Chapter 32 Relationships

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Chapter 32

Alison P.O.V

"Do it again!" Avery squealed, staring at Ashton and I in fascination.

I giggled and poked Ashton's arm and it immediately began to glow. He smiled down at me, as he grabbed my hand to stop me from poking him more. I childishly stuck my tongue out at him.

"So, do humans see that or is it like a supernatural thing?" Leslie asked.

"It's a supernatural thing, so only those who aren't human will be able to see it." Ashton replied, not looking away from me.

I blushed under his gaze and averted my eyes over to my new family. Leslie sat across from us with her mates; she was on Tyler's lap while, Logan was on her right, and Elliot was on her left. Avery sat on my right staring at Ashton and I like we were her new favorite tv show; her mate had to go out on patrol with her brothers so she was fully focused on us.

"Alright, well I guess we should let you guys talk, you have important things to discuss I presume." Leslie said, as she slide off Tylers lap and grabbed Avery's arm dragging her out of the room, her mates following after them chuckling.

I turned to my mate, as the door closed, "so what do we need to talk about?"

He looked down at me warily before beginning, "we have to make a choice..."

"What choice?" I asked, taking his hand in mine.

"To stay here with your friends or go to the land of the God's... forever."


Leslie P.O.V

"Avery, don't go back in there!" I scolded as she tried getting out of my grasp.

"But they're so cute!" She pouted.

"Yes, but they need alone time. How would you like if we always interrupted you Scott every two seconds." I sighed.

"Fine... I'll leave them alone." She groaned.

"Good." I smiled, letting go of her arm. "Now Scott will be back from patrol soon, go and meet up with him, I know you want to." I winked.

She smiled widely and ran down the steps, leaving me alone with my mates. I turned to face them, and grinned at them, "Wanna have a little fun?"

They looked between one another, before grinning mischievously at me. Tyler picked me up and super speed me to our bedroom and threw me onto the bed, "now little mate, we're going to share you how much we love you." He whispered seductively, just as Elliot and Logan entered the room.


Avery P.O.V

I smiled as Scott's wolf appeared from the clearing. His wolf immediately ran over to me, licking my face happily. I shook my head at him and sat down on the ground, petting my lap for him to place his head.

His wolf obliged happily and he plopped down onto my lap. Everything was so perfect since we'd left the old pack, everyone here was so happy and I couldn't have ever imagined feeling so at home in this strange town, without my family with me.

"We need to help Ethan," I sighed.

Although he and Leslie weren't mates they were still friends and he had no one to love since finding out they weren't mates. Ethan was a great guy and he and his sister were all alone in the world, with only a few surviving pack members from his old pack. I know Leslie would love to help me find his mate. They'd been through so much together and with all the changes happening there was no doubt that she'd be able to help him.

I let out a breath and continued petting Scott's fur, deep in thought.


Ethan P.O.V

I sighed walking down the road of my side of the pack. We had finally finished building the second house and I had to check the perimeter once more before going to tell Leslie that we were all done. I really didn't want to see anyone right now, the pain of having no mate to love and cherish was getting to my wolf and I knew soon he'd go into depression and I didn't want that to happen.

A scream rang through the forest and I felt my sense sharpen as my wolf took control and followed the sound. When we arrived where the sound was coming from we didn't see anyone. I shifted back into my human form and looking up at the sky. A figure seemed to be falling...? I stretched out my arms and tried to predict where exactly they would fall, hoping not to be wrong.

A few seconds later, one of the most beautiful girl's I'd ever seen was in my arms. I let out a breath and looked at her, she had beautiful light brown hair and piercing gray eyes. She was mine! I could tell by her alluring scent that she was my mate. She wore white dress with white flats, and had a huge pair of wings. Wait... WINGS?!

"Are you going to let me down or what?" She sighed in annoyance, pulling me out of my trance.

"You have wings..." I mumbled, staring down at her.

"Yes and you're naked." She groaned.

I looked down and felt my eyes widen. Oh shit! I rushed to let her down and stepped back covering my penis.

"Dude, I already saw all of you; hiding doesn't help you in this situation." She laughed.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking around the forest for one of the clothes compartments we'd set up.

"I'm Samantha, the fallen angel now apparently." She muttered, in annoyance.

"I'm Ethan, your mate." I replied, bending down and grabbing a pair of shorts from the compartment I finally found.

"Ah, well Mr. Wolf boy I'm not interesting in mating with anyone." She laughed.

"That's not how it works little mate," my wolf growled, taking her in our arms and pushing her against the nearest tree.

"Well, mate I guess you've got a lot to learn about me." She smirked, before capturing my lips with hers.


So what do you guys think of Samantha?

I wanted to make her a bit more feisty then the other girls

I hope you all like it

But I want to go and enjoy my Christmas now!

I think this chapter turned out nicely though ;)

Now who do you ship most from all the couples?

I personally am going to have fun writing about Ethan and Samantha and Ashton and Alison since they're my new babies.

Anyway please






Bye everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS :)

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