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Izuku POV:

"So. What's your answer?" Overhaul glared at me waiting for my answer.

"W-why have power when you can't protect those you want to with it?"

"Is that honestly your answer why you don't wanna be AFO's successor?" This seemed to annoy him a bit.

"If you want the title of the next kingpin of the underworld, then why don't you take it then? I could care less for the title and you seem to want it more than anyone else. Just take my dad's quirk when he needs it passed on or better yet, have him make a copy from that doctor of his."

"Smart boy. Knowing about Garaki's little experiments. Then again, you were always too smart for your own good at times." He started laughing while remembering some of my past attempts to escape. "I still remember that time you tried to escape by memorizing the codes on the pass code doors and stealing the key to your chains after hitting a guard over the head with your cuffs. I have to admit, that was the first time I actually lost my temper with you." My mind went back to that day of him grabbing my neck. I couldn't tell what happened, but Overhaul played a video from a security camera when I regained consciousness to make me know that he could easily pop me like a water balloon if I ever get out of line. "But I'm sure you also know that for me to accept AFO, I need to reinforce my body to do so and become no different than those walking mindless freaks. A normal human can only hold more than one quirk for so long before it destroys their body and AFO is not a quirk just anyone can take."

'He's got a point there.' I remembered what the past users said and what will happen to Uraraka in the near future. "But with that quirk of yours, I'm sure you could easily be the next king of the underworld."

Overhaul raised an eyebrow at this before glaring down at me. "Flattery doesn't get you everywhere kid. Besides, your old man wants you to inherit his legacy. That mantle will be out of reach for me. But..." I could feel his hands start to tense up to indicate he wanted to kill me right then and there. "If you died, that spot would be open. All I'd have to do is end you." He started to calm down a bit after this. "But I'm not here to make a mess. Now tell me, do your 'friends' actually see you as trustworthy?"

"Keep them out of this."

"Of course you already know that they might be taking advantage of you in order to get free power and a free ride to the top with a flashy quirk, right?"

"I said, keep your fucking mouth shut about my friends!" I was angry. I wanted to kill Overhaul right there. The only thing stopping me was his hand barely off my neck and the fact his cronies were watching everyone. If their lives weren't on the line, I wouldn't have let this press on.

"Scary. Tell me, has a woman even looked at you and said they love you?" My mind went to Shiozaki immediately to feel a bit of shame. "You must've kept yourself from feeling happiness. So sad. Even when you wanna forget the nightmares, you can't and leave yourself ashamed of what you should be."

"Is there a point to you probing my life right now?" I was getting tired of the 20 questions for Overhaul to look me in the eyes.

"What I'm trying to get to is this. You could be more. Those that don't trust you, you could make them fall in line so easily. You could have any woman you want. All Might could even kneel to your feet with a well placed plan in that marvelous little skull of yours. But in the end, you still refuse to accept what you can be. You could've easily won the Sports Festival, killed me at the USJ, or even defeat the Hero Killer without the need to bring others into it. Yet in the end, you hold back. You deny yourself what should be your birthright. You were born to be something more than these people, yet you refuse so much of what you can do. Why? Why go the hard route and refuse to let yourself go wild which wouldn't be hard for you?"

I thought for a second before remembering Uraraka's words during the final exams. "If I were to do that, I'd be harming the people I want to protect and prove something to. I know I can become more than I am, but I don't want to be the greatest. I just wanna be something that's worth me existing to me. And for that to happen, I wanna prove to myself that these people that doubt and are scared of what I can become don't have to be scared. So with that, I refuse to be what my father is and I refuse to be what you think I should!" I noticed Overhaul's eyes stare daggers at me to realize he wanted me dead.

"So. You choose to be the weakling you are because you want to be the weakling. That is the most idiotic thing I've heard. I'd laugh right now if it wasn't so pathetic." His hand started to pull away from me before having a new glove on. "Don't follow me, or you'll die."

This would be my only chance to say this, so I decided to speak up. "Who's the girl that's now in the torture chair!?"

