Chapter 1

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I stood in a dark abyss, looking at the screen with a curious expression.

"You've got to be shitting me." I said blankly, just starting at the screen.

"Not really. This is what happens when the pantheon gets bored." A man in a black suit said, adjusting his tie.

"What's with the gloves?" I asked, pointing them out.

"My daughter wouldn't stop annoying me till I put them on. We literally argued three days straight over these." He said, sighing.

"But I've only been here for 5 minutes." I replied, giving him a confused look.

"Think of this like the HyperGarlic Ion Gamer from Cragon Rall. It's basically the reverse of it. A minute here is a day in my dimension." He replied.

"Copyright?" I asked, giving him a blank look.

"Copyright." He replied, giving me an equally blank look.

"What pantheon were you talking about?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.

"One long forgotten to most worlds, so it won't matter. My name is Sin, I'm a god of reincarnation if you will." He replied.

"Wouldn't that fall under death's jurisdiction?" I asked.

"Different pantheon, different rules. We're the most powerful so we bull shit our way through it all when we want." He replied, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "Not like anyone can stop us."

"You're unmatched?" I asked.

"I'm not, you should see ☝︎♋︎♎︎♎︎, he's terrifying." He replied, shuddering.

"I didn't quite catch his name..." I said, tilting my head in confusion.

"The upper hierarchy of the pantheons name can't be heard unless given directly by them, it automatically blocks it out for you." Sin replied, sighing. "Anyway, if you choose to continue then you'll be reincarnated into a new world with a race befitting of your achievements and stature. Your knowledge of the previous world will be retained. The world is something like a game, stats and such, so it'll be easier for you to adapt. Everyone is aware yet no one knows what video games are so don't screw it up. Honestly, you'd make a great candidate."

"A candidate for what?" I asked, confused.

"That's for later, it's time to choose." Sin replied.

"Looks like I'm gonna continue then." I replied, pressing yes on the screen.

"Good luck, you're gonna make Hercules look like a b¡tch." He said, smirking as everything glowed and I was shoved into a darkness warmer than the last.


'Where am I?' I wondered, unable to open my eyes or even speak. I could move, but barely because I was met with some kind of fleshy wall. I began to panic for a second but was quickly able to calm down due to some steady and calming beating sound from all around me. It was soothing, like a caring mothers heart. 'Wait, am i in a womb?"

[You have acquired the skill: Sight of Sound. The ability allows you to perceive the world around you with sound, giving you a black and white depiction of the world.] a random voice told me, seeming to narrate the window in front of me.

Suddenly, the entire world turned black and white and I could clearly see the inside of the womb I was in, following after I could see the entire body of whoever I was in. This confused me, their organs seemed to be thicker and there was an added one I didn't know of, there was also another set of veins/arteries that flowed a somewhat glowing energy towards the heart.

[You have discovered Life Energy, you have acquired the abilities Energy Sense and Energy Flow.] the voice told me.

Suddenly, I felt my own body heat up a little bit and the energy within me began to flow and I felt myself change, for some reason I was already beginning to lose my baby fat and feel a little thinner yet also stronger. Immediately I felt Sight of Sound  become boosted and i could see the world outside. There was my mother and who I assumed to be my father asleep in bed with an image I'm never getting out of my head. But to the more important news is, they look just like the Dragonborn race! Does that mean this is my suitable race? Well...I was kind of violent. And I had abnormal strength and stature. I wonder what dragon I descend from.

My thoughts were somewhat interrupted when everything became a tight squeeze and my mother started shouting. Oh great, I'm about to be born.

Immediately I saw mother get to her feet and run outside, my father close behind as they both began to change into True Dragons. Hm, why does it feel like those words have a sort of power? Putting that aside, Sight of Sound deactivates as soon as a giant temple with different dragons carved into it with the singular statue of a man before it, comes into view. Returning to the darkness, I soon felt myself become incased within a hard substance in the shape of an egg. Eventually I felt myself fall but the shell endured, I tried to use my ability but it was blocked off. Deciding that it was pointless to bother, I used energy flow to improve myself as I waited for something to change. After what felt like forever, the only other warmth besides my own energy flowing through me and the occasional touch of what I assume was my parents, something new happened.

