Chapter 18

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Riley's POV
"M-M-My powers ?!" I yelled.
"Yes dear, your powers. You are the Moon Goddess' sister. You have powers to protect yourself and the people around you." Said Luna Isabella.
I took a few steps forward and sat on the sofa in the room.
"Wow" I said shocked, surprised, and breathless.
Man I need to hit the gym if I'm breathless from walking a few steps. Nah.
"Yeah! It's awesome!" She yelled, jumping up and down excitedly.
"Now, let's go downstairs to make breakfast and eat!" She said to me and Brandon.
We both saluted her and started walking like a soldier simultaneously.
( 5 minutes later )
Lost . That's what I am. I'm lost.

I lost Brandon and Luna Isabella while walking through multiple hallways.
Now I'm somewhere in the house calling their names.
"BRANDON!?" No answer.
"LUNA?!" No answer.
"MARCO?" Nope.
"Mar-ahhh" I screamed and fell down. I landed on my arm, and let me just say it hurt like hell.
I screamed out in pain.

"Oh shit I'm so so so sorry Luna Riley. I wasn't looking where I was going. I didn't mean to hurt you!" The dude said and he looked really really REALLY worried and scared.
I looked back up at him and saw that he was one of the guys that helped me out in the woods.

"It's alright. I wasn't looking where I was going. And please don't call me Luna. 1) It's too classy. 2) I'm not Luna yet. 3) What's your name?"

"Oh yes I'm Chance 2nd in command and I'm sorry again."

" Well nice to meet you and it's fine, really." I assured him.

"Oh I also wanted to thank you for helping me out in the woods " I added.

"It was no problem, our next alpha found his mate. And according to the twins your our new sister!" He said squealing like a girl and jumping up and down
I bursted out laughing and ending up on the floor

"Ok ok get up now." He said with and annoyed and amused voice.

"So where were you heading ?" he asked.
Eyebrows raised

"Well I was heading towards the kitchen, so let's go." I said pointing my finger in one direction and walking.

"WRONG WAY!" he yelled.
I turned around with my finger still pointed and marched the other direction.
"Idiot" he muttered. I walked right up to him and poked his eye.
"OWW! What was that for?" he whined.
"For calling me an idiot." I simply replied.
( 3 minutes later )
We finally made it to the dining room. There was Luna and Alpha, Jack, Ray, Jay, Zac, Brandon, Chance, and two other pack members.
I walked in and was tackled by 3 people.
They where Ray, Jay and Brandon
They yelled at the same time while hugging me tighter.
"Hey guys. " I said picking up Brandon and kissing his cheek.

"Mommy wanted to sing a song for y'all." I told Brandon and looked at everyone.
I got a bunch of comments like "You sing?! ", and "Yes".

" After breakfast though." I said scolding the twins who where almost out of the room.
"AWWW man!" Said Jay
I went into the kitchen and started to cook for everyone in the pack.
I made: Muffins
-Hash browns
-Pumpkin bread
-French toast
-Fruit salad
-Bacon, and
-Refried beans.
I was done in an hour and a half, and I made enough to feed 4 thousand people, which is good since there's about 2,000 people in this pack. It took at least 3 trips to and from the kitchen. Then I set everything up along with the drinks and called everyone down. To say they were astonished and surprised was an understatement.
"LETS EAT!" Yelled Ray and Jay
Everyone dug in including me and finished in 30 minutes. I helped clean up and met up with Ray, Jay, Chance, Jack, Luna Isabella, Alpha, Luke, Brandon, Cole and surprisingly Zac was there too.
" Ok well I wanted to sing something for y'all that I have been working on so let's go!" I said. We all started walking into the recording studio.

" I forgot we had this room " said Alpha Luke.
I closed the door behing everyone as they all sat down on the couch, floor or chairs.
I went over and turned everything on and went into the booth and sat down on the stool.
I put the headphones on and blocked everything out and focused on my song
Pretend she wrote Hopeful by Bars and Melody. Ok thanks starts video now
Please help me God, I feel so alone
I'm just a kid, I can't take it on my own
I've cried so many tears, yeah, writing this song
Trying to fit in, Where do I belong?
I wake up every day, don't wanna leave my home
My mamma's askin' me why I'm always alone
Too scared to say, Too scared to holler
I'm walking to school with sweat around my collar
I'm just a kid, I don't want no stress
My nerves are bad, My life's a mess
The names you call me, They hurt real bad
I want to tell my Mom, but
She's havin' trouble with my Dad
I feel so trapped, There's nowhere to turn
Come to school
Don't wanna fight I wanna learn
So please mister Bully
Tell me what I've done
You know I have no Dad
I'm livin' with my Mom
'Cause I'm hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's okay
Just be hopeful
Why do you trip at the colour of my skin?
And whether I'm fat or whether I'm thin
You call me loser, you call me a fool
I ain't got a choice, I gotta go to school
I wish I had an angel to stand by my side
I'm shaking with fear, I'm so scared inside
Doesn't really matter if I ain't got the looks
Why do you always hurt me and destroy my books?
'Cause I'm hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's okay
Just be hopeful
I give you all my money every single day
I didn't ask to be born but now I have to pay
I ain't got no food, you take all I have
When I give it to you, you search through my bags
I wrote this song for you to see
We could've been friends, yeah you and me
Mister bully, take a moment please
Every single day you bring me to my knees
'Cause I'm hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy, but that's okay
'Cause I'm hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today (Hopeful for today)
Take this music and use it (Bars and Melody!)
Let it take you away (Take you away)
And be hopeful, hopeful (Yeah)
And He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's okay
Just be hopeful
What I wear is all I have
We lost our home, I'm livin' from a bag
Yo mister bully, help me please
I'm flesh and blood, accept me please.
I finished and opened my eyes and wiped the tears that fell. I walked into the studio and looked at everyone. They all had tears in their eyes and all ran up to me, and pulled me into a group hug. Everyone but Zac he just shook his head and left.
I couldn't help myself I just cried for my mate and my past.
"That was beautiful sweetie." Said Alpha Luke.
"Thank you. I think it came from what happened from my past." I said still crying.
Everyone eventually left and I just sat in the office chair and kept singing my song.
" 'Cause I'm hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's okay
Just be hopeful"

I sighed, got up and turned around. I saw Zac sitting on the sofa cross from me.
I screamed
"YOU SCARED ME!" I yelled.
"Sorry." Was his reply
"I bet you're not. Look I need to go I'm tired." I said and got my hoodie and iPod.
" Wait! Riley I need to tell you something." He said appearing I front of me.
"What Zac I really ne- " I stopped and smelled him. He smelt like Miranda.
I looked up at him with teary eyes and did what I do best,
I ran.

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