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The ground was littered with puddles that reflected the neon pink light glowing from inside the convenience store. He stopped a few feet away, everything black but the small building in front of him. He blinked slowly and stumbled a bit. The anger inside him boiled up quickly.

It possessed him to rush forward and pick up a rock lying in one of the shallow pools of water. He threw it with all his might but only huffed in annoyance when it shattered the glass of the front door. An alarm blared and echoed into the night, yet he continued inside, stepping through the void.

The red light in the corner of the small store circled furiously as his eyes scanned the area. A magazine rack, a cash register, a single aisle of snacks.

And a piano in the middle of the room.

It seemed to be carved from mahogany, as that would explain the deep brown and red tones that swam through the body. He sat on the bench before it as if it hadn't been years since he'd touched one.

His fingers still knew the keys, and they obeyed the song in his head as he pressed down on them. A sigh escaped him as he took his hands away and hung his head. The alarm seeped into his skin, a melancholy note edging his thoughts.

Then he heard it. His head snapped up and he turned toward the sound—the whistle of a tune he'd heard only in his dreams. Curiosity got the best of him as he stood quickly and ran outside to find the source. But all he saw was black.

A road appeared in front of him, being the only way he could go. He walked with purpose, the whistling still in his head. As he continued on, a black sedan sped toward his confused figure. It was a matter of seconds that decided whether he was hit or not. He dodged it at the last moment, but it did a U-turn and came back for him.

That time, he just stood there. He only heard wheels on pavement and a crash when he closed his eyes. Upon opening them, he found nothing but the stretch of road in front of him. Looking back, there was blood splattered on the asphalt below him.

With a passive sigh, he turned back the way he came. He broke into a run as the acrid scent of smoke filled his nostrils. It hung thick in the air and made it hard to breathe. With every inhale, his lungs seemed to shrink.

The road led back to the store, as he had previously thought. A black car, the one from a few minutes ago, had crashed through the front window. The alarm no longer blared.

Fire had been ignited near the car, the blaze licking at the concrete foundation of the building. He only stared further as the piano went up in flames as well, much to his dismay.

The whistle swept through his ears again, causing him to whip around in search of it again. But he only saw black.

Resolving himself to never being able to find it, he returned his gaze to the piano that still burned.


Yoongi shot up in bed, breathing heavily. He clutched his chest and blinked a few times. Relief flooded him as he recognized the untouched clutter of his room. Just to be sure, he glanced at everything item, and stopped when his eyes fell upon the brown piano by the door.

The dream had been haunting him every night since he bought the damn thing. It was only a month or so ago when inspiration struck him. He spoke of it to Jungkook, but carried out the mission alone.

He still hadn't touched it even though he finished the lyrics he began writing the morning after Victoria brought Jungkook to his place. There was even a melody he could hear when he read the words, but he couldn't bring himself to actually play.

The song sat right there on the music rest above the keys. It screamed at him to actually do something. It yelled at him to get over himself and just play. He loved it and he knew that but the memories were too painful. It might be years of staring at it before I can play again, he thought.

"But maybe if I play," he mumbled, eyes fixated on the instrument across the room. "The dreams will stop."

With a quick shake of his head, he swung his legs over the side of his mattress and stood to drag his feet to the bathroom. On his way there, he caught Jungkook coming out. The youngest was looking nice in a light blue button up, sunglasses hanging from the neck.

Jungkook smiled at him. "Hyung!"

"Where are you off to?" Yoongi asked gruffly, still spooked.

He laughed and adjusted his belt. "Iseul and I are going to the aquarium with Jin and Victoria."

Yoongi snickered, bitterness edging his voice. "You're wearing that to the aquarium?"

"Excuse me for wanting to look fresh for my girlfriend." He winked before exiting the hallway to the front door.

"Don't ever say 'fresh' again," the older advised just before the door closed.


"Come on!" Jin complained as Jungkook trotted down the stairs leading to Yoongi's apartment. "Why do you have to dress like a douchebag with ten side chicks about to take number five to Yeouido?"

