chapter 17

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Gina's POV

The forest site was scanty with few trees and a cleared out pathway.

The voluminous number of people behind me though, could clearly be seen from nearly the entrance of the forest.

I turned around to see worried filled faces, mother's and others, carrying their siblings and holding their little pups.

Anxiety and distress was clearly written all over their faces. I started to feel conscious about the situation.
We were now pretty much homeless and at such a number, the level of vulnerability was very high.

And not only were rogues the problem, but, we could also be thoroughly exposed to the other paranormals; witches and vampires or even demons.

Somehow, the feeling of acquaintance tickled faintly from a distance, around at east.
I turned to see the wolves taking shed in the trees and making bed shifts for their pups to lay.

I felt totally responsible for their plight.
It was after all, my arrival that led to their escape from home right?.
I was already a bad leader as it seemed.

I spotted Greenie over with a wolf with four pups, helping with her things while she tried as best, to make the place a little comfortable for her pups.

I walked over to him and called out.
He flinched in surprise and turned to me with a hint of sadness hidden in the glint of his eyes.
An expression he masked instantly.

"Could you help with the night watch and assemble some wolves with you?, I need to do a check out."

He nodded and opened his mouth to speak but hesitated.

I cocked up an eyebrow.
"What is it?"

He sighed.
"Isn't it better for you to be here with them now?!...they need a leader and protector right now!."

I frowned and stared ahead.
"I know!, that's why I'm doing the check out. We can't stay out in the open for too long!."
I turned to go before I remembered...
"I need you to round up some good held on men who can and is willing to fight. We're going to need warriors of our own if we plan on surviving this place..."


"Good. I'll be back by dawn."

We both parted way in opposite directions.

I went east of our current position, treading along the bushy path. Twigs snapped and scrunched in.
Leaves gliding in the cold air.

Following my gut for some hours , I saw a little glimmer of light up ahead.
A single lamp dulled out with the faintest shine.

As I walked closer, I discovered I was deeper in the forest than before.

And in the clearing, in the middle of the surrounding trees, between two passing trees, a cave with a lantern hung onto a stick at it's entrance, habitated.
It's light shimmered, showing a bit of the entrance of the cave had stairs going deeper and lower into the cave, like it was inviting me in.

I simply passed by and continued on my trace of the scents. Discarding the tugging feeling of inquisitivity that filled my mind over the ominity of the bushy cave.

The path was becoming lighter and the grasses were shorter than before......
The trees, as scanty and spaced out a little too much.

Tiny spots of light danced ahead and light buzzing sounds were heard.

The forest opened up to a town, scavenging cars and bodied warriors around it's gates and openings.
Fairly large houses filled the places with a large wide out rangeland at an edge and a majorly big mansion stood stoic at the lower edge of the town.

They were all wolves...

But, suddenly, I heard a clash, and slashes.
Followed by other similar sounds. It sounded like a fight.

I took refuge under a sheltered shop in the town and watched the fight as pandemonium spread throughout.

Figures whooshing past with inhumane speed, on par with huge wolves, shaking the ground with their inevitable collision.

Slowly, blood was coating the floor. And both, wolves and the vampires, fallen from the fight were left dead or terribly wounded and unaided.

The other wolf pack members ran around in fear and shock.

The sun was rising far off in a peripheral view, seeing this, the wolves swarmed up and took the vampires at their advantage.

The fight was truly aggressive and rough, the vampires fended off as best as they could, but it was quite obvious, the sunlight had them at losing ends.

The wolves won the fight.........
With many of theirs injured or few dead, they were broken in defense, but with a wolf's healing powers, this state of debility and evertation would only, possibly last a week!.

With this, I turned back, leaving the town onto my wolf members. As I was leaving the town, I came upon a broken clothe store and took on a cloak.
I put it on and began my journey back, carefully scanning the path for mental familiarity in case of my return.

As I walked further and further away from the town.
I felt an unusual scent wafting my nosd. Like fresh blood with a hint of woody scent.
But I heard no sound, because I was without my wolf now.

It's a shame I can't seem to converse with Mia anymore or much rather feel her.
My wolf was very well conflicted and this power in me was the still unknown as of now.

I stopped with a sigh.
"Come out!...."


"...I know you're close and you can hear me....come out... I've very little time as it is." I sighed once more.

I guess the feeling and vitality of a leader role kicked in because I was starting to worry about the wolves.

When I heard no sound, I was annoyed and started moving forward.
But then I heard a crisp sound and smelt burning.

I groaned in more annoyance.

Why does it have to be when I'm passing by?.

I gruffly stomped over to whoever it was that owned that scent.
But then I stopped.........

There, at the foot of the tree, stood a completely blackening figure, burning to a crisp before the sun.

It was no doubt....
This was a vampire.

His blackening skin was glistening like it was dipped in oil and the air around him smelt like a barbecue spot.

I could see he was struggling to breathe and his breath coming out fainter than each before.

Seeing this, I rushed to help him.
I wrapped my cloak around his body, and carried him beneath me, to prevent more sun burns.

As we leaped across the forest, I searched desperately for a place I could leave this guy.

I couldn't risk bringing him to our current stay put.

Then, I saw the cave.
I rushed inside quickly, practically dragging the man down the stairs.

At the bottom, there was a door.
It read.

If you know, knock.

If you don't, turn....

I completely ignored the writings and knocked fervently on the door until a woman came out.

She was very calm and collected.
With a very stern expression, she looked to be just a few years older than me.

Despite this, she had a very stunning face and aura.
With her sharp features and her stance, I could tell she was someone with great power.

Then she spoke.
"Finally.....we meet at last ...Regina Stanford."

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