part 27

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Hello everyone am here with the update .

Thanks to everyone those who all voted for last part.
Dedicated to KhushiJain257

Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Happy reading .


Madhyam was tied down , manik was impatient as he wanted to clear his suspicion

Manik pov – why do I have the feeling that he is under spell , because his scent was also different , but who did this , this spell could be only casted by my grand father and his witch friend , I am in huge mess am not clear about my own life , and here nandini she was all set to wage a war against my enemies ,who knew that I would be a lucky bastrd to get her , but am always scared of my fate the moment when something good happen in my life that means i have to be prepared for the worst storm in my life . hope this time everything goes well , but I dont like this madhyam he is like super leech attached to my mate and there she is my love life scolding my kids , yes I never had any problems with kids like others I always knew the pain how it would feel you are left and abonded, I would give my best to attach with them .

Madhyamumm aahhh , leave me its paining

Madhyam's voice broke manik and nandini's trance

Nandinimanik now tell me what we should do with him

Madhyam cryingly –nandini please leave me why have you tied me ??

Nandini slaps him hard – because you tried to kill me and my family

Madhyam – no

Nandini shouts –no I treated you as friend but you back stabbed me like coward bitch .

Maniknandini he is innocent

Nandini – what ??

Manik – he is under some witch spell

Nandini – how can you be so sure ?

Manik – because this kind of spell was same casted on mukti

Nandini shocked – what ??

Manik – yes , and now by using him as pawn we can reach our destination

Nandini – then why is he behaving bipolar ??

Manik – the spell is making him do that , the person who is infront of us is not madhaym its just him , his souls has been captured and his actions are guided by veronica or may be some witch I guess

Nandini – veronica , yes its her only she can do this .

Manik – because she was also the one who tried to keep us away and I still don't know why ? and she cant do it all alone

Nandini – I can help us

Manik – what ?

Nandini – trust me , I can use my powers

Maniknandini shall I ask you a question , when you had powers did you ever try to find me ? please tell me the truth even if its bitter

Nandini sighs and hugs him tight – manik I had powers but I was bound that I cant use for my own selfish reasons , and I promised it to moon goddesses ,but yes I always remembered you I used to cry when ever I thought about you , for everyone the future is bright only if they fight back with their past , but you were my future and I cant forget you , at times I was very angry on you that what did I lack that you rejected me but the I thought this rejection made me what I am today and we are together , and this is important that you will never leave me .

Manik smiles at her words and kisses her on lips , nanidni was initailly shocked due to the sudden kiss, but later responds when he was trying to thrust his tounge in her mouth , nanidni didn't give him the satisfaction she caught his tounge in her teeth and was savouring it .

His hands were roaming shamelessly on her body , and her hands were busy in pulling his locks .

Manik breaks the kiss when he found she was going breatheless - fierce like a lioness but still could not back kiss for some more time and giggles .

Nandini hides her face and says- strong like a lion , but my kiss brought you to your knees and you surrendered yourself.

Madhyam was all seeing this , but was it him no it was veronica and manik's grandfather aka rouge king , and as manik said his soul was trapped and his actions were guided by veronica, but madhyam could feel and sense everything that was being done by his body .

Veronica – I want to kill

Rouge king – we will but not now , let them enjoy the moment after this my grandson is going to be shattered after knowing that his own blood was trying to destroy his life

Veronica – you mean nandini can visualize you know

Rouge king – yes , and its good I want manik and nandini both of them to break mentally now nanidni will also come to know that I killed her parents , this would create a rift between them and nandini would punish manik for my deed and then I would hit my target my grand son and you will nandini

Veronica – but why did you kill nanidni's parents

Rouge king – because some one told them how I was torturing my so called grand children and they were gonna punish me , but before they could punish me I punished them .

Veronica – but how did you achieve these many powers ,and if you had them why did you seek my help ??

Rouge king – first of all I don't seek any help , we both needed help so we helped each other , and when you sacrifice a royal blood all their powers switch to you , when I killed nandini parents their power was shifted to me , I was gonna kill their daughter but some how she escaped and she was in my son's pack infront of me but I could not identify her , or lees she would have lying today dead in her coffin under the ground .

Madhyam pov- nanidni does not loves me , may be I was coming in between them I realized my mistake but how do I help them ? I am trapped in this and my body is not in my control oh shit why the hell I feel this ache in me ??

Veronica – madhyam's soul would feel the pains now ?

Rouge king – why ?

Verniac – because nandini is trying to cast her spell on his body and when both of our spells would be on madhyam he would in pain due to the sudden clash may be he will die , no gurantee .

Rouge king – don't care about him , just let both of them see the vision and recollect what future has stored for them .


Nandinimanik I think I cant do it more

Manik – why ?

Nandini – the spell casted on him is very strong and I cant break it

Manik – no nandini you can , this is only the way you can find who is the king or else we will loose and may be veronica will win .

Nandini – I will give my best

Nandini was using all her powers , she asked manik to forward his hand so he can see through her eyes ,and yes they were successful but nandini didnt knew this would cost someone's life madhyam's soul was now burning like ashes with nandini spell veronica spell was now broken and madhyam was free but he was damaged .

