chapter 5

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    Gina's POV

The first thing I saw when I was awake again was an old trampoline cover over head, high enough to make a first floor ceiling, in a tent like structure, which I was present.

My head pounded and bits of the previous night's incident flashed in my mind.


My head stung, my stomach felt hollow, almost assuming a precedent gorge's recision.


My eyes felt heavy with added weight and itchy with uneasiness.


A memory flashed through my mind.

A dented wall....
A furious expression....
A lingering fear....
An overwhelming pain...
A fulfilling rage...


I remember the pacing wind, the harsh twigs on my skin, my hard breath.. and then....and then...

I felt a stinging sound tear through the solitude of my pychological deranged turnout.


I grew numb and fell backwards into the rickety bed, losing my consciousness.


My nose was filled with a quite refreshing scent.

That scent..
Where had I smelt it?!.
It smelt so familiar and yet so distant. The scent was robbing me the ability to smell properly.

This scen-......argh!!

My head began throbbing once again. But this time with less intensity than before.

I groaned and reached up to my temples...but even my arms were failing me it seemed. I looked down to meet my supposed raised hands, finding solitude in the rough tapestry of the mattress.
Imagining I'd stopped midway in the air and threw my hands back to my sides, I glided my shaky sight to the slit opening adjacent my angle, probably it's entrance.

I, albeit my situation, let out a long sigh, inevitably drawing a long exhale, that'd always acquainted the deep breaths.
The variety of smell that stung my nose was so much and so exotic that it threatened my nose inept.

I wanted to shake them off, but I couldn't even move my head. It felt like a prosthetic addition made on my weak neck.

Gosh, am I paralyzed?.

The only thing I was doing with ease if I might add, was blinking and breathing, and it was still so hard.
My eyelids slugged so slowly to close and open. My breathing was hoarse and ragged.

I stared blankly at the ceiling and sighed. This place sure was warm and cozy though. But I wondered whose place I was in.

I heard shuttles and rustles. Resisting the urge to check out the responsible, I chose the much more simpler path.
I didn't have the power to look at it anyway so I closed my eyes sluggishly, evened my breathing and calmed my beating heart. I didn't move nor make a sound.

There was silence for a while, before I felt someone gently enclasp my hand.

Uhmm...what is happening?..

"I'm very sorry I hurt you..."
His voice was monotonous, with a hint of passivity.
He hesitated and took a breath.

I heard a light sniffle, my hands clasped a bit tighter.

Why was this guy apologizing?..

His scent was very familiar, it gave a cold and hot feeling in my body that erupted conflicted thoughts in different subtexts.

He chuckled tightly.
"This is all so new to me you know?....
But, still, I wonder why it hurts as such?....It makes me wonder, will this time be different?..
Will I like this chance?.."

The feeling of his lips on my hand brought me out of my thoughts. Then he leaned in closer, hung in his act to graze his lips along the skin on my forehead, his breath fogging the tight inched air between both surfaces.
His breath came out a bit more ragged and he let out a small chuckle once more, stepping away from my bed.

My shock had skyrocketed and my mind raced with questions.

Where am I?

How did I get here?

How do I get out of here?

The last question loomed a bit longer, a new plan beginning to formulate it's hypothesis even before an observation.
I wanted to feel the liberty. I wanted to know what'd happened too.
I knew I belonged to a pack but which one....and this was certainly not the pack.
This was not a pack.
No one's scent matched the familiarity. It's scents....varied. They all did. This was rogue area.

Shifting the thoughts of the strange male aside, I stayed in the room for about an hour right, I don't know, but it had been a while so I just got up—which was surprisingly easy to consider the fact that I couldn't even blink properly earlier.

I stood up with a groan.
It felt so good to be out of that bed, at the very least.

I opened the cloth of the room and was momentarily blinded by the reflection of the light from daylight.
The sun shone brightly above the clear sky.

As I walked, I glanced left and right.
Werewolves filled the area, a large amount no doubt but no guards, no one was bowing, no one was training, no one was shouting at a lower ranked......hell there wasn't even any rank with the way things were going on here.

Pups ran round chasing each other and laughing. Their mother's conversing among each each other and giggling about the lastest gossips.
And apparently I was one of them, I noticed.
As I passed by, the mothers had pulled their pups closer, away from me. Then whispered into the others' ears who then glanced at me. Some snarled and pulled their own pups closer. This seemed a bit too peaceful to be rogue area,or even considered Werewolf Territory. A place filled only with war for the might and power?...

