Chapter 7

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Quickly, I grab Kir's unconscious body and throw him to the edge of the arena before jumping back. From where I once stood, a large crevice appeared as the ground collapsed to make way for a giant creature crawling out from said crevice.

The creature was easily taking up most of the arena, it's skin looking somewhat like stone. It had large wings that resembled a bats, it's lower body resembling a mass of tentacles and its upper body was that of a snakes. It's head was something of a dragons mixed with some sort of canine.

"You've got to be kidding." I grumble, ignoring the crowds screams of horror as I stared into the beasts eyes.

Slowly, I let out a deep breath and took a meditative position. The world seemed to halt around me, slowly being covered by a film of black that was darker than the color itself. Before me stood the man who blessed me the moment I was born.

"Hmm. Seems like they're pulling out all the stops, never thought they'd up the stakes this early." Vulom said, stroking his chin as he stared into no particular direction. "I never thought they'd fuse a banshee wraith, dragon, naga, and hellhound."

"To make such a chimera, they must've used some serious magic." I mumbled, crossing my arms as I stared at the ground in thought. "It'll be troublesome as I am now. The most I could is assert dominance on its dragon and serpent side, but the banshee wraith and hellhound side will be troublesome."

"At this point, I would say just destroy him with void energy, but you're not strong enough to be protect yourself against the greed of humans. You'll have to at least wait another century before you can deter them." Vulom said, sighing as he crossed his arms. "So I'd advise to just trap it then rip it's core out."

"Thank you for your audience Lord Vulom." I said, bowing to him.

"It's quite alright, it's been quite boring just watching. And most of the dragon gods are either sleeping or to busy with their domains right now." Vulom said, waving his hand nonchalantly as he soon gave me a caring smile. "Just don't die, rather not see your candle snuff out yet."

Without another moment, he faded away and the darkness recedes as I'm now looking at the open maw of the Greater Chimera. Holding my breathe from the foul breath, I jump to the side and quick it's head away from me.

"Here i was hoping it'd be quick." It growled, staring at me venomously.

"If they sent you, then they must have great expectations of me." I replied, my eyes glowing as I roamed my vision across it's horrifying body in search of it's core.

"Indeed they do. And that's why I can't wait to turn you into a corpse, I'm going to devour you!!! They made me into this abomination, just so they can kill you. The pain and agony, the constant torture of having been taken apart and put back together!!!!" It shouted, breathing a jet of reddish blue flames towards me.

Taking a deep breathe, I countered his flames with a jet of acid. Slowly, I pushed forward through the fire and the flames before quickly reaching out and slamming his jaw shut. Lucky for me, seems he bit some of his tongue off. Activating the enhancement runes on my arms, I slowly started spinning him around until I gained enough momentum to throw him into the air. Leaping upwards, I slammed a fist into his throat before grabbing him and slamming him into the ground with me exerting full force as I land on one of his wings.

"Hakdishenaksh. Heisbeksu." He tried to say, his words jumbled without his tongue.

Huffing, I quickly jump back as a tentacle came out of the ground where I stood. In quick succession, I dodged multiple tentacles before one finally slammed me into the ground where I quickly put up a block as multiple slammed into me. Taking a deep breathe, I roar ferociously as acid bursts from every part of my body in a half dome and covers the beast. It hissed in pain as acid burns appeared on its body, I quickly take the chance to summon a ball of acid and throw it at its chest. It's skin and muscle burn away to reveal its core. Dashing forward, I grab the core and rip it from the creatures chest.

'' It fell to the ground, wheezing its last few breathes.

"Your creators are next." I grumble, my eyes glowing purple for a second before I crush the core to dust.

'Good. Give them hell for what they've done, please.' It whispered.

"I will, your agony and suffering are over." I said, kneeling down and laying my hand on its side. "You fought with your all, may all the gods watching know you have my respect."

'And may hell open its gates for me, so that I may ravage the circles and find my way back.' It said, wheezing it's final breathe as the light faded from its eyes.

Bowing my head, I gave a silent prayer as I disposed of its corpse using acid. Getting to my feet, I listen to the cheers of everyone around me.

"Haha! That's my boy!!" Father yelled, jumping from the viewing area and putting me on his shoulders.

"Father, I'm not a little drake anymore." I said, sighing.

"Maybe not in mind, but in body you still have room to grow." He said, chuckling.

"Well it seems I'll need to start growing faster." I said, narrowing my eyes at the large hole in the ground.

"They're catching on huh?" My dad asked, getting serious for once.