Victoria smirked as she looked between the two. Jin was dressed on the opposite side of the spectrum. While Jungkook was sporting black dress pants and a button-up, Jin had on a grey sweatshirt, jeans, and some square black glasses. His outfit screamed 'boyfriend' and she loved every inch of it.

Iseul met her boyfriend at the bottom of the stairs and waited for him to peck her lips before turning around to face the older couple. "I think he looks sexy."

"See?" Jungkook pointed at Iseul. "I look sexy."

Jin scowled. "Could have fooled me."

"You're just jealous because you lost your abs."

"Cheap shot!" he shouted.

Victoria raised an eyebrow. "You had abs?"

Jin let out a long sigh. "Two years ago we all made a pact to work really hard and obtain abs and we all succeeded but Jungkook and Jimin are the only ones who still have them," he explained quickly before turning back to the cheeky teenager. "You may have abs, but my face is better looking than your body as a whole!"


Victoria slid her arms around Jin's torso as he leaned against his truck. "Don't listen to him, baby. I love your cute little tummy." He only sighed in defeat.

"Shit," Jungkook cursed suddenly while Iseul clung to him like a teddy bear. "I forgot my wallet."

Iseul squeezed him tighter. "Money is overrated. Stay."

He smiled and squished her cheeks with his hands, amused at how bunched up her face looked.

"I'll get it," Victoria offered, letting go of Jin.

"Really?" Jungkook brightened. "Thanks, Noona. It's in Yoongi's room."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Yoongi's room?"

"Yeah, I tried paying when he took me out, he stole my's a thing."

Used to these kinds of shenanigans by now, she only smiled. "Be right back."

"Hurry!" Jin called after her.

She entered the apartment gingerly, forgetting to ask if Yoongi was inside. No sounds reached her, and his apartment was only so big, so she assumed he wasn't there.

When she passed the living room to turn into the hallway, she noticed the bathroom door was closed. Perhaps Yoongi was in there.

Regardless, she only came for Jungkook's wallet. Victoria ventured to the end of the hall and entered the room. There were many things in his room, but the only one that caught her eye was the piano right in front of her.

Jungkook's wallet forgotten, she neared the glorious piece of wood and ran her fingers over the keys. Her eyes shifted to the piece of paper sitting on the music rest. She recognized the words as lyrics right away and grabbed it without thinking.

Her eyes scanned over the song curiously. She couldn't believe Yoongi had a piano in the first place.

First Love


Did he really write this? The weight of the lyrics clung heavy to her heart as she could relate almost completely.

I remember that moment

Way taller than my height

The brown piano that guided me

I looked up to you

I yearned for you

When I touched you with my small finger

"I feel so nice, mom, I feel so nice"

I played the piano wherever my hands took me

I didn't know your significance back then

Back then I was content with just looking at you

"What are you doing?"

In her trance, she hadn't even heard the bathroom door open, nor the rushed footsteps of an angry Yoongi that could see what she was doing from down the hall.

Victoria whipped around, eyes wide. "I'm sorry—I just—Jungkook asked me to—" She fell silent at Yoongi's cold gaze. He approached her stiffly and ripped the paper from her hands.

"Don't touch my shit." His tone didn't match his harsh words, but she had no time to react before he set the paper back on the rest. "Why are you here?"

She blinked a few times and swallowed hard. His presence was always intimidating unless he was smiling. "I came to get Jungkook's wallet."

Yoongi seemed to have already had a set place for it, since he crossed the room to his bedside table, yanked open the drawer, grabbed Jungkook's wallet, and tossed it to her. Then he just stood and stared as she caught it clumsily.

Uncomfortable under his gaze as always, Victoria bowed her head and mumbled a quick "Thank you," before rushing out.

She didn't understand why sometimes Yoongi seemed to enjoy her company while other times he pushed her away. He was like the ocean tides. He did it with everyone.

Maybe one day he won't hate me so much.

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