Chapter 29

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Alpha Xander glared at the letter in his hands, fuming at his utmost top.
His glare moved around the letter for a while, then he growled and ripped the letter into shreds.

His breath was harsh and ragged, his eyes red with anger and his face flushed with fury.
This were undoubtedly, better symptoms of extreme anger, way beyond impetuosity.

What had happened in just a few months?!.

In just less than two months, he'd lost more than almost forty packs under his reign.
What the hell was the matter?!.

The letters read the same thing.

We relinquish our serve to you, there fore, as per status quo, we are no longer your underlings and bidders.
This is the new rule of our better rules.
Sincere apologies......


His brain bubbled with aggravation, confusion, tension, density.
Therefore, he'd called on a meeting ...... between his left two of the better four.

The Black Moon Pack.
The Blood Moon Pack.

Both pack, owned by rebellious twins of great power and broad entrepreneur intellect.
These were the perfect two.
The perfect bait.

Together they formulated a solution.


They surrounded a table with their chairs far off in enough distance apart each of them.
All in silence and boredom.

"I'm very sure you've heard the news. Two of the higher packs had been overthrown.
The Black Crescent Rise and The Blue Moon pack."
Xander paused to see their reactions, then continued.
"All other packs beneath them has been transferred to her order. She has full control over them, and now, she rules them."

The room was quiet as both the other Alphas listened to all Xander had said.
"She went for the lower pack first and now, she's targeting the higher packs.
She had full control over them.
It's clear what her purposes are....she wants to take full control, and she'll go for yours next. We need to act."

It was all silent until a sound was heard. It was a clap sound.
Reverberating through the entire room, the claps grew louder and with it came the mocking laughter.
It was obvious...that Alpha was getting quite fused.

"Ahhhh, I see what this is Xander."
He chuckled mockingly.
"You're afraid she'll get to your position....and now, you want us to be your guarding doors isn't that right?."

He chuckled and whistled.
"That's one heck of an act isn't it?. Someone finally got to your level and you're now...what?, shaken?.
It's her isn't it?, The girl at the borders that day?.
No wonder you wanted her so bad. How lucky you'd been if she'd stayed you think?."

He shook his head with both his palms of the large table.
"Oh pity pity my hard it must have been, and how hard it will be?."
He flicked his tongue in his mouth, and shook his head again.

Suddenly, he was grabbed by the throat and pulled off the floor, raised high and banged on the large meeting table, creating a deep dent in it's hard surface.
"Don't speak to me like that, I can wipe out your pack if I wanted to...the contract can be damned for all I care."
Xander spoke loudly to the Alpha in his grip, increasing the pressure on his neck where he held.
But the Alpha Davis just had a grin on his face, his eyes wide and his expression mischievous.

It was obvious he was enjoying every moment of Xander's anger.
What an absolute psycho!.

Xander huffed and punched him flat in his face, breaking his nose immediately.
Davis hissed and clutched his nose with his head hung low as blood dripped from his fingers that clutched his nose.

Then his laughter sprang out, louder and louder as he inched closer to Xander, a smile spread out on his face.
"Aish Xander. Still as furious and ferocious I see, so much sadder."
He sighed hung his head low.
"Okay....let's get to the point now shall we?. You need our help don't you?."

Xander tensed and growled even louder, it subdued Davis enthusiasm...but not his madness.

He moved forward with a mad cackle, his head falling backward in intense laughter, as he took his seat.
"Carry on Xander... we'll gladly be bait."
He gave a wide smile and Xander moved to grab his neck once more.

The other Alpha, the other twin, Alpha Daryll sudden jolted loudly and all attention was on him.
He frowned and narrowed his eyes.
"We need help, and you're not going to like it Xander."
His tone was sharp and crude.
He was a blunt underlying no doubt.

"Then do not mention it Daryll, I'd rather not hear it."
Xander dusted his suit and took his seat at the high spot.

"It's not about what you want Xander, it's about what we all agree on. You called us here to make a decision right?, well here comes a solution. We need help. Supernatural help..."
He paused and stared directly in Xander's eyes.

".....don't let me hear-"
Xander was suddenly cut off.
He'd noticed, his underlyings were starting to get bolder, and it was all because of her. She was breaking his reputation, all into crumbles.

"It's quite obvious she's not a normal wolf. She's stronger, even from hybrids that I've met. She's more than just a hybrid. She's....different, and she knows it. If we want to bait her, we need a better defense. Even her warriors are stronger than normal, and now, she has a pack that rules with her. She's now more stronger than a normal pack, and she'll give more reason for alliance. Since her pack is formed from rogues, more will be convinced and more will be stronger for her, we need to think this thoroughly."

Xander was quiet, Davis was bored and inattentive, Daryll was tense and impassive.

Three Alphas'.       One call.
One mad.
One higher.
One protective and impulsive.

Finally, Xander broke the silence.
"You have contacts with other paranormals don't you?."

