part 5

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Hello everyone 

thanks for your love and support for the last part, hope this story also gets the same response.

plz ignore grammatical mistakes 

hope you enjoy this part 


recap-everyone accusing nandini 

nan  crying - plz alpha believe am not like this ,they are lying 

man wolf growls- i believe you ,if you have mated with the other wolf i could know because your scent would have changed but no ,you smell like pure goddesses i know my human side does not like you but it does not mean that i dont love you am not leaving your remember i love you,i accept you as my mate .my name is max .

nan smiles 

nan pov - atleast max trusts me this much is enough for me to love my mate and i will explain alpha manik that these people are lying but what harm did i do to these people that they are insulting me infront of my mate ,i accept that because of me my parents were killed it does not mean that am killer right i have no one to call as my family except james then how could even alpha reject me ,no i have to explain him. all my life i was alone,atleast  there was a hope in my life but i felt that was also going to show rejection to me, but max,his friends showed me a new way hope this  also does not diminish.

manik pov- oh god how stupid is my wolf when the whole pack is against her and max no he is now against to me i mean he was correct that her scent was pure even i liked it but she is so weak and if i accept her in future if something happens to her then it will lead to whole destruction of the pack ,i will keep her infront of my eyes, i will  not allow her to go nad mate to someother she is mine and i dont want some other person to own my mate ,she is a natural beauty but still she does not have the charm as a luna should possess  ths tupid wolf dog of mine has accepted her before he arks her i have to take control and tries to gain control over his human body 

both manik and his wolf are fighting to take control some how manik is slowly winning his wolf does not wants to lose nandini and her wolf nala her wolf 

max pov- i have to mark her before manik rejects her 

he sees nandini who has tears in her eyes  as she feels  she is responsible for the fight all the pack members pass her nasty glares max sees thia and growls at everyone all fear due to his growling 

max - nandini am sorry for this am not reacy loose you and nala my human side is trying to gain control but always remember i love you both 

nan with tears- please dont leave me 

max  with mix emotions- am not and immedieatly holds her neck and bites over where a mark has to be there

nandini then shouts but later feels pleasure max licks her wound and says - i always love you .plz forgive for this action of mine and leaves her 

cab pov- oh god max has marked her now manik cant rejec her if he rejects her she will die i have to control him now at any cost 

cab shouts - abhi,dhruv hold manik now 

nandini when open her eyes she feels all the emotions of manik anger,hurt towards her 

manik after gaining control shouts- no i dont accept you ,you made my wolf fool but you cant make me you and holds her neck and pushes her to the wall ,

dhruv, abhi , cabir try to pull manik but his hold was so strong all  manik wanted was her life nan cheeks has become red she is coughing very badly at the main time  james bites manik legs manik immedieatly leaves her and shouts - how dare you bastard you bite me your alpha 

cab-manik calm down plz leave him 

man - no 

james - yes i bite you ,i hate you,you killed my di i will not leave you,you are bad alpha 

manik wolf is once again trying to gain control all red marks starts appearing on his body as both are fighting with in themselves everyone sees this and gasps 

cab- manik lets take you to doctor 

nan - plz go to doctor i will not interfere but dont harm yourself plz 

man shouts-its all beacuse of you my wolf is killing me ,its would have been better if i was mateless 

nan  tears-no i love you plz dont tell like that 

man- i manik malhotra alpha of lunar pack reject you nandini as my mate and luna of this pack 

nan pov - i cant let max kill manik i have to do something i cant kill my  mate  i will survive my whole life just by getting a glimpse of him yes am sorry max but i will always love you both 

nan - i accept your rejection 


tadda done guys another update is on its way 

few word for nandini and guys plz trust me even am feeling very bad for nandini but its imp for present later you are gonna love her character and once again ams sorry if i hurt anyone  by writing those words for nandini 

few words for max

plz do support guys ,if you like this part plz do hit a star buton

target - 20 votes and 5 comments 

everyone take care 

love you all


enjoy your weekend

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