Quirk Overdose

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Izuku POV:

After heading inside, Vlad began to introduce us to two members of the pro hero group we'll be training with this week. "It's the Pussycats!" I began to fanboy a bit seeing Ragdoll and Tiger. "They're a 4 person hero group that specializes in mountain rescue! Each one has a unique quirk that helps them with this and were founded when we were kids! This year marks their twelfth year of active duty!"

"AHAHAHAHA! I LIKE THIS KITTEN!" Ragdoll started to laugh at my reaction before I realized what I did.

"S-sorry. I'm a....kinda fanboy."

"So the filthy class A swine does nothing better than fanboy about pro heroes. How pathetic." Monoma tried to hold a confident smirk on him with Tetsutetsu trying to stop him.

"Dude, just lay off him. Midoriya seems like an alright guy."

"It's a shame that class B has yet been given the chance to outshine you all in class A! I BET YOU'RE AFRAID THAT ONE DAY WE'LL-GAH!"

"You're annoying." Mr. Aizawa walked in using his binding cloth. "Sorry we're late. Class A's training started today." This comment seemed to annoy Vlad King for him to glance at me.

"So why haven't you put Midoriya in and then transferred him to my group? Does it have anything to do with him being unable to handle it?"

"On the contrary, I think he'd be more than capable. He'd just make it easier for everyone else."

"I doubt that."

"Wanna make a bet?" This statement surprised Vlad King for him to wait for Mr. Aizawa to continue. "I bet Midoriya can beat every student here at once. He wins, he gets a room to himself here. He loses, I'll have all of my class do remedial lessons, not counting Shiozaki."

This gave a smile on both pros' faces before they agreed. "You have a deal. Everyone, prepare to face off against Midoriya."

"Wait. I don't wanna hurt any of class B-"

"You're doing this Midoriya and that's final." Mr. Aizawa walked outside with the rest of the class, the Pussycats and Vlad for me to look at Pork Rinds.

"Guess we're dealing with some crazy things today bud." I walked out to see everyone getting ready for a fight.

"Rules to this are gonna be simple." Pixiebob makes a circle of dirt around us as we're told what will happen. "All you need to do to claim victory is send your opponent or opponents out of bounds or place them unconscious. Weapons and any forms of life threatening quirks are prohibited."

Mr. Aizawa held up a starting pistol before it was fired. "Pity you'll lose to us." Several of the guys came at me for one of my quirks to activate and see their movements at half speed. I evaded them fairly easily before hitting them in the back of the kneecaps and throwing them out of the ring. "Dang it. Tetsutetsu and Kendo, get him!"Monoma shouted as the two heavy hitters of class B came at me.

"STOP ACTING LIKE THE LEADER!" Kendo shouted while I evaded an attack by the two before seeing her use her Big Fist quirk to nearly smack me. I avoided them with Tetsutetsu coming to punch me out of the field of bounds.

"No matter how good you are with dodging, you're still not able to win if you don't fight back!" I used a few strength enhancers to punch the metal teenager's kniuckle and crack his coating. "AHHH!!" He knelt down in pain almost in tears before I grabbed the back of his shirt and tossed him out.

"You ok Tetsutetsu?" I asked for him to hold a thumbs up. "He's fine."

A pair of horns started coming at me to pull my uniform and me close to the line of bounds. I stopped this when I grabbed the horns and cracked them in half. "NO FAIR!" The foreigner Tsunatori shouted. I vanished for a moment to stand behind her and karate chop her neck to knock the horse girl out.

"HE'S ONE GUY! DON'T GIVE UP!" Monoma began charging for me before I stopped him with one of my barrier quirks.

"Just so you all know, you're not going to beat me."

"Big talk for someone who left their back open." One of the class's students using a scale quirk came at my back for them to impale me. "Oh crap! You ok-" He stopped when he noticed the scales forcibly pushed out of my back and the spots they were inside healed. "Just what the hell are you?"

"That's a good question." I moved too fast for him to react to knee the guy in his stomach and send him out of the ring. "I guess the best answer is....a monster."

