Chapter 24

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I am thinking to keep a target regarding votes and comments, after you guys will complete the target I will give you the next chappy. Nice idea. Right ? 😜😜

In the end you will get the target you guys have to achieve.


Prakash - Are you guys ready for tomorrow ?

Neil - Yes dad. We are ready. Right Avni ?

Avni - I am bit nervous .. ( hesitantly ).

Prakash - You will do it Avni. Have faith on yourself.

Neil - Yes, you are our fighter Avni. You will do it. Now Dayavanti should pay back for her deeds.

Avni nods and have her dinner silently. Prakash and Neil saw that she was little bit stressed. After dinner, she went to her room silently.

Prakash - Is she fine ?

Neil - She's little bit stressed dad and that is normal as she will be facing those devils who spoilt her childhood.

Prakash - Shall I talk to her ? I guess, you should talk to her as you will make her understand properly. ( smiles ).

Neil smiles and went towards kitchen, he comes out with two coffee mugs.

Neil - I will make her feel good, you should take rest dad.

Prakash nods and went to his room while Neil went to Avni's room. He saw her lost in her own world.

Neil - Avni. ( softly ).

Avni turns back and saw him standing at the doorstep with coffee mugs and his evergreen breathtaking smile.

Avni - Why are you standing there Neil ? Come inside.

Neil comes inside and forwards one coffee mug to her. He sits beside her

Neil - So.

Avni - So. ( confused ).

Neil - Why are you tensed ?

Avni - Neil you know very well that I am not scared of them cos I know you and dad are there with me, still this nervousness, anxiety. I don't know why this is happening ? Still I am feeling helpless. ( teary eyes ).

Neil wipes her tears and caress her cold shivering hands.

Avni - And... and.... ( chocked voice ).

Neil hugs her tightly while she buries face in his chest.

Neil - ( while caressing her hairs ) And what Avni ?

Avni - My body is becoming weak sometimes. Don't know why ... and..and ..

Neil - Demanding for drugs ?

Avni nods and Neil takes her in his arms.

Neil - You know what counsellor was saying about you ?

Avni nods negatively.

Neil - She said that Avni is the most strongest girl who fought with her fears and addictions  in such a short time.

Avni - Still these memories haunt me.

Neil - That's okay Avni. It's normal. You know getting rid from your haunting past takes time. It will take some more time after that you won't get scared of all this.

Avni - If you are with me then I will never get scared Neil.

Neil breaks the hug and kisses her forehead.

Neil - Wait for me, I will be back within few minutes.

Avni nods. Neil left.

After few minutes he came back with a file in his hands.

Avni - What's this ? ( pointing towards the file ).

Neil - Your progress. ( smiles ).

Avni frowns cutely while Neil admires her cute confused face.

Neil sits beside her and opens the file. Avni gets amazed.

Avni - My paintings. ( glistening eyes ).

Neil smiles.

Neil - I have preserved each and every creation of yours in a proper sequence. See your progress Avni. ( smiles ).

He opens the file and they look at the first painting in which a girl tied in chains is sitting in a dark room with her face buried in her palms. There was a little ray of light coming from a small hole.

Neil - This was your first painting Avni when you were totally hopeless about yourself still you trusted me and dad in that situation.

He shows her paintings in a proper sequence.

Neil - With every passing day  ray of light increased in your paintings and a ray of hope ignited in your heart. This is called progress Avni.

After going through alot of paintings, there came another sequence where ray of light became stable. Neil looked at Avni who wasn't able to look into his eyes. Neil made her face him by holding her chin gently.

Neil - Like I always say you need not to be ashamed. I know this phase was difficult for all of us. That time when you were lying on that hospital bed looking pale and lifeless, believe me I never want to see that phase again in my life. I can't imagine you in that blue hospital gown again except...

Avni - Except ? ( innocently ).

Neil - Well, I would love to see you in maternity ward of hospital in future... ( winks at her ).

Avni's eyes became wide and her cheeks became tomato like after Neil's naughty confession.

Avni - Hawww !! Neil you are so shameless. ( shocked ).

She smacks him on his shoulder while he chuckles.

With that Neil and Avni again started admiring the paintings.

Neil - With every passing painting, your self confidence increased. That's what I wanted Avni and you never disappointed me.

They saw the recent paintings of Avni in which a pheonix with fierce wings is flying across the sky.

Neil - This pheonix is you, these fierce wings are your confidence and flying across the sky means you have defeated your past and now you will defeat them who are culprits of your past.

He takes her hands in his and caress her hands lovingly.

Neil - Always remember Avni your mom, dad, Prakash dad and Neil want  to symbolise their Avni as a tigress. You won't disappoint us right ?

Avni nods.

Avni - Never Neil. I will never disappoint my family. I am ready for the battle.

Neil - That's like my girl.

He kisses her forehead.

Neil - Now, you should sleep. Okay ? ( lovingly ).

Avni nods.

Neil - And if you will feel need of drugs then you can come to me, don't be alone at that moment. Okay.

Neil was about to go but Avni hold his hand thus stopping him.

Avni - Please be with me Neil. ( innocently ). I am used to be in your arms.

Neil looks at her and smiles.

He lays on the bed and she keeps her head on his chest, he wraps his arms around her and she clutches his waist. Soon she drifted into sleep while he was caressing her hairs lovingly and was admiring her cute pouty face. She looks like a baby when she sleeps, he thoughts and chuckles at his own thoughts.


Morning time.

Mehta mansion

Dayavanti opens the door and found Neil standing there along with other officers. She was shocked, Gyatri and Riya came from behind and became shocked with the view.

Neil pulls out handcuffs from his pocket and glares at Dayavanti angrily.

Neil - Dayavanti Mehta and Gyatri Mehta you both are under arrest. ( sternly ).

Gayatri - What have we done ? ( shocked ).

Voice - I will tell you.

Dayavanti and Gyatri were shocked after listening the voice and saw Avni coming there along with Prakash.

Avni - I will tell you your crimes. ( sternly ).


So the most awaited target is :

1 vote 1 comment 🤣🤣🤣

So big target guys, you will achieve this target after a month so I will give you next chappy after you guys reach this target.

The letters in bold are meant for ignoring purposes, kindly ignore them and tell me how was the chappy.

Much love
Thanks ❤❤

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