Jeju Island.

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"Look at how blue the water is, Kookie! Oh, and there are people on boats in the water! We should try to go on a boat while we're here. Also, I hear we have to check out that one cave thing too!"

Jungkook chuckled from his spot next to me on the airplane. "Someone is excited, huh?"

I faced him with a smile. "I am. Thank you so much for this, Kook. This is my first real trip I've ever taken." I pecked his lips before looking out the window once more, hearing the captain announce our landing only seconds later.


"Wow, this bed looks so soft!" I exclaimed before dropping the handle of the suitcase to leap onto the bed. "And it is!"

"Oh perfect! We'll never have to leave the room!" Jungkook said with a large smile, making me chuckle with a slight eye roll.

"No, silly! There are so many things to check out on the island! Speaking of, I hear the hotel is offering a special dinner with bonfires and everything tonight! We should go!"

My boyfriend nodded. "I had an idea of what we could do to kick off our trip before dinner."

My curiosity peaked, making me look at him with raised eyebrows. As I sat up on the bed.


"I think the fuck not," I immediately said, already thinking of how high up the parasailers we saw as the plane was landing were.

Jungkook snickered, giving my hand a squeeze as he sat next to me on the bed, our luggage long forgotten. "They have parasailing for couples, baby. I would be next to you the whole time. I think it'll give us a new sense of freedom, which I think we've both earned."

I pouted, thinking over his words before giving a small head nod. "Fine, but if you pull any shit I'm not talking to you for the rest of our trip."

With a chuckle, Jungkook nodded. "Sounds like a deal, love."


"Okay, you two are both strapped in and secure. Once the boat starts moving, you will be lifted up with the help of the wind. When we go to land, use this rope to pull and we'll also be there to help you land safely. This red line in-between you both is for emergencies. You won't need it."

"B-But... what if we do need it?" I questioned, thumb nail between my teeth.

The employee shrugged. "Trust me, you won't. We inspect everything in-between use. Now, if you vomit, try to angle off to the side, just to prevent getting vomit on the parachute. Ready? Let's get going!"

I turned my head slightly to meet Jungkook's excited eyes. My hand fumbled, reaching for his. He gave it a squeeze before we heard the motor of the boat start up.

"You ready, love?" Jungkook asked, slight amusement in his voice.

I swallowed. "Let's just get this overwith."

As the boat moved and we were raised further up into the air, I sighed, feeling the breeze against my skin. The crisp air woke up my senses, allowing me to breathe in the ocean breeze, the salt, the sand.

The sun felt within my grasp, making me want to reach out and hold it within my hands, feel the warmth against my palms.

A small smile spread across my face as I released Jungkook's hand, putting my arms out to the side, the tension held between my shoulder blades blowing away in the wind.

After placing our feet back on the ground, the harnesses being unbuckled, I chuckled to myself, glad Jungkook convinced me to step out of ky comfort zone.

The male looked at me with a smile, wind-swept hair falling into his eyes. "What'd you think?"

"Not as bad as I anticipated."

Jungkook laughed, kissing my cheek before leading us down the dock, back through the sand to head back to our cabana. "And how do you feel after beating that fear a little bit?"

I thought about the feeling of the wind on my cheeks, blowing through my hair. I thought about how all of my fears were taken away with the breeze. I smiled to myself. "I feel free."


Y'all Wattpad has been dead the last few months, for real🤣🤣

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