Chapter 26

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1 month and 2 weeks later

Its been good here in London. After I scared Liam he tackled me into a hug and yelled for the boys to come outside.

*Flash back again *

"SURPRISE" I yelled doing jazz hands.

He ran and tackled me into a hug.

"BOYS COME HERE LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" He yelled in my ear ...yeah its not like I NEED IT TO HEAR OR ANYTHING.

"What is it Li-RILEY!" Louis yelled.

He yelled and ran to the other side of me and hugged me.

"Louis why are you - SMEXY RILEY." Harry ran out, he dropped his phone on his run, and pulled me into a bone crushing hug

"Cant-bre-athe- H-harr-y." I choked out he pulled back and kissed my cheek.

"Why are y'all out in the hall we have to lea- oh hey Timon." Zayn walked out casually.

"Hey Pumba." I skipped over to him and hugged him.

"Louis and Harry where are my Oreo's?! And why did Liam sound like he was going to fai - PRINCESS." Niall raced out. He dropped his bag of chips and pushed Liam, Harry and Louis out of the way. He picked me up and twirled me around.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here to surprise y'all and see y'all perform - I also get to see Liam shirtless." I winked at Liam and nodded my head up in a ' Sup ' way. Liam flushed red and walked inside the apartment.

"We actually have to go to a interview and then the studio. Want to come with?" Liam asked once his cheeks calmed down.

"Sure, got nothing better to do." I shrugged and hopped on Niall's back.

He laughed his amazing laugh and started running with me on his back. We had to use the back way of the apartments, because directioners were stationed everywhere in the front. Phooey, I really wanted to meet some of them.

Anyways we got in a black van..'cause that's not creepy at all, and drove to the building of, I think his name was Alan Carr? Chatty man? Yeah we drove to his building and...

"Paul almost KILLED US!"


"YES "




Anyways when he got there Paul decided to stomp on the brakes, making me and Louis who was dancing with me at the time, go flying forward and smash into the window.

It hurt like a bitch.

The boys where rushed inside and into wardrobe and make up. I got a pretty funny picture of the boys they had their eyes closed and it looked like they were enjoying the make up being put on them.

After they were done they all got microphones to put on their shirts and were once again rushed out but onto the stage.
I ran back to the dressing room and watched the show.

"Welcome back. Alicia keys will be performing shortly but first though they're the clean cut heart throbs you can take home for tea with your mum, just don't ask to taste their gravy, its O-ONE DIRECTION." I was laughing very loudly by the time he finished.

The boys came out waving 'Hi'
First it was Nialler
Second Zayn
Third Harry
Fourth Louis
And last but not least Liam
They all hugged Alan and sat on the sofa. Liam was waiting for the boys to scoot over and finally sat down.

"So how's life going guys?" Asked Alan.

"Its going pretty well." Louis said.

"And to think when you first came on 'Chatty Man' you were rock bottom, and your lives were going nowhere."

I chuckled and walked out of the room and towards the back of the stage. I couldn't see anything but I heard everything.

"So guys tell me who this girl is. Sshe was seen riding on Niall's back and getting off of a plane with Cameron Dallas. She also got into a limo with him... WHO IS SHE??" Alan yelled toward the end.

"Well her name is Riley, and all of us have been friends for years and years. We know so much about each other, its scary." Liam replied.

"As for what she was doing with Cameron Dallas is it ..I don't know ....why don't you ask her yourself?" Harry smirked.

"What a great idea Harry. Can we bring her out?" asked Alan.

Everyone cheered.

My eyes widened and I stepped back crashing into something. Not even turning around I started feeling, what's behind me, yep that's an arm.

"Come on Riley don't make this difficult. I already have to deal with the boys." said Paul.

"I'M SORRY PAUL." I yelled and ran past him.


"NO" I ran all the way around the stage with Paul right behind me.
I found a door and ran for it. I opened it and ran right through it. I made it down half the steps before I froze. I was on the set that the boys were on and everyone was watching me.


I started running again.



"I HAVE YOUR WIFE!" I shouted back.


I stopped running.

"How. Do. You. Have. Zacs. Number?" I growled out already knowing the answer.

"I went through your phone." He shrugged.

"Run mate." All the guys yelled in the background.

I turned around and walked slowly towards him, and then made a turn and skipped towards the boys.