Overhaul looked back at me unamused before speaking. "The girl's name is Eri. Her quirk will help me and your father control the world. Irony truly. A power like her's would've been wasted if it wasn't for your father and I. Have a pleasant day Izuku Midoriya. For they're coming to an end soon." He walked away with my eyes remaining glued to him until he was far enough away for me to no longer see him.

"Uraraka!" I ran back as fast as I could to the place I was supposed to meet back with her to see EMP's carry her out. I saw Ashido and Kirishima in the crowd to run over to them. "What happened!?"

They turned back to notice me before replying. "She passed out for some reason. the people that saw her said she just randomly dropped outta nowhere."

'....Something's off.' "I'm gonna ask if I can ride along as a friend or get some information about where she's going to post on the group chat."

"Wait. Midoriya!" Kirishima tried to stop me with it not working for me to make my way through.

"Excuse me, sir. Is there any way I can ride along with her. Uraraka's a close friend of mine." I sorta lied for the EMP to let me on. They asked me a few questions just so they can avoid any excess work while we went to the hospital.

Few hours later, Ochako POV:

I began waking up in a hospital bed with my head feeling like it was full of pins and needles. "Urgh. What happened?"

"From what I can tell, you passed out from fatigue." Looking over, Midoriya was sitting on a chair peeling a tangerine. "One of the people in the mall called 911 and I followed along to give some information about you that I could."

"Does my dad know about this?"

"....That was an uneasy conversation since he thought I was responsible and threatened to Texas Smash me into a stone building if I had any part in it."

'Good to know dad's still as defensive as ever.' I started adjusting myself to sit up before grabbing one of the tangerine pieces Midoriya peeled. "So did anything else happen while I was unconscious?" Midoriya was uneasy with this.

"....Overhaul came to me."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah. I'm ok, but he kinda put me in a corner. I did find out something about his visit though. AFO is losing his hold on the underworld. Half of that I can guarantee is due to All Might's victory over him."

"So he's weakened now?"

"Hard to say. I don't know what he's like at full power right now, but I expect he's nowhere near as strong as he's been when he fought your father."

'This could work. If AFO is weaker, then maybe dad could stop him in his state and make it so Midoriya doesn't have to worry anymore about anything.'

"Overhaul did want to push something else though." I came out of my train of thought when hearing this. "He wanted me to be the next to inherit the mantle of the Symbol of Evil."

"....You refused him, right?"

"I did. But the thought of taking it was....tempting."


He let out a sigh before explaining. "You know I hold back a lot."

"For mental issues, right?"

"Yeah. Personally, I don't want to give in and let loose because that would mean my power could unintentionally hurt people. But there's still that one bit in the back of my mind that wants to use it all. It says to me that it's my power and that I shouldn't be afraid to go all out. I normally have it under control, but that little bit began to make it's voice louder and louder the more I start to lose myself. I'm afraid that one day, I will lose my mind completely to it and become something that isn't me."

"You won't."

"Why do you think that?"

"'re a talented person that underestimates himself. To me, that's one of your more redeeming qualities." I stopped when I realized what I said to see Midoriya look surprised. "Don't look at me like you're shocked or anything! I'll still kick your ass if you try something funny!"

Midoriya started laughing a bit for me to throw a tangerine at him to get the idiot to stop. "But in all seriousness, thank you." He gave me a smile to force me to look the other way.

"Y-you're a lot better to hang around when you're not depressed."

There was a bit of silence in the room with Midoriya seeming to want to get on a topic he's had in his mind. "Uraraka. What has you worried?"

"Excuse me?"

"Today, you looked like you were uneasy. Did something happen?" I was worried how Midoriya might react to Nighteye's vision or the fact he might have to take OFA right now from what the side effects of the quirk overwhelming my body already. But as someone that this pertains to, I don't have much of a choice.


"I AM HERE, OCHAKO!" Dad immediately barged in through the door to break the conversation. "Young Midoriya. I think it's best that you leave. I can handle watching my daughter from here."