A bunch of pebbles that grew to nice sized boulders came at me for them to be evaded and notice two girls in the distance. "KENDO! NOW!" Tokage came around me and wrapped her detached limbs around my arms and legs.

"I gotta admit. This is kinda fun." I used my bone manipulation quirk to prick Tokage with sharp bones and make her let go before grabbing Kendo's hand and spinning her around to send Tokage, a couple of her other classmates and the two girls that were trying to attack before knocking her out of the line of bounds. "Ok, so we have Monoma, four other of the guys and...Komori...right?"

"YOU LITTLE PUNK!" Monoma came at me to grab my arm and smile. "Now what are you going to do that I can copy every qui-" His eyes went blank as he collapsed onto the ground.

'Oh shi!' I checked his pulse just to make sure he didn't die.

"Uhh...He ok?" Kendo got up for me to nod.

"He's unconscious. His brain just couldn't register and comprehend the vast amount of information from the amount of quirks he copied. Unfortunately, he dug his own grave with that."

"But isn't his quirk able to copy multiple quirks?" Awase, who was still in asked, for me to explain it.

"He most likely tried to copy my original and when he did, he must've tried to take information from all my quirks. That's the only way I can see this happening. My original quirk AFO can't be used by a normal person. Unless their body's modified to use it and contain multiple quirks, it's impossible for just anyone to use." Everyone went pale before I got up. "Do any of you want to continue now?" I activated a couple quirks to turn my arms into that of a monstrosity for the ones still in the ring to step out of bounds knowing they're not going to win. "Thought so."

"Grrrr! The winner is Midoriya." Vlad walked away somewhat angry while I helped up those that were still on the ground. "Training begins tomorrow! Use this day to rest up and someone show Midoriya what room he's in!"

"Hear that Pork Rinds? We get our own room this week!" Pork Rinds wagged his tail in happiness before carrying a first aid kit in his mouth to those that were hurt.

"I'll say this. Your pig is really smart."

"Ain't that the truth Kendo." We laughed a bit before seeing Shiozaki running over with Uraraka on her back. Both of them looked kinda beaten up with their clothes ripped up.

"Two hours and fifty nine minutes. Made it just in time." Mandalay points out looking at a watch.

"Please. *pant* Something happened to Uraraka *pant* she fell unconscious." Shiozaki fell to her knees with all of us running to help.

"What happened?" From what I saw, Uraraka's nose was bleeding with her skin looking very pale.

"I-I don't know. She said something about her quirk causing problems so she wanted to avoid using it, then she started to have her body feel numb from what she said all of a sudden before having a nosebleed and then this happened." I could tell Shiozaki was panicking a bit for me to know this is most likely a side effect of OFA breaking her down.

"Sir. I can help her out, but can you show me where my room is so I can patch her up there?" Mr. Aizawa nodded to point me in the general direction. "Thank you." I held Uraraka on my back and brought her to the room where I started healing her and checking for any damage to her nervous system.

Few hours later, Ochako POV:

I started to wake up feeling sorta dizzy in a room I wasn't familiar with. "What happened?" I moved my head up to see Pork Rinds on my chest looking at me. "Oh, hello pig."

"*oink* *oink*" He gave me a small lick on my cheek before getting off so I could sit up.

"You really shouldn't be moving so much." I glanced over to see Midoriya sitting in a corner.

"Where are we?"

"The camp. You can thank Shiozaki for rushing you here. She's outside worried sick after seeing you collapse the way you did." I felt bad hearing this before Midoriya walked up and stared me directly in the eyes. "Why didn't you tell me this was a side effect of OFA breaking your body down?"

"....I didn't want to cause you more problems than you already had at the moment."

"But doing this will cause everyone else problems because we need to make sure you're ok-"

"I'm not worried about the others! I'm worried you might have problems having to accept this so early after finding out!"

"I'm more concerned with the fact your body is actually falling apart because you refuse to tell me that you're literally dying from the inside out!"