"Hello boys." They all got up and ran towards me tackling me into a hug.

"You just saw me like 5 minutes ago. Jeez can't you get enough of me?" I joked.

" You're my wife. I'm always supposed to be with you since I'm your husband." Louis said.

"I'm flattered and all, but you're not my type Lou." I patted his head. He pouted and went to sit back on the couch.

"Yeah Lou she prefers the Bradford badboy." Zayn said and slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Sorry Zayn, I love you and all, but again not my type." I patted his chest.

"Well then, I didn't want to be with you any way." He huffed and sat next to Lou.

"Suck it up guys she wants a real man like me." Harry walked over and winked at me.

"Harry I'm older than you by like 3 years." I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly sweet cheeks."

"Stop being a Pervert and go sit with the boys." I ordered. He rolled his eyes but obeyed... Good doggy.

"I think she prefers a man like me, who can actually treat her like a princess. Right princess?" Niall said and kissed my cheek.

"Awwww you're so adorable Niall." I pinched his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"But I'm manly." he looked at me with big eyes like a child.

"Yes you are." I pulled out a kit Kat from my pocket and gave it to him. He smiled greedily and took it running to the couch next to Zayn and sat there.

"I'm not putting anything out there." Liam stated and sat next to a chocolate face Niall.

"This is why we are friends " I skipped over to the boys and sat on the floor.

"Hi Alan call me Whites ,Riley Whites ....Man I love doing that. Anyways just call me Riley." I stuck out my hand and shook his.

"That was some entrance Riley." He said laughing.

"Well tank ya." I flipped my hair and leaned back onto Niall's legs.

"Okay well seeing as everyone is just finding out about you ...tell us about yourself."

"Well give me questions and I'll answer them." I said.

"Why were you with Cameron Dallas?" He asked.

"Yeaaah Riley why were you with him?" Louis mocked.

"I had sat next to him on the plane and we talked for a bitm he had gotten a call from Bart the manager of Magcon ...
* cue screams from girls on audience* ...yeah them, saying they needed a act for their show. So Cam naturally asked me to sing in front of the whole plane while they judged me. He actually liked me for some reason and asked me to perform for them. I said yes, and when we landed we went to the arena, rehearsed, and the show went on from there." I explained.

"" He said.

"Yeah" Harry said.

" What do you call the boys? " A fan shouted.

"GOOD QUESTION!" I shouted back.

Everyone chuckled.
I got up and walked around the boys and stopped behind Liam.

"Liam will always be known as Daddy Direction, but I call him Captain because he's always in charge." I walked behind Niall.

"Niall is called Nialler but I sometimes come him Prince since he calls me Princess, or Mr. Bear, because he's like a big teddy bear." I walked behind Harry.

" I call Harry Dimples, or Gum Drop because I don't know I just like it." I walked behind Zayn.

"Now Zayn. I call Zayn Pumba, and he calls me Timon from Lion King because we love it so much." I walked behind Louis.

"And last, but not least, Louis." He greedily grabbed my hands and pulled me over the couch making me sit on his lap.

"You see Louis is special, because he is the sass master from Doncaster. I call Louis my King because he is the Prank King and I am the Prank Queen. But he also calls me wife and I call him husband. We have many nicknames for each other." I said chuckling and hugging Louis.

"DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?" Yelled another fan.

"GREAT QUESTION!" I yelled back.

"I do indeed have a boyfriend, his name is Zac."

"Ye fans is taking over me show lads." Alan said.

Everyone laughed including the boys

"Actually we gave the crew a few pictures of you and can show them now." said Liam.
I glared at him.

"You did not Liam."

"Oh but we did." Said Zayn.

"But ......whyyyyyyy?" I dragged out.

"Because y'all are adorable." Replied Harry.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's see." said Alan.

The first picture popped up and I swear everyone except the boys gasped. It was me and Zac kissing, but Brandon was on his shoulders laughing.

"I didn't know you had a kid." Said Alan.

"Because I never told you ...His name is Brandon. Me and Zac adopted him 3 years ago."

The next picture showed up and all the girls awwed.
It was Zac on one knee and he was putting my shoe that fell off, back on.
I chuckled remembering he got so much crap for that from ALL the guys in the pack.

The next was me and Zac sitting on the couch. He was playing his guitar, and I was watching him.