"Guess that's my cue to head out." Midoriya got up and smiled at me again. "We can finish this talk another time."

'DAMMIT DAD! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME IN AT THAT MOMENT!?' I mentally shouted this while Midoriya left and dad reverted into his smaller form.

"Ochako. What happened?"

"I just was really tired, that's all that happened. Nothing bad happened."

"And why was young Midoriya here?"

"He tried to help give information about me since nobody else could've at the time." I was starting to get agitated before getting up and looking out the window to see it was night. "Am I stuck here overnight?"

"The doctors said that you can leave since I finished writing out the discharge papers. Here's your clothes." I grabbed my clothes and began heading towards the bathroom to change. "Why didn't young Bakugou join the ambulance. I'm sure he would've given more-"

"He didn't come to the mall today. He thought it wasn't worth his time basically." I was annoyed. This was honestly my best chance to tell Midoriya what's going on with OFA, and dad butted in at the last minute. 'Great. This is just great.' I walked out of the bathroom to notice dad staring at me. "What?"

"Starting next term, I was able to gain the approval from Nezu to put Midoriya in class B. He thinks the level of negative energy around the two of you has come to a point where it's affecting the others and is giving bad influences towards everyone. To avoid this, him and young Shiozaki will be swapped."

"You're joking....right?" Dad remained silent to irritate me even more. "Do you even realize how stupid of a decision that is!?"

"I thought you'd be fine with this. He's our sworn nemesis's son."

"That only you and Bakugou think should be held accountable for his father's actions!" I wanted to yell at him for what he did knowing now he's screwed up an easy transfer of OFA if things got out of hand. Now the situation is getting worse than I could've thought."

"Why is this an issue? You wanted him gone since the beginning of the term."

I was about ready to shout and say that it was because of the rebound that it's better to have Midoriya close, but remembered why I didn't choose to tell dad. "It's not important. Let's just go home." I walked out the door enraged at this to now try and find some way to get Midoriya to take OFA before this turns from bad to worse.

At Izuku's home, Izuku POV:

"Are you serious!?" I shouted for Nezu to answer.

"Yes. Since there has been a large amount of accidents with you as of recently, I thought it was best to transfer you over to Vlad's class since most of the attacks seem to center around class A. Being out of danger might do you some good and having a fresher start away from the negative backlash could keep another accident from occurring."

"But Nezu. This is a bad idea."

"And why is that?"

I didn't want to tell Nezu, but right now me and Uraraka needed to stay close in case something bad happened. "OFA is going to rebound in Uraraka. If something isn't done before it's too late, she'll die. I wanna prevent that."

"How do you know this?"

"One evening, both me and her were able to talk to the past users. They said this was going to happen since the quirk's past the point of where a normal person can hold it. The only people now that can hold it is someone like me that is naturally able to hold many quirks or a quirkless person. And since the chances of us finding someone that's quirkless is slim, I'm the next best candidate."

"That is a pickle."

"You're the only one that knows this, so please don't tell All Might. Don't even tell Uraraka that you know about the rebound and our plan."

"Understood. I'll think on this. The safety of our students is a priority. However, you fall into that category as well." He began drinking some of his evening tea while weighing the pros and cons. "As a member of class A, you've been subjected to immense levels of pain mentally and emotionally. I can't allow this to progress if possible knowing your mental track record. But if you were to leave class A, there is a higher probability you won't be able to see the side effects of the quirk deteriorating miss Uraraka. Not only that, but you wish to keep this matter a secret." He thought about it for a few minutes before letting a sigh out. "I will find a way to make this work in the morning. For now, why don't you head to bed."

"Thank you sir." I walked back into my room to see Pork Rinds sleeping on the bed. I tried to move him a little and avoid waking him so I could get in. 'Transferring classes. That could be a problem.'

And that finishes this chapter. So small poll. Who thinks I should do the transfer? The results won't be until a decent few chapters later, so there's time for this. Hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading.

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