence in hopes to find out what we can about Kai Chisaki. Any objections?" Neither of us raised our hands for Nighteye to start walking out. "Good. Let's get this show on the road."

30 minutes later

"Look. Heroes!" Several people began staring at me and Togata for it to be extremely awkward.

'Jeez. How much more do I have to hear people fawn all over us? Just how can dad even get anything done with that happening?'

"Hey, Uravity. You mind if I ask a question?" I turned to Togata for him to speak up. "Just what is it that makes you look at Midoriya differently?"

I thought about it for a while now and found myself asking the same question. 'Why did I blame him for everything? He was a kid like me at the time and chances are had no idea any of the bad stuff in my life was gonna happen.' "To be honest, I don't know why I thought so differently about Midoriya in the start. If we're being honest, I think I was just angry and sad about some things and he was the easiest person to blame. Since nobody actually said anything about this being wrong, I guess I never knew it was. But in the end, that still was wrong and making an excuse like that doesn't change what I did. *sigh* I guess you can say I wasn't giving him the benefit of the doubt. Doesn't make what I did better, but it at least makes some sense."

"So what do you think of him now?"

I wondered on this for a few more moments. To me, Midoriya might be dangerous due to the power he has, but he seems to have some control where it's not as big of a threat. "I guess you can say I don't think he's a bad guy anymore."

"So you like him?"

I blushed at this comment before answering quickly. "No!"

"That blush says otherwise. You do both make a cute couple." He started laughing with the feeling of embarrassment swelling up inside me. I wanted to die right then and there.

'It's nothing like that. I don't like Midoriya! I JUST FEEL BAD FOR HIM IS ALL!' I started to stop and think of an image of me and Midoriya in that dream I had to immediately feel steam coming off of my head as Togata continued to laugh. 'I swear. That's not what it is.'

"Relax. I'm only teasing." He stopped laughing before tapping my shoulder. "He's a good guy. Just in a bad cycle from what I can tell. "Don't take that as me trying to hook you up with him."

"You could've fooled me with that one." We kept walking before crossing an alley. Once we did, someone came out and bumped into me. I turned around to see a little girl with white hair and crimson red eyes on the ground. She couldn't be more than probably 6 or 7 years old if we're being honest right now. "Oh, sorry about that. I wasn't really watching where I was going so much. Are you alright? I'd feel terrible if you got hurt."

I began reaching for the girl for her to flinch immediately. "It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanna help you back up to your feet. Can I?" She stopped hesitating for me to grab under her arms and lift her back to her feet. Once I did, I noticed she winced in pain a little when I touched her arms to give more attention to her bandages. "Sweetheart. Are you alright? You're covered in bandages."

The sound of footsteps came into the alley she was in for the child to immediately start panicking and pulling away. She began running again out of the area to confuse both me and Togata. "That was weird. What do you think that was-" Togata stopped for a moment before looking as if he went pale. I turned to see what he was worried about to notice a man with a bird mask on similar to Overhaul's that was white in image. He wore a plain white overcoat with a hood over him to make me question just what I'm dealing with.

"Sorry to disturb you all, but you wouldn't have seen a little girl running out this way, would you?" I could feel the anger in the man's voice for it to worry me.

"Sorry sir, but she ended up running away from us. Hey, you're from the Hassaikai, right? You're really famous around here."

"Thanks. But please, do you know where my daughter went? I need to find her."

Remembering the feel of the child and the state of terror on her face, I couldn't hold myself back from commenting on it. "I'm sorry sir, but your child seemed petrified as she came out of the alley. That doesn't sound like a child upset about not getting a toy."

"That one I can kinda blame on myself. I raised my voice a little more than I should've and Eri's genuinely scared of loud noises. She also doesn't do well with people, so I'm trying to find her without her getting too worked up."

"There was also a lot of bandages on her body. What happened?"

"Eri just plays a little rougher than most kids her age and ends up tripping and falling. They aren't that deep."

"They cover her arms. That's playing rough to you? Some of them looked like they haven't been changed in a while."

I was starting to fume with each comment I made with the man staring me down in the face before continuing. "Do you honestly want to go down this road? You're no social worker and you're not a full fledged hero. Are you honestly going to judge my parenting when you hardly even have a ground to stand on right now?" I didn't give any ground with the guy doing the same. It was only when Togata pulled us apart that the situation deescalated.

"Sorry about my friend here. She's new and gets a little headstrong sometimes. She doesn't mean any harm, she just takes her job a little too seriously. Anyway, you're free to find your daughter. I'm pretty sure she went that way." Togata pointed towards the opposite of where Eri ran towards for the man to glare at us from behind his mask.

"Thank you for your help. Sorry also for the inconvenience."

"No worries. Just focus on getting your daughter back safe and sound." The man walked away with us staying there in complete silence. It was only when the member of the Hassaikai turned a corner down the street that Togata commented. "We aren't perusing him or his daughter."

"What? Lumillion, you saw the bandages and the state of feat that the kid was in. She was two steps away from a full blown panic attack-"

"I know. But right now, we can't act. If we do, we'd jeopardize the job Sir is trying to do and just make things worse. For now, let's just contact him and regroup."

"...What about Eri?"

"There's more heroes here and we're in an area where people come to often. There's no way the Hassaikai member would even try a stunt with her here without fear of reaction. We'll also have to put in the faith that another hero is going to pick her up."

"And if none do?" I glared in rage at Togata for him to clench his fists in anger. 'I see. He doesn't like this either.' "*sigh* Ok. You've done this longer than me, so I trust your judgement." Togata finished calling Bubble Girl from what it sounded like and explained the situation. As he did, I felt extreme guilt knowing I couldn't do anything to help Eri. 'This sucks. I feel so useless right now.'

Meanwhile, 3rd person POV:

As the events of Ryukyu's agency finished up, the dragon hero had obtained the reports of the raid and brought the small group of four towards their next destination. "So we're going to Nighteye's agency?" Hado asked as Ryukyu nodded.

"They're handling the search of Overhaul in particular and we're currently sharing information from our investigation hoping that it could lead to a break in one or the other. Since we haven't had time to type up the documents, we'll be delivering them in person. We're also doing this so our newer recruits can have some morale boost." Ryukyu commented the last bit while motioning towards some people excited to see them walk down the street.

"Isn't that the Dragon Hero Ryukyu!?"

"No way! She's so awesome!"

"Looks like she's got a couple of other heroes with her. I think I've seen the one in the suit before."

"He's the kid from the Kamino incident! He was so awesome in his fight!" Everyone began talking about Izuku with Tsu commenting to this.

"You're popular."

"Only because of the fact I took down my father. Not proud of why exactly." The group continued walking before a crowd began to part way for a child running towards them. She wasn't looking where she was going to bump into Izuku. Seeing this coming, Izuku grabbed the girl for her to shriek in pain with some blood coming off her arm. "Kid. You ok?" He glanced down to notice the girls features. He didn't know this, but the girl was the same little girl Ochako ran into only a few minutes prior.

"Tsugenai. Is she alright?"

Izuku looked at her arms before healing them with one of his quirks. "I think she needs a hospital. She's alright for now, but she's not in the best shape."

"Nejire. You and tsugenai go towards the hospital and make sure the child is alright."

"Yes mam."

"Roger that, Ryukyu."

"Froppy. We'll continue our work and bring the documents to Nighteye and his agency."

"Understood." The group split up with Izuku noticing Eri passing out in his arms from complete exhaustion.

"Just hang on, kid. We'll help you out."

And that finishes this chapter. See how the guilt Ochako has for not action when Izuku did effects her next time as well as Eri's origins screwing with Izuku. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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