Next was a picture of me and Zac dressed up as Mario and Luigi and we're staring at each other. Everyone said aww , but Alan was like barf.

Then there was me hugging a giant teddy bear that Zac had sent me from his mission.

"Bloody hell, how can you carry that thing around?" Exclaimed Alan.

"She can carry it with no problem, but she also has one of us or Zac help her with it." Said Liam laughing.

Then a picture came up with me and Zac holding hands, but I have on a bear head and he has on a panda head and we look like we're skipping.

"What went through your head when you thought of this idea? " Alan asked.

"Hey babe, why don't we put on bear heads and skip around like nothing's wrong with the world?" He said in a high pitched voice.

"Oh and let's dress fancy too." He added on.

"We were bored, and we wanted to be weird." I said.


I was about to respond when my phone went off.

'I love you baby girl, now please answer your phone...because I want to hear your beautiful voice and I'm amazing and I know you want to talk to -'

"Holy shit even even his voice is hot." I heard a girl say.

"I know right." I said back and answered and put him on speaker because Alan motioned for me to.

"Hey baby girl." He said quickly.

"Hey Charming."

"I miss you." He huffed.

"I miss you too." I giggled.

"Can you just like come home now and not see the show ..." He trailed off
"No I want to see my boys perform." I replied.

"But baby girl, we live with them and if that doesn't work I'll buy out their whole concert so you can have fun and still see them perform and be with me all at the same time." He whined.

Again everyone awed.

"No, Zac I'm already in London." I laughed.

"Then leave London, duh." He said all sassily.

"Don't get sassy with me mister."

"I'm sorry princesa I just want you here with me." I sighed.

"I know Zac."
All of a sudden I heard a yell and a groan and glass breaking.

"Zac?!!" No answer.

"Zac are you okay?" I got up and started pacing.

"Zachary Manning answer me baby please."

"MOMMY!" A tiny voice screeched.

"Oh hi baby." I said relieved he's alright. The boys all let out a breath of relief and their tense posture decreased.

"I miss you mommy. Daddy has been no help at all. He's just been moping around. Grandma yelled at him and hit his head because he didn't want to do his work when you weren't here, and now he's on the floor in pain because he didn't see me sneak up on him." He explained.

"Did you slide under him?"

"You bet I did."

"Where did you punch him?"

"I'd rather not say mommy ..." He trailed off.

"Good job baby." I exclaimed.

"Will you sing for me again mommy?" He yawned.

"You're tired again? Oh my goodness."

"Yeah daddy's very hard to take care of ...he's a pain in the butt." He grunted.

"I know he's annoying, now go lay down in bed and I'll sing." I was about to walk off stage when Zayn picked me up and threw me back on the couch. I put the phone on mute so Brandon can't hear me.


"We're still on t.v love." Harry said.

"I'm ready mommy."

I glared at the boys and they sat right down when they saw my gaze. Alan even scooted back a little .

I took the thing off mute.

"Okay baby where's daddy?"

"I'm right here princess." He replied shortly after.

"Okay guys y'all ready?"

"Yes." Both replied.

Hush little baby don't you cry
Mamma's gonna love you all your life
And if you ever need a friend
Mamma's right there till the very end
And if you're feeling down or weak
We are gonna give you the strength you need
There's nothing in this world that we wouldn't do
For our little future cause we love you
Zac had joined me in the middle of the song and he sounded amazing.

"Good night mama, I love you to infinity and beyond." He whispered.

"Good night little wolf, I love you to infinity and beyond." I whispered back.
I heard shuffling and a door close.

"Good night my beautiful princess I'll see you soon. I love you so so so much." Zac said.

"Good night Charming I love you too."
"GOOD NIGHT ZAC WE LOVE YOU!" the boys shouted in sync.

"Good night boys. Take care of my girl will ya?"

"We will." Liam said.

"GOOD BYE ZAC!" The whole crowed shouted.

"Uhhh Riley ....babe where are you?"

"Umm...we kinda might be on t.v." I murmured.

"Riley I'm not on speaker am I?"

"BYE ZAC LOVE YOU." I hung up the phone and threw it towards Liam.

'I love you baby girl ,now please answer your phone...because I want to hear your'- Liam denied the call and threw it to Zayn.

'I love you baby girl ,now please answer your phone...because I want to hear your beautiful voice'- Zayn denied the call and threw it to Niall.