"Indeed, the greater chimera was made by their minions." I replied.

"Then it seems more training is in order." He said, grinning widely.

"What do you need to train for?" Silk asked, walking over with the others.

"To get stronger. The chimera was made by the demon lords minions, if I'm going to survive in this world then I'm going to need to grow stronger." I said, starting to feel the fight take its toll on me.

"Why would the demon lord send a beast like that here?" Gorn asked, stroking his beard in thought.

"Most likely recon, he probably wanted to see if he could egg on the leaders into revealing some of their abilities." Fure said, crossing his arms.

"Most likely, the chimeras core had surveillance magic imbued into it." I added.

"Hmph. I wish I got a hit in." Sahqo grumbled.


"It seems the creature has failed." The demon lord said, tapping their metal fingers on the throne.

"Yes my lord, but it was but an experiment. It seems the variable is hiding his abilities." Their servant said, looking at the now dull orb in his hand.

"Quite wise on his part. He knows the greed of humans, almost as if he is one." The demon lord said, humming at the idea.

"What do you think my lord?" The servant asked, putting the orb away into his cloak.

"He could be a reincarnation like myself. That would explain his knowledge beyond his age." The demon lord hummed, getting to their feet as the shadows seemed to follow them.

"Then that could spell trouble, what will we do?" The servant asked, bowing.

"We will observe."


I felt a small smile find its way onto my face. Dina was currently in the contestant waiting area with the rest of my group and she continued to try and arm wrestle Gorn.

"Try 25! Maybe you'll get me this time little princess!" Gorn said, laughing as Dina tried to push his hand to the table.

"I'm gonna do it this time!" Dina shouted, a cute look of determination in her eyes.

"This is both adorable, and tiring." Sahqo hummed, staring blankly at the two.

"Well when it comes to energy, nothing beats this child." I said, chuckling a little.

"Qwi thinks she would make great warrior in the future." Qwi hummed, rubbing her chin.

"Makes me miss my little siblings." Silk said, giggling.

"Imagining more of you is giving me a headache." Fure grumbled, massaging his temples.

"Yet ya still here with us." Toran grumbled, looking down the bottle into his hand before throwing it into a bin across the room.

"Probably because of my charisma holding this group together." Eric joked.

Though amused by their comments I continued watching Gorn and Dina. Slowly, Gorns arm starting going back towards the table as he showed a look of surprise. His muscles bulged as he struggled but his hand finally hit the table as Dina started jumping around in celebration.

"You only won because my arm was tired." He grumbled, putting in a fake sense of disappointment.

"I still won!" Dina said, smiling brightly.

"Aye, good job little princess." Gorn said, laughing.

"I can't wait to tell momma and papa!" Dina shouted, giggling.

"Indeed, you're already so strong at such a young age. I'm going to need to train more before you catch up to me." I joked, patting her head.

"Yeah! I bet I'll be strong enough to beat that giant monster if another one like it shows up again!" Dina said, her eyes glistening.

"I bet you will, just don't go looking for a fight." I said as I pat her head. "Fighting without a reason, even a simple one, is pointless."

"Then why do you fight Suleyk?" Dina asked, looking up at me.

Everyone in the room went quiet, even the other groups were looking my way to see what I'd say. Sighing, I decide to give a part of the truth.

"Because I was born to, I was born with this strength so that I may become something more. But most of all, I fight to earn my strength and to keep those I care for safe." I said, smiling gently at her.

"Then I want to do the same!" Dina said, her bright little eyes sparkling with determination.

"Then work for it, train so that you can be strong." I said, smiling.

"I hope you're not trying to turn my daughter towards a draconian way of thinking." Lady fair said jokingly, walking up to our group.

"Of course not Lady fair, I simply want her to grow towards strength with an aim. This world has become one of survival and conflict, I just want the newer generation to grow up with a mentality of protecting instead of attacking." I replied, standing up straight.

"You speak as if you're an elder." Lady Fair said, narrowing her eyes slightly behind her sweet smile.

"My mother has always told me that I was wise beyond my years, not to mention I was around the monks a lot." I replied, smiling respectfully.

"Then I'll leave it there. I came to get Dina, they've fixed the arena and the last few fights of the beginning bracket are about to take place." Lady fair said, picking up Dina. "Good luck everyone." She added, taking her leave as Dina waved from over her shoulder.

"Well that was odd, it was like she was staring into your soul Suleyk." Gorn said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's because she was."


This came out a little bit later than planned. Was supposed to be published a few days ago but a lot has happened. So I apologize for the delay

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