"BECAUSE I CAN'T TAKE IT WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT!" I stopped when I heard this.

"Wait. Did you already try?" He looked away somewhat ashamed.

"I panicked. I wanted to avoid you trying to get more hurt than you already are." In fear, I tried my Zero Gravity on the pillow I was on to see it was still there. "I only tried taking OFA. I didn't want to take your original again since it felt wrong and was the main point we both had this bad situation start between us."

I released the quirk on the pillow before clenching it. "So what now?"

"Now I want to know everything. What is it that you're going to go through when the quirk breaks you apart. I know from the past users that you're concerned with the ordeal me and my father will have in the near future, but I worry more for you. I don't care what will happen in the future, I don't care if you're worried for the future of the world, just tell me what you're going to have happen before we're at an irreversible point in this." I accepted this to finally come clean. I said everything from the fatigue being a starting point to the numbness I felt today all the way down to the organ failure.

"And that's when I'll begin to lose the ability to even function to die a slow and painful death." Midoriya looked pale hearing this before standing up.

"Ok." He started walking towards the door. "I'm gonna....I'm gonna tell the Pussycats and Mr. Aizawa that you're awake. Maybe I can also see about scrounging something up for both you and me to eat. It's like 8 at night, so everyone else is probably done eating."

'....He didn't eat yet? How long was he even here for?' The door shut for me to sit in the room alone with Pork Rinds. "....I shouldn't have yelled at him."

Izuku POV:

After getting out of the room, I noticed Shiozaki standing beside the door. "Is she up?"

"Yeah. She'll be ok for now."

"And how long is 'for now'?" I looked at her confused before she explained. "I overheard from Kendo what happened to Monoma today and it sounded irritatingly similar to what happened to Uraraka. My question right now however is more what makes one situation different than the other?" I didn't know how to answer this for her to rephrase herself. "Midoriya. Just what does having more than one quirk inside you do to your body?"

"...It kills you from the inside out." 'Something tells me she's not gonna stop until I give her a believable answer.' "When a person is born, they have a specific limit to how strong they can become. The quirk they're born with will naturally alter itself to fit that mold. However, a normal person cannot hold more than one quirk, at least for long."

"But don't you?"

"My body is a little more unique since it was made to hold multiple quirks. In a situation like Uraraka's, her body was originally meant to only hold Zero Gravity. The quirk that enhances her strength she obtained when she didn't have her quirk, so her body naturally managed with that one. Now that she has Zero Gravity back though, she can't handle the amount of power in her body. Think of people and their limits like a glass and the quirk like water being poured inside it. If you have too much going into the glass, it'll overflow. But let's now say the glass has a lid on it where that water has nowhere to go with the excess. What happens when too much is too much?"

She went pale realizing what I meant. "T-then why does she still have the quirk?"

"It's hard to explain, but I can't take the quirk she had through unique means and I don't want to take her original quirk again. The bad blood between us started because of that, so I want to find a way to avoid something as such." Shiozaki looked worried before I tried to reassure her. "I'll prevent things from going too far. I promise."

"....Just where did Uraraka get this quirk from?"

I started walking away before replying. "I can't answer that."

"Can't or won't." I looked back for Shiozaki to look somewhat angry. "I feel as if you're willfully keeping secrets from me and our friends. Just what is Uraraka's quirk? Why is it connected to you? How does your father pertain to all this? And more importantly, just what exactly is happening between you and Uraraka!?" She raised her voice in anger. I held my head down before giving the only reply that would help keep her out of what me and Uraraka are dragged into.

"I...can't answer that."

"I see..." she began walking away with an emotionless face towards me. "Then I guess you can't trust me to help you when you need it." She walked away with me wanting to kick myself for having to lie.

'I'm sorry Shiozaki, but I can't bring you into this. I don't want anyone else to get dragged into my father's hell.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku's inability to tell Shiozaki the truth about OFA and AFO puts a strain on their friendship and how Ochako's deterieration grows more powerful next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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