The Night Before The Kalos League Finale - 1

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                                                      Ash's POV--

It was 2:00 AM. I got out of my bed slowly, not wanting to wake up the others. In the dorm, there were the four of us. Me, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena. I walked towards the front porch and opened the window. I grasped the beautiful fresh air, something I really needed. I began to think about my battle against Alain tomorrow. I was so excited. I never reached the finals before in any Pokémon league. The closest one being the Sinnoh League where Tobias knocked out my entire team with his 2 legendaries. That day still haunts me. But over the years, I began to really digest the saying, "Don't give up until its over". Those are the words I lived by. Whenever I knew it was over and started giving up, that saying popped up in my mind. It didn't matter if Tobias still had 5 other Pokémon while I just had Pikachu. Me and my Pokémon kept fighting till the very end and that's what mattered the most. I was also remembering the memories I made and the people I met before I arrived in Kalos. All of the people I met helped me become the person I am today. I owe it to them. I cant lose tomorrow.  I looked up into the night sky with my arms sitting on the ledge and began thinking about everything. I remembered all the memories I had in Kanto and Johto with Brock and Misty who helped me out so much in my first years of becoming a Pokémon master; the memories with Brock, Max, and May in Hoenn where Max was so inspired by me and even asked me to battle him in the future, and learning more about Pokemon Contests from May. I remembered the memories I made in Sinnoh and Unova with Dawn, Cilan, and Iris, all pursuing their dreams to become top coordinator, top connoisseur, and Dragon master. Then came the everlasting and never-ending memories in Kalos. Travelling the Kalos region might have been the most fun I've ever had. Ive met such amazing people and learned so many amazing things like mega evolution. Meeting Clemont and Bonnie, two very enthusiastic siblings. Bonnie would always take care of ALL our Pokémon. Pikachu loved her. Then we have Clemont, the one who showed me why Science is so amazing. His inventions were never fails! I thought they were awesome. Even though sometimes, I mean, most of the time, they would cause a ruckus. Finally, Serena. Serena and I have been childhood friends ever since we were both little. We met at Professor Oaks Summer Camp in Pallet Town when I was looking for Poliwag in the bushes. Behind those bushes, I met Serena. She hurt her leg and I was there to help her out. She was still in so much pain, but I told her to "Never give up until the end". I don't remember much after that, and here we are a few years later, travelling the Kalos region together. When me met again in Kalos, she asked me if I remembered her. I felt so bad because at the moment, I didn't know who she was. But after her telling me the whole story, I couldn't believe it was actually her! I blushed a bit and even wanted to give her a hug. But then I didn't because I thought it would be.. weird. I thought it would have been kind of uncomfortable for her, even though she had a slight blush when I told her I remembered her as the girl with the straw hat. Throughout travelling Kalos, Serena really helped me a lot when times were tough. When I lost a gym battle, she would always tell me to never give up until the end. Those words that I told her would eventually become the words she told me. Its like we both shared the same values. When I lost against Wulfric in Snowbelle City, I was so upset at myself. I just felt like completely giving up. I let my Pokémon down completely. I then ran off into the woods without wanting anyone following me. Then came Serena. She kept telling me what was wrong and saying how I could tell her what was going on. But I was so fed up. I then screamed at her and told her how it wasn't her business and I just wanted to be left alone. She got mad and threw a snowball at me and she told me how she wanted the old Ash back. She was right. I was just getting too ahead of myself. If it wasn't for Serena, I wouldn't be here at the Kalos League final and I really owe it all to her. But there's just one thing that I've been thinking about ever since I met Serena. Why does she act so different around me? She's always nice, she's sometimes really quiet and shy(which I really like...), and.. I just don't know what it is! I'm so dense sometimes... I just don't get it. Although I did over hear Bonnie yell once "Ash you're so dense!". Sometimes Serena even blushes around me. I think its really cute, but I just don't why she does that? And I have yet to find that answer. My time in Kalos is ticking away. I want to enjoy the rest of it without overthinking too much. Anyway, Im just so happy to be where I am today. I owe it all to my friends i've made over the years and especially my family  back in Kanto.  I always promised them I will become a Pokémon Master. Tomorrow's event is the next step to reaching that goal. I smiled and had a very big determined look on my face. I was ready. Sometimes just getting outside and taking in fresh air is all you need. Im not that nervous anymore. Its getting late though. Im getting tired.. I really should get to bed. 

End POV.