'I love you baby girl ,now please answer your phone...because I want to hear-' He squealed and threw it to h
Harry, who threw it to Louis who threw it to Alan.
'I love you baby girl ,now please answer your phone...because I want to hear your beautiful voice and I'm amazing and I know you want to talk to -
"Ello love."


"Uh bye." He hung up and threw it to me. I turned it off and and sat down with a big sigh.

"That's actually all the time we have with One Direction."

*end of flash back *
After the show I ran straight towards the van and the boys followed minutes later, after signing some fans things
We had went to a studio where they recorded "Little Things" and made the video ...let me just say its amazing and adorable .....ANYWAYS
I've changed my appearance a little. I have gotten tattoos and piercings all with Zacs approval of course.

I miss him and Brandon so much. He says that they showed up a month ago and he is trying to badly not kill anyone of them. I'm going back in a few weeks and I can't wait. The boys and girls are coming with me.

I got Paul to give them a few months off with my puppy face. The boys tried doing it to get food but they ended up getting slapped on the head by him.
Out of everyone I'm Paul's favorite, I mean who wouldn't like this? *points to body*
Anyways I'm just hanging upside down on a couch because I'm bored and the boys are doing their last show.

I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard,
I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words,
I wish I found some chords in an order that is new,
I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang,

I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink,
But now I'm insecure and I care what people think.

"Yellow" I said picking up the phone.

"Hey baby." Zac said with a hoarse voice.

"What's wrong zac?" I said worried. Last time he called me like this Brandon broke his arm from playing on the monkey bars and he fell.

"Can you come home today please something happened?"

"What? What's wrong? Who's hurt? Zac is Brandon okay? Is mom okay? Is dad okay? Are you okay?" I rushed out grabbing my things and packing them.
"Mom, me and Brandon are fine babe ...its dad." He whispered.

"What's wrong with dad?" I said getting teary eyed.

"He has cancer baby girl, and its bad he's in the hospital right now."

I couldn't hear anything after that, the phone dropped from my hand and landed on the floor.

My dad has cancer ...but he was so healthy when I left. He was playing football with the guys...he can't leave us .

"RILEY!" I heard Zac yell threw the phone. I quickly picked up the phone and put it to my ear.

"I'll be there by tonight." Was all I said and hung up.

I packed everything and used my powers to pack the others bags and transport them to the pack house.

I locked up the pent house and went into the lobby giving the key to the person at the desk. She looked really concerned because I was a crying mess.
I weakly smiled at her and said goodbye. I saw Henry the door man open the door for me, and he gave me a smile but replaced it with a frown when he saw me.

"Are you okay Riley bear?" He asked concerned.

"I will be. Thanks for asking Hen but I have to go home now."
I gave him a tight hug and called for a taxi. One drove up and I got in. I waved to Henry and blew him a kiss.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver asked. He looked about 60. He had bags under his eyes but, he smiling like he's not hurting or tired.

"The One Direction concert please." I sniffled.

"I dropped off my daughter at the concert." He said chuckling.

"Oh really what's her name? I'll get the boys to follow her on her socials."

"Annabell. May... if you don't mind me asking ,Why are you crying sweetie?" He asked.

"My boyfriend just called me. His dad has cancer and he said its very bad. He is like a father to me, since I've never had a dad. I have been around him for 3 years. Our bond is strong, and I don't want to lose the only father I have had in my life." I said crying.

"Everything will be okay sweetie. You must really love this lad if your leaving London, and have been with him for 3 years. His family must really love you so much." He said looking at me through the mirror.

"I do love him so much. I love his family too. They already have me calling them mom and dad. Me and my boyfriend are already raising a baby boy." I said smiling.

"Oh really? How old is he?" His eyes grew wide.

"His name is Brandon. He just turned 6 a few months ago. Me and Zac, my boyfriend, adopted him after his sister, who was his guardian at the time, tried to hurt him." I have no idea why I'm telling my life story to a complete stranger.

"Well that's amazing sweetie, but why are you going to a One Direction concert?" He asked confused.

"The boys of the band are like my family. They live with me and I'm pretty sure they would want to be there for my dad." I said smiling slightly.

"You love your family very much don't you?" He said with his eyes twinkling in admiration.

"Very much, they saved me." Was all I said.

