Twenty One

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The frost outside melted slowly, the crystals reflecting sun rays that warmed Victoria's nose as she watched through the open window in her and Jin's room.

It was May fourteenth. In other words, it was Victoria's birthday.

The spring air whistled along to the tune a song thrush was singing from a branch not too far away.

Trees sprung up between the skyscrapers of Seoul, and she spotted a cluster in the far distance. It reminded her of the morning after the New Year's party. Beside her mistake, which she pushed into denial, Jungkook was still missing.

Iseul was going crazy with worry, as were the rest of them when they still couldn't find him by noon.

Turns out, he slept at the pool and hung out there for the day by himself. He needed peace and quiet to reflect on his encounter with Yoongi. In the end, they made up, but only because Jungkook agreed to give him the space he needed.

It made Victoria's heart ache that Yoongi was more distant with the kid in the past few months.

Before she could invest too much time in thinking, Jin came up behind her, wrapping his arms tight around her waist and pressing kisses to her neck.

"Let's go again," he whispered in a sultry tone.

She laughed a bit, which pulled Jin right out of his mood and into a pout. "We have to leave soon. Prost's, remember?"

He did, but he really just wanted to stay in bed with her all day.

They were all supposed to go to Prost's Bar and Grill to celebrate. Prost's was a new bar in Itaewon that was all the rage among young people. Jungkook had heard about it from one of his classmates that he attended Yonsei with.

Jin and Victoria met everyone else at the bar, as they had brought their own cars or been picked up by someone else. It turned out that Port's was too fancy for their liking, so they decided to opt for a diner-style fast food place down the street.

It was a lot of fun to just hang out with her friends. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and even Yoongi was smiling genuinely the whole night.

It wasn't until later that misfortune began to rear its ugly head.

Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about Victoria all night—for the past three months, actually. She was right in front of him, and he struggled not to stare at her or examine her features or do anything that Jin was able to do freely.

If there was one thing he knew, it was that fingertips had memories. And his couldn't forget the curves of her body.

He was a very straight-forward man, and he didn't like not getting what he wanted. However, he knew how stubborn Victoria was as well, so he decided to approach the situation carefully.

"When are you gonna tell Jin?" Yoongi asked bluntly when he caught Victoria alone at the beverage bar filling up drinks.

Her eyes flashed at him before she laughed. "Tell Jin what?"

"About us fucking."

She looked around, alarmed, and sighed in relief when she realized nobody had heard him—they were too far away, and they practically had the place to themselves. "I don't know what you're talking about," she insisted.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes. It seemed he was the only one that cared about it. "You're really gonna play it this way, huh?"

Before anything else could be said, Jimin popped out of nowhere with a sly smile. "I know what you guys are talking about..."

The both of them went into panic mode. "What?" Victoria asked, laughing nervously. "What...what could we..."

"You're planning my surprise birthday party!" he beamed.

They sighed in relief. "Yep. That's exactly what we were doing."

"Don't worry," Jimin assured. "I'll act surprised. But only for you guys."

Yoongi pressed his lips together. He wanted to tell someone—anyone. He didn't know how to hold in these feelings and deal with them on his own. Sure, he could write a song, but it would just go in the trash like everything else. For some reason, he couldn't get them to sell.

On the other hand, Victoria wanted to forget it ever happened. She was in love with Jin, and while she did enjoy her romp with Yoongi—which she felt extremely guilty for—she wouldn't jeopardize her relationship over it.

It seemed like years before someone spoke after Jimin's comment. He seemed a little uncomfortable that Victoria and Yoongi stayed completely silent, swimming in their own thoughts.

"Guys?" he questioned.

Both of their heads snapped up. Victoria forced a smile and nodded before going to their table, leaving the drinks all the while.

When she sat down, Iseul looked around in disappointment. "Where are the drinks?"

"What?" she asked before giving her head a quick shake. "Oh...sorry, I..."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows next to her. "Are you feeling okay?" He gently pressed a hand to her forehead. "You feel warm. Maybe we should go home."

"That's code for 'have sex'," Jungkook whispered loudly into Hoseok's ear, who in turn pinched the youngest before shooting a conflicted glance at Yoongi, who was walking back with Jimin and their drinks.

Jungkook frowned at Hoseok's reaction and leaned to the other side to whisper the same thing to Iseul.

She smirked and whispered back, "Wouldn't doubt it."

Jin continued to place the back of his hand on various parts of Victoria's face and neck. She laughed. "Really, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" he pressed, moving his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She froze. It was just as Yoongi had done in her car that night. Every hair on her body stood. Her eyes flickered to him to find his cold gaze locked on the two of them intensely. "Baby, you have goosebumps," Jin observed and ran his hands up and down her arms. "We should go."

She nodded numbly, staring at the floor or the chair—anywhere but at Jin or Yoongi or especially Hoseok. "Yeah."

"We're gonna take off, guys." Jin stood as he announced their leave, helping Victoria to her feet as well.

Taehyung pouted. "What? But we have to close down the bar!"

"Victoria isn't feeling well," Jin reported, placing one hand on the small of her back to guide her to the exit. "Maybe next time, Tae."

Yoongi watched them go wordlessly while the others said their goodbye's. Victoria could feel his eyes on them, but she did not turn back.

In the car, she could feel a lump rise in her throat when Jin placed his hand on her knee and smiled reassuringly. He might have said something, but she didn't hear him over her own thoughts telling her not to cry.

She stared out of the passenger window the whole drive, willing herself not to let the tears spill. The moon helped only a bit, comforting her as it followed them every step of the way home. But once Jin shifted into 'park' in the car port, she spotted her car and burst into sobs.

He only watched her for a moment, eyes wide with shock at what could possibly bring this on. Her shoulders shook violently with each sob, and she could feel her guilt crashing like waves in her stomach and heart.

Before he could speak, she did. "I did something bad," she sobbed, refusing to look at him.

Jin sighed and pulled her into an embrace. He stroked her hair. "Just because we do bad things doesn't make us bad people."

"You don't understand," she whimpered. "I love you so much, Jin."

He pulled away to examine her face and wipe her tears with his thumbs. "You're just all over the place today, baby."

"I'm so in love with you I can't even stand it," she continued, grabbing desperately at his wrists as he held her face carefully. "And I have to say this to you."

Jin smiled softly and pressed a kiss to her forehead and wiped a few more tears. "Just because something has to be said doesn't mean it has to be heard."

She faltered, the tears slowing. "What?"

"I love you more than anything," he said, repeating what he had told her on their one year anniversary. "Nothing will change that."

"Nothing?" she asked quietly, gazing into his eyes.

He smiled once more before exhaling deeply.



Omg the climax is coming and I'm excited. Y'all are gonna hate me lol 

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