Talk about insecurities...

The males who looked my way, grunted and glared. Then slowly reached down to their waist belt which held a small knife pouch.

I sneered and looked forward. I wasn't very sure what I saw looking for but I knew I was searching for something or someone. Maybe the weird guy from earlier.
I wanted to confirm what he'd meant by all that.
Do I even know who he was?..

'...But you have an idea of what he meant.....
Don't you?...'


'Yes Gina, it's me, I missed you..'

'What happened, why couldn't I hear you earlier and what do you mean you missed me?, since last night?.'

'I'd lost contact since that thing was injected into us, and it'd been a week Gina, there was a sort of wall around you so I couldn't make contact to even wake you.'

'A week?, but...but it feels so close like it was just yesterday...
And what happened...
why can't I remember what happened?, why can't I remember somethings?.'

'I don't know Gina, even I can't remember, whatever it was they  drugged us with really had it's toll really bad...'

'They?, who is they?.......
was the guy from earlier part of this "they"?
....and how come you remember some of this and I can't?, aren't we supposed to have the same share of pain and thoughts whatsoever, why do remember much more than I do? even know how long I was out, how and why is that?!'

'Hah...Gina, that substance broke off our contact, when you gained consciousness, there was a crack in the obstruction that I crawled through, but I'm afraid not all of me made it out, I don't think we can shift Gina.....'


'....surprisingly, when you passed out, your wolf senses were still awake and so you could tell how long we've been out, since our senses our heightened during the nights. With how many nights our senses were heightened, you concluded a week. However, since I was unavailable till now, you could not translate the sense, which I have now, leading to my current knowledge on all this...
These senses also helped me remember somethings too!.
We ran away from our pack Gina but I don't remember what's it's called, the pain you felt that night was what drove us to run away but I also don't remember what it is either and I mentioned we were injected right?, I think we were being pursued that night but I don't remember who they were. However, when they caught up with us, we were injected with some thing that knocked us out, resulting in our simultaneous division. I'm so sorry Gina, that's as far as I know....'

'Thank you Mia, that helps a lot. And you know, I think those people that injected us are these same people here. Now all we need to do is plan an escape, we need to leave th-'

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?." A dirty blonde guy stood cross armed and glaring at me. His tone was rather sharp as he mused at me. What the hell crawled up his bed?.

When I heard Mia in my head, I smiled, knowing I wasn't alone in this situation.
Suddenly, a wave of nostalgia hit me and my heart beat raced.
I think I had triggered a fragment
of my memories.
A scoff brought me back to reality and I remembered I was standing before someone, and I couldn't help but want to smack this guy's head. Why was he speaking to me anyway?.

I coughed awkwardly and gave him a grim smile.
"Uhm....hi I'm Gina, nice to-"

He rudely cut me off.
"I don't care okay?, now what are you doing here?."

".....I don't know?, Doing where actually?.
Is this your spot?, I don't see your name on the floor or anywhere yes?, It's not like I care anyways is this your problem really?."
It wasn't totally a lie, I mean I didn't know what I was doing here anyway, but I couldn't miss a chance of annoyance now, could I?.
Besides, he isn't the boss of me, why should I care?.

He sneered.
"What are you, a dummy?, Name's Aid-"

"Actually I really don't care, thank you. I just like this spot and since there's no sign of possession, I have the freedom of quit beating around the bushes, there not much left."
I stared him in the eyes and flopped my butt right onto the soft grass, the force of the hit tainting the freely felt emotions on my rear end.

I'm not going to lie, my butt hurts like hell...

"Who cares anyway?, You can stay right on the ground where you totally belong. it's much more better than seeing you at eye level knowing you belong below........"
He snorted and turned away.

I disapprovingly flicked my tongue and tsked.
"And they always say to honour the males. What a shame!"
I looked around to see all eyes me, scrutinizing me thoroughly.

"Whatever, at least I'm not the one with the overheated braincells."
I muttered and began to move away.
I needed to find that guy, I couldn't let this one delay me.

Ughh! Goddess I needed answers. And he was probably the only one nice enough to tell them anyway.

I heard the blonde yell something over at my way but I didn't put much thought to it.

It would be a waste of breath anyway.
This place was seeming to be a waste altogether.

Maybe I express too much..

You have to excuse me guys. .
I have a very weird humor. This is an eventful warning..
Watch out!...

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