"I have a co-operative spy, in the world of witchcraft. But from what we've seen, one won't be enough. My intel tells me she took a whole coven of lower witches with more than fifty hefty rogues, on her own. She burnt them alive Xander. She's a monster."
Daryll spoke in lowered tones, his gaze fixed intently on Xander and his next call.

Davis let out a low whistle, as she shook his head.
"Damn!, What a treasure.
I think you've lost something very dear Xandy.....Gosh, so unlucky. You must be fuming right now yeah?."

Xander glared at him and he chuckled, in a direct stare with Xander's raging glare.
"Wish I'd known her before all this, what a wife she'd be right?, Ahhh."
He sighed in a love struck manner.
"Good dreams...."
He mumbled, as if in a daze.

Xander took a deeper breath and turned to Daryll.
"I've got some contacts too. We should be able to round up quite a few. And now, let's go on about the plan. I can get her to come to us. It's much better when we're in a familiar territory....."

Daryll blinked back a few times.
"How?, When Mason was forced into her contract, she made him, breach it and now, he's paying a breach of contract fee.....50 million. It's all over the news. She's pretty smart. "

Xander smirked.
"Every stone has it's weakest point. We just need the right pressure on the right spot!. "

"The other paranormals, are you sure, you'll be able to get them under your will?."
Daryll's impassive look was now loosened a bit and a stare of skepticism was shone.

"Don't question my decision Daryll, You should know I don't make mentions of light words."

Both other Alphas stared at him before Davis finally grew a frown and shook his head. He stood up, his face a blank sheet unable to read even for the slightest. His nose injury now set back in place so he wiped the blood away with his handkerchief and threw it in the trash by the door.
Grabbing onto the handle, he turned to look over his shoulder and spoke.
"We'll heed the call when received. I'm guessing this meeting is over. Goodbye."

He went out and slammed the door.
He knew how far Xander could go with his unjust fights and that'd led to his mother's death.
He loathed Xander for that one reason. Xander killed his mother just to get control and power, that'd always been his problem, he was so caught up in the satisfaction of dominance, he'd visibly hurt the innocent, even when not needed to. He had to kill her because she lost to her own defense. Xander always played dirty, and Davis hated dirt.

He heard a door slam shut behind him and instantly knew it was his twin.

A shocker that was....
Twin brothers, leading different opposing packs.
Black and Red. Two darks colours signifying their emotions.
Daryll led the Blood moon Pack.
Davis, the Black Moon Pack.

Their history was truly one to be fascinated.
His dumb failure of a father rejected his mother when she was pregnant, forced her to give him her child, and thereby, leave her as his offsprings incubator.
Eventually, finally, she'd escaped, a few months after she birthed her first child. She ran to the human world, to start her life once again.
To blend in.
But found that she'd been pregnant with twins, a late double.
Davis was born a month later.
He was the late twin, two months after Daryll.
She loved and took care of him for two years, until she fell in love at last, and got a second chance, fortunately another Alpha.
He welcomed Davis into his pack, since he too had lost his own mate, Davis became the heir and Alpha to be.
He trained hard and harder very day with his upcoming pack members.
He and his beta, both then the strongest in their pack, him even more than his father.
When he took over, his father was down with incurable sickness, died during a battle for their control.
His last breath spent to protect both he and his mother.
His mother told him the truth there and then, his biological father was the Alpha of one of the strongest packs in the werewolf world.
He began to slay all. He rose with fury, took with rage, fought with aversion. He wanted to see the jerk of a father he'd been cursed with.
That night, he saw his brother for the first time. They battled....he battled, and he lost.
He swore never to lose again, training harder and harder, burning with hate, treading with pain.
Finally, they were on par.
Finally, he saw his....father.
That day, he....he left.
The thought of murder seeped into his mind.
The man was still sturdy and strong, with Daryll stood strong by him.
They was just fine, while his mother was suffering from the heartbreak of her love.
He wanted the man to feel it too.
He wanted to be rash, to be vile, but Davis didn't want to be like he left.


Daryll stepped out of the meeting room, to meet the back of his brother, a few feets away.
His heart fell with gloom and his hands suddenly began to sweat.

He took easy steps to Davis, carefully enough not to rile up his emotions.
Then suddenly, Davis moved away and took faster steps to the front doors, stilled by the figure before him, outside the doors.

It was the man.......his incompetent donor as he liked to call him.

He furrowed his brows in pain and stared glumly at Davis.

His voice was heavy, and his eyes fell.

"Oh, It's you?, the failure of a  blessing, how long has it been? Four years?."
Davis had a wide smile and his eyes were glistened in amusement.
"Ahh, awestruck right?, I understand. Pretty surprised. Hahh....the world is really a small world it seems.
How much worse would you be feeling right now?."
He narrowed his eyes, his smile still torn through on his lips and observed the man.

His smile grew wider and his eyes burned with hate.
He stepped aside to make his way away, but his father stood still not moving.
Noticing this, Davis's smile fell, and he turned to his father's face with an even wider grin.
"It'd be much more safer for you to step aside."
He warned with his smile still etched on his face.