Madhyam's soul was now actually in his body and he had control , but he was waek , manik and nandini had their eyes closed .

Manik and nanidni could see how nandini's parents were killed and how their powers transferred from to the killer , but the face of the person was invisible , nandini was going to open her eyes but manik holds her hand tightly

Manik then sees how he was getting tortured , his parents dead body , but now he was seeing his sister's his last family member's dead body , she was lying on the floor of his house her body was torn , it clearly shows that their a battle was held and his sister fought and she died , now manik was trembling , and nandini caught his hand tightly

And at the end they could see Sharon getting killed by manik's grandfather , veronica calling him as rouge king , how he killed people for power , his hatred for manik and mukthi , and his aim to kill manik and nandini for power .

Both of were now shocked to core and open their eyes, manik's eyes were red due to pain , and nandini 's eyes were spitting fire due to anger .

Manik – I lost

Nandini – no manik, we lost

Manik shouts angrily – is should have known he as satan's form in human skin , he is a murderer nandini he took my everything .

Nandini – no manik this is not the time that we do fall weak , we need to be strong I think its all planned by your grandfather none other than rouge king he wants to separate us , but he wont succeed this time , he wont he thought I will leave you after seeing this but I will not leave you, he showed us his appearance only to separate us.

Manik cryingly – why are you with me ?

Nandini – because he has harmed both of our families , we both are the victims ,he did injustice to everyone , he is a sinner to our community manik and we cant leave him like that , he killed mukthi manik , but how I don't understand .

Madhaym slowly – I can answer that ?


Madhyam – yes and coughs I don't have much time

Nanidni –are you real , and why are you saying that you have very less time ?

Madhyam – you broke the spell which veronica and manik's grandfather casted on me but I was not strong nandini , my body gave up.

Nandini cryingly – what do you mean ?am sorry I killed you .

Madhyam coughs and brethes heavily – you have very less time , he is very near to you he wants to kill you both and destroy our werewolves community he is a psycho who is hungry for your blood.

Manik – what do you mean he is near to us ?

Madhyam – he knows where you both are ,and he has started from his den with veronica , one thing more he killed your sisiter so that you will come out but you were not known about mukthi's death .his plan failed , he killed mukthi infront of my eyes your sister cried for you manik , you cant be weak anymore you have to avenge your sister's death .am sory manik , but till my last breathe I love nandini and i want both of you to be happy keep her happy and safe .

Madhyam takes his last breathe .

Manik – nandini get prepared we will fight with him , if anything happens to me you will move in your life

Nandini shouts – what are you speaking manik , have you lost your senses

Manik – I have come back to my senses, am his target and persons associated to me will also become his target , he will kill me that is for sure until he sees my blood in his hands he wont be satisfied , but it does not mean , that I wont fight for us , I will but if I loose the battle at the end I don't want you to mourn over my death .

Nandini – I will not let you loose , we will fight together for us .


For my updates of book , stay tuned to my IG ACCOUNT , and I follow back my readers .

Do lots and lots of comment guys .

How was the chappy ?

Few words for manik

Few words for nandini ?

Next update on completion of 120 votes and 60 comments


So guys today our health tip is about cancer , I think most of us know about lung,cervix, breast cancers , do you even happen to her about melanoma ?

Yes melanoma, what is melanoma melanoma is another cancer which is caused in our nails it is one of the mode to skin cancer , yes there would be dark line formation on our nails and many of them ignore it thinking it that there the blood circulation has been stopped , and hell its 100./. its true when we get hurt at times that particular area turns into black due to the blood circulation . so basically guys when ever you see any balck lines formation on your nails please immedieatly visit the doctor , prevention is better than cure .

Even I dint knew about this , its just fate I guess I happenend to visit hospital for my check up there I met a girl of our age she was crying very badly her fingers were amputated due to this , I spoke to her then she explained its a kind of skin cancer through nails and it can spread to our body , she could not recognize it in her initial stage and when she did identify it was late ,she had to amputate her fingers from spreading it in her body ,it was very bad seeing that


I spoke to the doctor itself , and she told me that many of the girls around our age have a obsession to grow nails and daily paint them , its good but growing long nails would cause you many diseses like food poisioning,infections , because skin is our first line of defence in our body so it can even act as easy way for transmission of few diseases and guys eating food with growing nails is not healthy ,and I hope that you people don't do that , if you are then avoid that I myself suggest you to cut your nails clean them .at times when we are beauty conscious we forget about her health ,and short cutted nails also gives you a classy look when compared to your long grown nails , then to maintain those long nails we should be careful that they don't break .

We can use those market available plastic nails if we still choose with long nails .

And this melanoma is cause more in fair people than tanned person because fair people do have less pigments in their body which wont help them to protect them selves from uv radiations .

And most important was she said to avoid "sunbeds "which is now in trend .

I hope this information was useful ,and I have done a experiment for face glowing if it would be successful on my brother I would like to share it with you people .


Manik cryingly – we won nandini , its all becaue of you I love you so much thanks for coming in my life

Nandini – yes we did it


Till then


Take care ,

Love you all ,

Bye .

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