Chapter 8

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Christians POV

 I meant it when I said to Cameron that I didn't care. But I hurt her, and my mom and dad, who loved her like their own daughter which she would've kinda been. But I felt some sparks, just a little, so I rejected her and it didn't hurt at all.

*RILEYS POV * ( before they found the note )
I turned back around and ran towards the territory border. Once I got there I took a breath and stepped over feeling all the packs thoughts and the ties to them wash away from me as I began running again.

I have been running for 6 hours straight. I feel so tired. I think I'm going to sleep just till the sun rises. I found a tree branch just high enough for me to climb and sleep on. And no one can see me. I climbed up, and got comfortable. Before I fell asleep, my last thought was "I wonder when I'm going to shift ?"

I woke up when I heard a twig snap. I looked around only to find nothing. And me being me, forgot that I was in a tree and tried to stand up only to fall out. When I fell, I heard 2 snaps which were my ankle and wrist. I cried out in pain. SHIT. Just then, much to my dismay, 5 big wolves came out. Werewolves. There was one in the middle that was way bigger than all of them. My guess, he was the Alpha. There were 2 wolves that look exactly alike from each other except one has a light brown patch on his side and the other had a dark brown patch. There was a beautiful reddish/brownish wolf next to them. And the Alpha in the middle was a huge all black wolf with a white and blue patch on his tail. He was beautiful. Then next to him was a cute, but big, and beautiful grey wolf. They all went to the woods to shift I guess and came out a few minutes later wearing only shorts. DAAAAMNN THEY'RE FINE.  

"What are you doing on my land rouge?!"

Oh right. Ssshhhh Act normal.

"I um r-ran a-away fr-om m-my pack sir." I said, not so confident.

" If you don't mind me asking. Why?" He said in a softer voice.

"Well that's a long story. That I'm sure you don't want to hear. I'm sorry for passing your territory. I will be on my way now. Sorry again." I said not stuttering. Mental high five to me. 

" No, we actually do have time, and I don't want you to leave yet. "He said sounding....desperate?
"Um okay. Long story short, I ran away from my pack because they abused me. They treated me like shit, and my mate rejected me for being 'weak, ugly, fat, and a slut.'"

" Oh. What about your family ?"

"My father got killed and my mom is slowly dying because of the loss." I said my voice getting weaker.

"Have you shifted yet?"

"No. Today is my birthday so I'm still waiting."

"Oh well happy birthday ......"
Oh my name duh. 

" Riley. My name's Riley "

"Happy birthday Riley "

"Thank you Alpha ...." Damn again with the names. His name shall be Bob. 

" Zac. Alpha Zac " Hot. 

" Thank you Alpha Zac."
Now I don't need to call him Bob.
"Dang it!! " I accidentally yelled the last part, which got the boys attention. 

"Um. Why did you yell?" Said a twin?

"I didn't know his name, so I called him 'Bob' in my head. Now I don't need to call him 'Bob'" I said in a whining tone, making them laugh. 

"I LIKE HER!! CAN WE KEEP HER??!!" Said the other twin.

shouted the other twin. 

"Well I guess. Riley would you like to join my pa-" He was cut off by my bones cracking and me screaming in pain. Shit.

"She's shifting back away! Give her some space."
That's all I heard before passing out.

Alpha Zac's POV
I was about to ask her if she wanted to join my pack, but I was cut off by bones cracking. Not just anyone's bones, Riley's bones. My mate. Yes she's my mate. I guess I'm her second mate. "SHES SHIFTING! SHE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT WITHOUT HER MATE " yelled Jack.

"Alpha do you think she will make it?" Asked Jay, one of the twins
"I don't know. Just watch " I said worried. She's my mate, but she doesn't know that yet. Her wolf still needed to come out, and sense that I'm her mate.

After awhile, we thought she didn't make it. I looked down almost about to cry. 

"ZAC LOOK" yelled Jack.

Her body started floating in the air, and she started glowing. Not like beautiful glowing, she's very beautiful, but like sunshine light glowing. She started transforming not in wolf for, but in human form. Her hair got longer, and darker. It was black. It looked cleaner, and full of life. She got tanner, her lips got fuller and more pinker. She now has the body of a super model. 

She. Has. A. Six. Pack. She was very beautiful. Not that I didn't think she wasn't beautiful before, but now she is even more beautiful.

Then her body started transforming into her wolf. Her wolf was breathtaking. It was white with blue diamonds. She has a long, wavy, bright blue tail with a bright purple diamond on the tip.  She also has a blue diamond tiara looking thing on her forehead. Her wolf was huge!! She was bigger than an Alpha! And we are huge wolves.
She got up and walked up to us. She sniffed all the guys hands. When she got to me she nuzzled her nose into my hand.
I laughed and told the guys to shift into their wolves.
We went behind the trees, and shifted. When we came out, Riley started growling at us. Not realizing it was us, she got down in an attack position. I went up to her and licked/kissed her face, and she did the same back.
The guys kept mind linking me, but I didn't care.
( OOOOH BIG BAD ALPHA IS IN LOOOOVE ) by that comment I already knew it was Jay.
( guys......she's y'all's luna ) then I cut off the mind link. And was shaken out my of my thoughts when Riley nuzzled and licked my nose. I kissed her nose in wolf form and ran away from her in a playful way. I turned around to see 4 shocked faces.
(Why do you all have shocked faces? ) I asked them?
( You never play!) they all replied at the same time.
( Yes I do ) I replied.
( Whatever man ) replied Chance. 
( Well, catch y'all later guys ) I said and I got replies back like,
(Oooh get it )
( Be careful )
( Oooh kill 'em )
I ran with Riley into the woods to my favorite place I found when I was young.

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