01.00 : Knowing the truth

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❝ℛ𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 ❞

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"Hyosan High School"mumbling to herself, she gulped.

"this school, that k-drama. Zombies-"

"I seriously didn't got reincarnated where there is going to be a zombie apocalypse soon" she thought.

"wait, a zombie apocalypse? That would be interesting!"saying this, she smiled internally and started entering the school.

After searching the principal's office and taking her class schedule, she started searching for her class. She realized her class was the same one as the main characters one.

After sometime, she found the class and opens the door grabbing the attention of everyone present in that room.

"a new student? Come in! Introduce yourself to us! " said the teacher in English. Aera remembered that she was the English teacher Ms. Park.

Bowing a little, she said "hello, my name is Park Aera. Nice to meet you."

"Well, nice to meet you too Aera! You can sit on that empty seat." pointing towards it, the teacher spoke in English.

Aera walked towards the seat and sits on it.

Observing everyone in class, she was just thinking how most of them wouldn't be able to live.

Suddenly her eyes fell on Cheong San, her half brother....
Noticing her gaze on him, Cheong San turned his head towards Aera. While the latter immediately looked up at the teacher and starts pretending she was "focusing" on her class.

After the class ended, Aera was relieved...

Quickly packing her stuff, she went outside the class and searched for the cafeteria.

Finally after thousand years, she found it and looked for an empty table. Unfortunately for her, all of the tables were fulled.
Sighing, Aera started leaving but someone called her from behind.

Turning, she saw.....Su-hyeok? With Cheong San?
Pointing a finger towards herself, she mouthed "me?"
Su-hyeok nodded and Aera started walking towards them.

With an annoyed expression on her , Aera was getting dragged towards a table by Su-hyeok as Cheong San just walked beside them.

There was Onjo, I-sak, Gyeong su, Su-hyeok, Cheong San and Aera eating. Our poor Aera was just replying shortly whenever they tried to talk to her. She was weirded out. Well who wouldn't be if you suddenly got reincarnated to your favorite kdrama world?

After her school ended, she waited for her "mother" to pick her up.
But instead of her mom, Cheong San came saying "her mom can't pick her up from school so she has to go with him".

Walking grumpily behind him, Aera was literally freaking out about the upcoming apocalypse.
And especially that handsome bad boy, Gwi-Nam. Oh how will she deal with him?
There was a week left for it.....
(don't ask me how she knows the date of it 🙂)

Thoughts about different scenarios which can happen during the apocalypse and how will she save everyone were running through her mind and because of that she didn't notice Cheong San stopped walking and bumped into him.

"Sorryyyy" she mumbled quickly while bowing continuously. "It's okay." he said and continued walking. After sometime, they both finally reached her house.

"um thank you for walking me home!" she said while bowing a little. Cheong San just nodded and went towards his home. Aera sighed in relief.

Next day, Aera was sitting in her classroom looking out the window in deep thoughts. Ms. Park didn't came yet . But when she came, there was a boy behind her. Aera stared at the boy for too long.

"Hello, my name is Choi Eun Seok! Nice to meet you all" said that boy in a deep voice. "nice to meet you too Eun Seok! You can sit beside Aera!" the teacher said while pointing at her. He nodded and walked towards her smiling at her.

Aera too smiled back. "Hi!" he whispered sitting beside her. "Hey!" She said in a low voice. Both of them then focused on the lesson.

During lunch, Aera took Eun Seok to where she sat yesterday. They both were new and knew very little about the school except there were some things Aera knew about and no one else did. But there was this one thought annoying Aera. She didn't saw Eun Seok in the whole series in her before life. Did he also got reincarnated? Or it's a little change because of her coming to this world? She was confused but just shrugged it off.

The school was over and she waited for Cheong San to come. Her mother said she can't pick her up, so Aera has to come home everyday with Cheong San.

But instead of Cheong San, Eun Seok came. They became good friends you can say. They both started talking when someone tapped Eun Seok's shoulder. They looked behind him and it was none other than Cheong San. He was glaring at Eun Seok but smiled softly at Aera.

"Let's go Aera!" he said creating some distance between Aera and Eun Seok. "Ok! Bye Eun! I'll meet you tomorrow! If you want help in something, just text me!" she waved at him and went with Cheong San.

"You gave him your number already? You just met him!!" he said rolling his eyes. "and Eun? You gave him a nickname too? " Cheong San said. "yeah he's my friend and what's the problem in giving him my number duh? He's pretty cute tho " Aera replied while mumbling the last part. Then covered her mouth quickly hoping he didn't hear her. Fortunately for her, he really didn't.

"ugh whatever! Do whatever you want, I don't care." he replied carelessly but Aera got sad hearing it. "so he really hates me" thought Aera and sighed.

After reaching her house, she just went straight inside and slammed the door behind her. "um that was a little rude of me to say. I hope she doesn't think I hate her or something. And I hope she doesn't hate me too!" staring at the door he sighed and went to his home.

Author's note : I'm sorry for disappearing. But please spam some comments and votes. I know it's not that good. But I'll try to improve! Also this was kinda a filler chapter and the next one will be too. The real action will start in part 3. So please wait! I'll try to update as soon as I can!

Thank you for reading! ❤✨

❝ℛ𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 ❞

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