Chapter 30 Glowing Hands

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Leslie P.O.V

"Alright, Alison get anything you want." I smiled.

Her eyes scanned the store like a little kid seeing Santa for the first time. I chuckled slightly taking her towards the juniors section; wouldn't want her to go to the children's section. 

"Go ahead and pick out some things to try on."

She dashed towards the racks and began picking through the clothes. I shook my head at her and turned to Tyler; he had wanted to come to 'protect us'. He grinned down at me and then looked back at Alison as she looked through all the clothes.

"So what would you like to do, while Alison discovers the wonder that is clothes shopping," Tyler sighed wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"How about you discover how to not lie to your mate." I muttered, walking to Alison.

"Leslie I thought we talked about this!?!" Tyler called after me.

I shook my head in annoyance and started looking through some racks of my own. If I let Alison do this all by herself, this would take longer then it needs to. 

"Baby, you know I'm sorry.." I jumped as Tyler appeared next to me.

"Stop that," I hissed. "Let's just focus on Alison..."

Tyler frowned, but nodded and watched as I looked through the clothes.


Ashton P.O.V

"Just talk to her Ashton, you look like a freak standing over here."  I scolded myself. I look at my ring that I was twirling nervously in my finger and put it on. Taking a deep I walked over to where she was searching through some racks of clothes with her friend.

She stopped moving as soon as I stood in front of her. I smiled widely at her and stuck out my hand, "hi, I'm Ashton."

She looked at her friend worriedly and I felt so stupid. I just scared her, she didn't know me I shouldn't have introduced myself now. Her friend made a gesture and my mate turned towards me. She shyly stuck her hand out at me "I'm Alison."

I took her in mine and smiled as they glowed slightly. She quickly pulled her hand back at the sight and I frowned at her. "They glowed..." She whispered in shock.

"That's because you're my mate," I explained. Immortals were different from the other species, while some got sparks when first touch their mate, we would glow depending on where we touched.

"I can't have a mate."

"What species are you?" She asked softly.

"I'm a immortal."

"Oh, I'm a genie..." she blushed.

I smiled slightly, "well you are a very beautiful genie."

I saw her cheeks grow hotter and shook her head letting my hair cover my cheeks. My hand brushed some of her hair back and I smiled as gasped  noticing the glow coming off my hand.

"So, mate what's your name?"

She opened my mouth to respond only to be cut off.

"Alison have you gotten something!?!"

My mate jumped and turned to look at the girl. "I'm sorry I have to go, my master needs me now."

"No, you're my mate just tell her that you are not hers anymore." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry it doesn't work that way for genies, maybe we'll meet again someday." She said quickly, before looking towards the girl waiting patiently for her.

We would meet again sooner then she planned, I knew that for sure.


Alison P.O.V

"What took you so long with that guy?" Leslie smirked looking back at my mate.

Mate. It sounded so foreign in my mind, I wonder how it would of felt to say it out loud.

"Alison, helloooooo..."

I blinked back and looked at my master. "Oh, we just talked." I sighed.

"About?" I looked at Leslies mate and shook my head as she hit him on the back of the head.

"Don't be so nosy Tyler."

He frowned rubbing the back of his head. "Stupid Queen strength," he grumbled.

"I decided we'd just buy the clothes you chose and if they don't fit you when we get home, we could just give them to people who need them."

I nodded and handed her the few clothes I had chosen before that boy showed up.


Tyler and Leslie jumped at my outburst while I felt my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "I'll be right back..." I mumbled shoving my clothes into Tyler's hands and running back to where I met that boy.

I was so shocked about being mates that I forgot to get his name. I whipped my head from to side, but I couldn't find him. I came to a halt in the isle I was standing in where we met, but I was too late he was gone.

Sighing I shook my head for being so stupid and slumped against the clothes rack. Looking down I saw a silver ring on the ground and picked it up. My mind flashed back to the boy, it was the ring he was wearing.

I looked around the isles one last time, before giving up and taking the ring with me and leaving. I'd keep it with me until I could find him again, if I could ever find him. 

Heading back to where I left Leslie and Tyler, they stood patiently next to the exit waiting for me. Leslie smiled and they guided me out of the store and to where the car waited for us. Tyler got in the front while Leslie and I entered the back and sat down.

"Lets get home so you can tell me what that was all about." Leslie laughed

I blushed and nodded. It would definitely be an interesting story to tell.


Alright so here you all go

I know that you've been waiting for a while so I tried

Anyway I hoped you all enjoyed it

And if you didn't notice I have joined the WATTY'S

I hope you all liked this chapter, but its time for me to get to my other stories






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I Love you all :)

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