It was different than anything else, it was a cold that was empty unlike the fearful cold of death. It had no explanation, no comparison, yet it was gentle and comfortable. It held a love that seemed different than my parents.

"Hello little one, it seems that you're quite intelligent, what else is expected of someone like you who's been reincarnated by my grandfather?" He said, caressing my shell gently as I went wide-eyed. "It's been a while since he's taken such an interest, then again you were interesting when you were a human. Unlike any other."

Immediately, i felt a small pulse as the egg shattered and i could see clearly. Before me was a man of pure white hair, he's skin an odd purplish-Black color. His eyes, they are mystifying, terrifying, gentle, insane. This man was entirely something else, he must be a god considering he resembled the statue outside the temple.

"I am Vulom, son of the void and patron of dragons. I've decided to finally give this world a chance, grandfather didn't warn you but powerful beings are pulling the strings. We can't interfere, but we can have someone do so for us, so take this gift and bring the world hope." He said, gently patting my head as I felt the energy from him enter me.

[You have been given the gift of Void Energy. You have acquired the passive abilities: Voids Protection and Corruption Damage. You have also gained the status of True Dragon. With such status and power you shall be hunted by the other races if discovered.] the voice told me, a hint of warning in the last sentence.

"It's time for me to go child, harness the power well. Do not let it consume you like it has others, I have faith in you little one." He said, fading away into void particles and entering a weird little stone idol in the center of the temple surrounded by others.

'Interesting.' I thought, energy flow activating as it was now much stronger than before and I felt my body double in size and become slimmer and bulkier while losing most of my baby fat. Immediately after it was done I felt a bottomless hunger in my stomach, the only problem is that it made me unable to move. Thankfully I heard footsteps and saw my parents in their Dragonborn forms.

My father was purely intimidating with his looks, I would've been terrified if not for the gentle looks in his eyes. He was covered in pure black scales, his torso and neck being he only exception with dark yellow scales. His horns came in two pairs that curved back and upward, many smaller ones seeming to form something akin to eyebrows on the ridges above his eyes. His muscles seemed full of destructive power that could topple mountains on accident if not contained. His large stature of surprisingly taller than me in my previous world. His eyes were pure white, glowing with energy ready to be unleashed.

My mother, she was art defined. Her pure white scales contrasted my fathers, her neck and torso a beautiful amethyst. Her small horns coming in a single pair that curved straight back. Her body was a lot more lithe compared to my fathers, seeming more for agility than strength. Despite not having fathers muscle, she had energy that felt like it could make a nuclear explosion look like a hand grenade. Her gentle eyes had irises that were a light purple that flowed with her energy, her pupils were slits but not as thin as I expected.

"Where's the dragon?! Who dare try to harm my child?!" My father yelled, his voice booming in the temple.

'There's a dragon here?' I wondered, looking around as I try to ignore my increasing hunger. After a minute I realized ur was the energy I was giving off and my status.

"Drovahn calm down, the energy is coming from our son." My mother said, her eyes shining in wonder as she lifted me and brought me mouth to her breast with me hungrily feeding from her nourishment.

"Vera, our son is a prodigy!!!" He shouted happily, his intimidating aura seeming to disappear.

"Calm down dear, you'll damage his ears before he grows." My mother says, seeming to notice my flinch from my fathers outburst as I used my claws to cover where my ears would be.

"My apologies little one." My after said, his voice gentle as he pat my head. "What shall we name him?"

"Suleyk." At the very mention of my new name, I felt the energy within my body come to a boil. I felt the power momentarily run through me before subsiding. I felt something deep inside me sear my name into my soul.

"It seems the gods accept this name." My father said, temporarily distracting me from the fact that my body was changing from a baby dragon to one of a baby Dragonborn.

"Let's bring him home, we can't risk any of the humans finding out." My mother said, suddenly growing wings along with my father as they flew from the temple.

With their backs turned, I look from my mothers shoulder at the temple. For a brief moment, every statues eyes flowed, going back to normal almost immediately. So this is how my new life begins.

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