Ash continued looking up at the night sky and thinking about his life right now and in the future.

Serena was awoken by the sound of the blowing fresh air coming from outside.

                                                      Serena's POV--

I lift open my left eye and see Ash out on the porch looking up at the night sky. Everyone else was fast asleep. The thought of just me and Ash being the only one's awake caused my heart to beat faster and faster because it's like my heart just wants to connect with his heart. I don't know if you know this, but I'm in love with Ash Ketchum. I always blush whenever I remind myself that. I've loved him ever since we met back in Pallet Town. When he saved me and told me to "never give up until the end." Over the years, I began thinking about Ash so much. Sometimes I'd even question if he was alive. When I was 8, I remember me and my mother going back to Pallet Town because my mother wanted me to attend Professor Oak's summer camp again. I was excited because I believed Ash was going to be there as well. Unfortunately, he wasn't. I began to cry almost ever single day knowing that Ash Kethcum would never appear in my life again. The day I saw him on television saving Garchomp and jumping off the world's largest tower, I thought Ash was going to die. I would have lived miserable for the rest of my life if he did. When I saw him on TV, I couldnt believe it was the boy who saved me so many years back! He was the same old Ash. He was still handsome, he was always determined, he would always help everyone, and he would never give up. Thats what I love about Ash. He always tries so hard at whatever he does. Its helped me so much in my life. During my journeys in Kalos, my love for him began to grow more and more. It came to a point where I just had to tell him before it was too late. But.. I just couldn't. What if he didn't feel the same way about me? I always imagine me and Ash together. Living peacefully with our children and Pokémon. Sigh. Thats what I've always wanted. So I really wanted to tell him how I felt about him. The past couple of days have been fun watching and cheering for Ash on during the Kalos League but at the same time, I'm really stressed. I haven't told Ash how I feel about him. Im so sad because I don't think he realizes all the hints and the feelings I've been throwing at him. And to be honest, I don't really think he'll ever understand... as long as he's happy, I will always be happy for him. He's done so much for me ever since we were little, and I'll always be here to support him. I.... love him. I hope one day he realizes and understands my feelings. I don't know what to do... do I follow Ash or do I follow my dreams and goals? I've always dreamed of becoming Kalos Queen and making people smile. And I've always wanted to be Ash's...*sigh* .... girlfriend... and..... Wife.

My heart still kept beating faster and faster.. it happens because I love Ash so much. I never really had the chance to have a one on one conversation with him. Usually Clemont and Bonnie are always in the way. This was my chance. I got up, while hiding my slight blush, and slowly walked towards Ash. I really wanted to talk to him and tell him how I felt. 

End POV.

                                                Ash's POV--

I hear a sound coming from behind me. It sounded like footsteps. As each second passes by, the sound gets louder and louder. My heart starts to beat harder and harder, but I ignore it. I continue looking up at the night sky thinking about the world. Suddenly, I hear a very soft, beautiful, and innocent voice behind my ear. "Ash, uhm... what... are you.. doing up so late?". When I heard that voice, my heart was beating at an alarming rate. I turned around and saw her beautiful ocean blue eyes staring at mine and her beautiful smile that could turn your day around. I couldn't believe it was her. Serena. I didn't know what to say back. I was nervous. I was shaking. It was just me and her.

End POV.

                                             Serena's POV--

When Ash turned around, I started to blush a bit. His look always made me blush and that never changed ever since we were little. Just seeing him made me happy. But when he was sad, I was sad too. When he was happy, I was happy. He was shaking a bit. It was strange because Ash usually is never like that. Maybe he was stressed too. I just wanted to give him a big hug and cry on his shoulders. I wanted to tell him how I felt about him. I wanted him to understand the current stress I was going through. I didn't want to leave Ash Ketchum, but I didn't know if he felt the same way about me. I then said, "Ash, uhm.. what.. are you doing up so late?" He didn't answer me. He looked so sad. I felt so bad for him. I wanted to cheer him up. I then asked him, "Ash, are you okay?.. I just wanted to talk to you for a bit." Ash then said, "Hey Serena.. I'm just thinking about life. I'm just... nervous for tomorrow. I can't sleep that well. It's been..... bugging me.... the whole day... Its not healthy. But I... I... I just don't want to let all of you down!.. I don't want to leave you Serena! You've supported me throughout my whole journey here in Kalos.... but... I don't want to disappoint you! Serena, I know what Palermo told you. Serena, I really,.. really want you to follow your dreams, but... I'm not ready to say goodbye to you after all of this! Even if I do end up being the winner of the Kalos League, that won't satisfy anything for me.  Serena, I..-- I'm---- I'm not ready for you to leave after this. You've helped me out so much throughout my journey... and for us to lose each other again.. well... it would kill me. Serena, ----------------. When Ash said all of that, I started to cry in his shoulders. I couldn't believe Ash said that. I felt so bad for Ash. He admitted everything about me being so supportive toward him and him knowing about Palermo's offer. I felt so bad! I should have told him about the offer. But no. He had to endure that fact for so long. Ash really wanted me to stay with him. And just hearing that, made me cry tears of happiness. I continued to hug him tightly. I didn't want it to end. Ash put his arms around me also not wanting to let go. "Ash, I don't know what to say.. I'm so..... sorry for not telling you about Palermo's offer. I.......just wanted to enjoy all the time we had left with each other but I didn't know you knew about it. Ash, the thing is... I don't want to leave you either. I need you in my life too...Ash. I really, really do."