"Well sweetie, we are here." He said pulling up to a curb.

I wrote my number down on a paper and handed him a $100.

"If you ever and I mean ever need anything call me. I don't care if its for money, or if you need a place to stay or to watch your daughter. Call me and I'll help you. I can tell you're  struggling and I want to help you, like you helped me. I'll help you with anything." I said smiling at the man.

He took it in shock and hugged me.

"Thank you so much, I'll be sure to ring you if I ever need anything. " He said with tears in his eyes.

I went into my purse and pulled out 2 necklaces I gave them both to him and said,

"Please keep these on. They will let me know if you are in danger and need my help. I will be here in an instant." I pointed to my necklace I had on.

"I'll know and I'll help."

"Thank you so much sweetie."
I hugged him and got out of the taxi.
I walked inside the venue and smelt out where they're staying.
I saw them and ran towards them.

"Guys we have to leave now."

"Why?" Liam said.

"Because Zacs dad was diagnosed with cancer, and its bad he's in the hospital." I repeated the story.
All of them quickly got their stuff and I talked to Paul letting him know our situation. He's coming with us.
We stood in a circle holding hands and I concentrated on our location we want to go to the pack house, and in a instant we were there.

I walked up the drive way with the gang following behind me. Just saying, we looked so badass. The door opened and Zac along with the rest of the pack and theirs came out. Zac ran to me and picked me up spinning me around .

"Oh I missed you baby girl." He put me down and kissed me passionately.

"MOMMY!" Brandon yelled tackling me into a hug, making me fall to the ground laughing.

"My, you've gotten bigger in just a month baby." I said hugging him. I stood up hugging him, and Zac wrapped me in his own hug. We were in our own little group hug and it was adorable.
I pulled away and put Brandon down only to be tackled in a hug by my mom.
"Hey mama." I said hugging her back.
She pulled away but grabbed my ear and twisted it.

"OWW JESUS WOMAN I NEED THAT TO HEAR!" I yelled out in pain.

"Why did you leave and didn't tell me?" She shouted back.

"Because I was looking for a present to give to Brandon for his birthday, and I wanted to see the boys perform at least once and I wanted to see London. JESUS WOMAN LET GO!"
She pulled away and huffed in annoyance.

"I'm not done with you." She said and walked away.
I rubbed my ear and looked at Zac pointing my head in her direction making a face.
He laughed along with the boys and Paul.

"I SAW THAT RILEY." She ran towards me and I ran away from her shouting.

"CRAZY LADY CHASING ME AHHH HELP!" I ran into the crowd but they all ran away from me.

"Y'ALL TRAITORS!" I yelled after them.
Next thing I know I'm being picked up and put onto someone's shoulder. I began kicking and punching the persons back screaming like a maniac.
Then I'm being set down and facing a very angry Luna.

"Hi mama." I said innocently.
Harry scoffed.

"Don't try to play innocent, you're nowhere near it."
I glared at him and he shut up.

"Riley you have food duty for the rest of the week." She said smirking.

"NOOOO!" I shouted dramatically falling to my knees and holding my fists up to the sky.

"YESSSSSS!" The boys, Zac and the pack shouted jumping up and down.

"I can spit in all y'alls food." I said smirking.

They stopped and grumbled something user their breaths.
I cupped my ear.

"What was that?"

"We love you Riley." They all said at once. Woah .

"That's what I thought." I skipped up to the house but stopped when I saw Christians pack looking at ours, shocked.

I saw 2 familiar people in the group and ran full speed towards them

I tackled them into a hug.

"RILEY!" They yelled back hugging me back tightly.

After a few moments of hugging we got up and turned around to see everyone's and I mean everyone's shocked faces.
Christians pack showed regret and happiness, while mine showed proudness and amusement.
I skipped over to Zac and pecked his lips.

"Zac honey, these lovely people are my best friends from my old pack." I gave a look saying 'be nice or your sleeping on the couch'.

"Hello. I've heard too much about the both of you." He said shaking their hands.

"Guys this is Zac, my mate." I said smiling.
They were shocked but smiled at me Emma stepped up.

"Listen here buddy I missed 3 years of my best friends life. I don't care if you've been together 3 years. I don't care if your an Alpha. If you hurt my friend, I will hurt you 10 times worse. Got it?"

