Christmas Lights, Pandas, and Mistletoe.

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Six months later.

My knuckles hit the mahogany door in a quick succession before I stuffed my hand back in my pocket.

The door opened, allowing me inside. I immediately sat down with a sigh.

A chuckle erupted from near the door I just stood by as the click of the lock was heard. "What's got you pouting?"

My eyebrows furrowed as my arms crossed in front of my chest. "Mmm not pouting," I argued, before another sigh slipped passed my lips. "I need some extra money from my inheritance."

Yoongi sat down in his therapist's chair with a huff. "Okay. Care to explain why you need the money?"

"I'mproposingtoTaebutIneedmoneyfortheringandtheproposal," I said quickly, in one breath.

Yoongi scoffed. "What?"

I let out a shaky breath, speaking slower so he could better understand me. "I'm proposing to Tae but I need money for the ring and the proposal... I want to take him to a nice dinner and some other stuff, and it costs more money than alotted for this month."

Yoongi nodded, one hand massaging his chin as he thought. "And how much do you think you will need?"

I shrugged. "I was hoping you'd also help me pick out the ring. The money I'd need depends on the ring. But for the proposal, I was going to do a nice dinner, and then go to the Christmas lights at the zoo. I'm thinking of proposing to him in front of the pandas, as he loves pandas, and they don't stink as much as other animals. But I was also thinking of the light tunnel they have... supposedly there is a piece of mistletoe hanging in the middle. That might also be a nice spot, with some pictures. Oh! Or I could skip the zoo and-"

Yoongi's laugh made me stop, eyeing my best friend warily, as his laughing fit continued for close to a minute.

A new laughing record for The Min Yoongi.

The male's smile remained as he calmed down with a big breath. "Okay, Kook, I get it. Just... we'll discuss how much you actually need once the ring is picked out, alright? And I'm terrible at making choices, especially with fashion, so I might not be great at helping for the ring. But, Hoseok and Tae have been hanging out on occasion, so he may be able to help out."

A smile spread on my lips as I stood up, immediately engulfing my best friend in a hug. I felt him tense up slightly before relaxing, his own arms wrapping around my waist.

"I love you, Yoongi. Thank you."

"I love you too, bub. Now, go call Hoseok so you can look at rings!"

I pulled away, giving Yoongi my best salute before exiting the therapy office, trying to ignore the small squeals of excitement I hear the second the door closed.

Yoongi really is the best.

Namjoon's chicken: "am I a joke to you?"


A short filler chapter for y'all. Take a guess at what the next chapter will beeeee

Also, only a few more chapters left😭

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