End POV.

                                                    Ash's POV--

Serena continued to cry. I figured out that those were tears of happiness because Serena told me that she wanted me in her life as well and that she didn't want to leave me either. I was so happy when she said that. I couldn't believe it. I thought she didn't care about my feelings, but she did. And she felt the same way I did.

End POV.

Serena: Ash... what should I do? I've been stressed for a couple of weeks now too. I want to be there with you, Ash, I really, really do. I want to always be there to support you whether it be tomorrow or in the future. But I need to follow my dreams too...

Ash: Follow your dreams, Serena. I will always be there to support you too. And I know you will support me, but your dreams are more important, Serena. I want you to accept Palermo's offer.

                                                  Serena's POV--

When Ash said that, I was so shocked and inside I wanted to cry. I thought Ash wanted me to be there for him? To follow him. Isn't that what he said? Why, all of a sudden, did he tell me to accept Palermo's offer? Could it be because when I said that I wanted to follow my dreams... that Ash misinterpreted that meaning as accepting Palermo's offer, not mr being his girlfriend? I couldn't believe it. I had to tell Ash how I felt. Right now. I wanted him to understand what I meant by my "dreams" and that was to be Ash's girlfriend where we could both follow our dreams together, as one. I was so shy and nervous to tell him but I didn't care. I was shaking. My heart was beating as fast as it ever could.

End POV.

Serena: Ash.... I.... I---------

Ash:"I want to follow my dreams".

Serena: Wait. Ash! No!... That's not what I meant!

Ash: Serena, I understand. All I could ever ask you now is... is to cheer for me to win the Kalos League tomorrow. Please?? I just want to have one last amazing memory here in Kalos before I leave.

Ash seemed angry when he said that. 

Serena: Wait!! Ash!! I---- THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!.... Ash.. I----lo------lov..........

Suddenly, Clemont woke up.

Clemont: AHHHH!!!! You two scared me! I thought Team Rocket broke through the window! Why are you two up so late? Ash. You have to get up early tomorrow! You too Serena.

Ash: Oh.. I'm so sorry Clemont. I'm going back to bed now... Goodnight Serena.

Ash left Serena sitting outside by herself. Serena was out on the porch with her arms crossed with her head facing down.

                                                       Serena's POV--

...... I.... cant believe it. I... may have messed up my entire life. Why didn't I tell Ash sooner how I felt? He had to go through all that pain.. and I do this to him? Now Ash won't ever love me.... How will he even focus on tomorrow's battle with what I just said to him? What if he did love me.... or at least knew how I felt... but after him thinking that I was just going to go ahead and follow my own dreams without him... made him... not love me anymore?

I began to cry out on the porch with the door locked so no one could hear me crying.

End POV.


Wow. I hope that was heartfelt guys. I miss Serena and Ash's interaction so much in XYZ. I hope this was powerful. Ive always wanted to change my own ending of XYZ and thats what this story will be about. Will Ash win the league? What will the futures of each character look like? Will Ash ever love Serena? Its going to get really intense guys. Im going to bring in older characters as well. Its going to get so dark and sad. I promise. Oh. And regarding my other fanfic story- Lumiose High, I will still update that one while updating this one. I want to really hear your thoughts about this first chapter of Regrets. So please comment down below. Please guys. Love you guys so much. Stay tuned! ~ AmourForever.

Follow me on Twitter! ~ AmourForever65

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