"Got it." Zac gulped. I laughed and jumped on his back he grabbed my legs.

"What are you laughing at?" He said daringly.
I coughed to cover up my giggles.


"Oh yeah?" I giggled.


He started running with me on his back. I was bobbling up and down and yelling but laughing.
I turned my head and saw that Zayn, Louis, and Harry had the girls on their backs and were now chasing us.
I tapped Zac's shoulder and pointed behind us. He ran faster into the crowed swerving around people that didn't move fast enough.
I, on the other hand, was yelling my head off. He ran into Christians packs crowd and did many turns and twists making me feel nauseous. He tripped over a branch and I fell with him on top of me. I was laughing so hard and looked up at him. I pecked his lips and started laughing again.

He leaned down and kissed me fully.

"I love you princess."

"I love you charming." He helped me up and hugged me.
We heard a cough and turned around. There was Cameron standing there, just staring at us. He looked horrible. He had big bags under his eyes, he was a lot skinnier. His hair was longer, but what caught my eye were the cuts on his wrists. They were covered in make up but I could tell what they were.

'I forgive him.' My wolf whimpered.

'I-i can't.' I whispered back.

'You can forgive but you cant forget. ' She said.

'I know you won't forget what he did but at least forgive him. I mean look at him. After all, forgiveness isn't for the other person. Its for you.'
I walked up to him slowly and wrapped my arms around him.

"I missed you Cam." I mumbled.
He slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you too smiley Riley." I pulled away and walked back to Zac who wrapped his arms around me protectively. I leaned into his touch and smiled.

"It's good to have you back brother." I said then turned to Zac.

"....I want to see him" His smile turned into a frown.

"Are you sure that's what- "

"That's what I want."  I cut him off.
He said goodbye to both packs and lead me to the pack hospital.
Once we got inside I turned to him.

"I need to do this ...alone." I said getting teary eyed. He looked at me and sighed.

"If you need me contact me, and I'll be there in a second." He kissed my forehead and went to sit down in the waiting room.
I went up to the nurse at the desk.

"Excuse me where's the Alphas room?"
She looked up and choked on the food she was eating.

"He's in room 318." She bowed. I smiled at her and walked away.
I walked into the elevator and pressed the 2nd floor button.
Once I got to the floor I started searching for the room.
267, 269, 271......312, 315, 316, 317, 318!
I walked in and pulled up a chair and stared at his sleeping face. I grabbed his hand.
"I have a song I want to sing for you daddy "
           Play video please

He drops his suitcase by the door

She knows her daddy won't be back anymore

She drags her feet across the floor

Tryna hold back time to keep him holding on

And she says

Daddy Daddy don't leave

I'll do anything to keep you

Right here with me

Can't you see how much I need you

Daddy Daddy don't leave

Mommy's saying things she don't mean

She don't know what she's talking about

Somebody hear me out

Father listen

Tell him that he's got a home and he don't have to go

Father save him

I would do anything in return

I'll clean my room

Try hard in school

I'll be good

I promise you

Father, Father

I pray to you

Now I haven't slept in weeks

I don't want to close my eyes cause I'm scared that you'll leave

They tried just about everything

It's getting harder now

For him to breathe

And I say

Daddy Daddy don't leave

I'll do anything to keep you

Right here with me

Can't you see how much I need you

Daddy Daddy don't leave

The doctors are saying things they don't mean

They don't know what they talking about

Somebody hear me out

Father listen

Tell him that he's got a home and he don't have to go

Father save him

I would do anything in return

I'll clean my room

Try hard in school

I'll be good

I promise you

Father, Father

I pray to you

Please don't let him go

I'm begging you so

There open his eyes

Need a little more time

To tell him that I love him more

Than anything in the world

I'm daddy's little girl

Father (father) listen (listen)

Tell him that he's got a home and he don't have to go (don't have to go)

Father (father) save him

I would do anything in return

I'll clean my room

Try hard in school

I'll be good

I promise you

Father, Father

She was Daddy's Little Girl

Mmmmm oh
I looked up and saw all the doctors, nurses, Zac, mom, and Cameron. The boys and girls, and patients all with tears in their eyes.

*walks on stages and waves *
*crickets *
Ok hiii guys I'm sorry this chapter took so long but its a very long chapter .im sorry
Thank you for reading
I love you's

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