"Davis Son-" 

"Oh poor Wilson, That's your name right?. How much more wrong can you be?, it's a wonder how you've led all these years. See, your son's right behind me over there, Daryll is it?. Impartially, I'd never take his place. Never!.
Now, move aside will you?, I'd hate to hurt the elderly, but there are exceptions for special people yes?..."

Davis had a defense mechanism.
When he began to feel extreme emotion that he'd much rather be hid, he began to rile up others' too. He'd act madly and psychotic, thereby relieving his emotions in a crazed motion.

In this case, he wanted to strike the man so bad, he felt his mad smile twitching.
His wolf was very ragged, he wanted to be let out.
Let this father feel the pain of making stupid decisions. To hurt this father, hurt his brother, hurt them all.
Then watch them deal with the pains in the long traumatic way.

So he barged out of there, with the help of the blow he landed on Daryll's face and sat in his car.
His next destination, a few much more stops than his pack.

It took almost twelve hours, and finally he'd arrived.
The place was quiet and empty.
Well, the borders at least.
He was quite amused and his smile raising higher and higher.
He smelt wolf, but atleast couldn't point out their exact position.
However, he knew they were around him.

He stopped in his tracks.
"Come out, I mean no harm."
Silence prevailed.

He heard a sharp smell and turned quickly to see a wolf about to hit him, he jumped back in surprise, suddenly he was hit in his nape and slipped into unconsciousness.
He was thoroughly impressed.

Now, that is called a sneak attack...

When he opened up his eyes, he was on a soft sofa, with his driver and only accomplice beside him, both knocked out.

The room was dark and draped in red and midnight blue.
A red head beauty stood before him, crossed leg and poised.

He whistled.
"Wow!, You're a beauty, and lucky for you, I'm single."

Suddenly, he felt his jaw crack and turned sideways to see an angry black haired man.
Alpha Dylan.
But what was surprising, was the fact that he didn't notice Dylan's presence at all.

"'s been so long, I came on a visit once yes?..."

"Shut up, I'll teach you to know your limits."
His eyes glossed and shone.

He raised his hands but suddenly stilled when a feminine kind touched his arm.
Like a charm, his eyes returned normal and he lowered his hand, turning to hug the red head girl, burying his face in her neck, looking cute all of a sudden.

The power of mate bond.

The red head girl, turned to Davis and a shiver ran down his spine.
She took two steps and delivered a punch in his gut, blood rushed to his head and out of his mouth.

He heaved and panted, looking in shock, as she glowered at him.
Her red eyes turned blue.
"Don't mess with the wrong opponents."

He was shocked, rendered speechless.
These people were so dark and diffusing.

Suddenly the door slammed open and an average sized woman, or quite the tall girl he could place it, came through.
It just seemed the closer she got, the finer she became.
She was very beautiful, even more than the red beauty.
And the closer she got, the more suffocated he felt.
Her whole aura was just too dominating and undeterminable, he was frivoled instantly.
She was intoxicating at first sight, and her beauty alone did that.

She walked with poise, grace spilling out of her steps, her blonde hair bouncing gracefully, her leather tight clothes well adorned on her figure.
She stepped closer to him and Davis chuckled with difficulty.
Her presence alone was killing his defense.

"What a sight..."

She glared hard at him, he began to shrivel up inside.
"What do you require Alpha Davis?."

His breath hitched and he stared wide eyed at her.
"I've be ruled. "

He took a deep breath.
"Take me under your reign.
I relinquish my power unto you. Now, we are under your pack and your reign. Mine and the others below."

He hung his head limply.
"Take us... Lead us..."

Gina narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth.
"No..... I won't!. I won't be fooled by that stupid Alphas' plan. "

Davis's eyes dilated and he hung his head even lower.
"I don't think I'll think straight any longer if I don't get back at them. And I can't have my revenge if I fight with them."

"That's not my problem."
She turned Alpha Dylan and Brucella
"Take him from me."

"Please ...I ....I think I can help."

"Help?." She chuckled.
"Help who?."

He raised his head to look at Brucella.
"Her. I've seen her before, she was a rogue then. She's a hybrid, and there's something she needs to know."

Silence ticked and all were silent. Then Gina took a sit and ordered the others to do so, motioning him to continue.

"Your mother isn't dead, Xander has her."

Gina frowned.
She didn't like the fact that what he said was actually true. She could tell from her own visions from before.
She'd seen him in one, but she never really got to hear what he had to say in there. They were all just flashes, flashes of the unknown.
"How do you know that?, Brucella saw her die right before her eyes."

"No, I was there when she was captured, I saw it all. The Blue Moon Pack was tasked by the Blue Blood Crescent to take out the rogues in that area. Xander took her as his prisoner then."

"It's all part of his plan. He plans to battle you under the blue moon."

Gina stared.
"And how do you know this, I don't think he's as stupid to tell you all his plans."

"He didn't.
I can read minds...."


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