Chapter 5 My birthday

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Chapter 5

My birthday


My eyes fluttered open and I groaned rolling over. "Oh My gosh the time" I jumped up and out of bed. Rushing to the bathroom I took a quick shower and then ran to my dresser and put on a lacy black underwear and bra.

Rushing to my closet I hit my foot on the bed hissing in pain. Now limping to my closet I took a pair of black skinny jeans and a white sleeveless shirt with black hearts around it and a bow in the middle. After putting on my outfit I threw on a pair of ankle high boots and ran out of my room.

My legs and stomach ached but I ignored it and ran down the steps. When I got there the pack was eating breakfast chatting and I gaped at them. How the hell did they do all this?!?! "Luke did it he thought you needed a break" I jumped looking over at the Alpha.

"Ok do I need to do anything?" I asked bowing.

"No it is you're birthday just enjoy it" he smiled. Our Alpha as you can tell is very kind if only it rubbed off on Luke. I know it did partly I've witnessed it.

"Alright Alpha I will be in my room" I mumbled.

"Nonsense my dear girl go enjoy breakfast" he chuckled.

"I would but the pack doesn't like me much so I'll eat in the kitchen" I murmured.

"How did these things get into your head anyway" he asked.

"I do not wish to get anyone in trouble sir" I whispered back at him.

"Alright it is you're decision after all Leslie" he sighed. I bowed slightly and went into the kitchen.

"Morning Luna" I bowed getting some food and sitting on the stool.

"Morning darling" she smiled.

"Do you need any help?" I asked taking a bite of my food.

"If it wouldn't be to much trouble it is you're birthday and I don't  want to keep you from your friends" she shook her head wiping her brow.

"I have no friends, so it won't be any trouble" I got up dusting imaginary dirt from my pants.

"Well alright can you help me with the cake I've never been good at stacking them" she chuckled.

"Ok what flavor?" I asked.

"Whichever you prefer" I gave her a nod taking out some things out to make Red Velvet cake. Cracking my knuckles I began.




"That is amazing Leslie" Luna clapped looking at the cake. It was decorated with sugar flowers and crumbs on the icing. It was 8 layers since we have a big pack.

Alpha walked in and smiled at the cake "This is exquisite Leslie".

"Thank you Alpha" I murmured looking to Luna. "Is there anything else I can do?" I asked.

"No just go get dressed I put something for you to were on you're bed a gift from me" she smiled. I nodded rushing to my room.

Luckily everyone was ignoring me and giving all their attention to Avery. I could tell she was loving it. Luke wasn't home his mom had sent him to lead some people from another pack who were coming to the party.

Walking into my room I took a longer shower than normal just if one of the guests was my mate. I know my hopes shouldn't be up, but what's life with no hope. Getting out I looked at the dress Luna had gotten me.

It was mid-thigh and red like a rose. The top was tight around my breasts and then poofed like a rose did. It was really beautiful. (On the side). I took a pair of red heels that were in the box and smiled. Alpha and Luna were really nice people.

Luna was an omega herself before mating with alpha though of course. Their story is very beautiful. Every time I thought about it. It brought me hope about mates. But my spirits are still low. After what happened with my family who'd want me.

Sighing I put on the heels and took some make-up that I'd bought with the money I earned from a job I had last year. I softly applied some lip gloss, red eye shadow, and some mascara topping it off. I wasn't big on make-up keeping it simple was my rule.

I took a red scrunchy putting my hair into a tight pony-tail then put a rose clip in the front. Then I took a pair of red earrings and a necklace with a heart pendent out. Putting then on I smiled at my reflection.

Slowly exiting my room I walked down the stairs. I heard the music playing and everything was decorated beautifully. I noticed Avery on the stage smiling like she ruled the world. She was in a light pink dress bedazzled at the top. It poofed at the bottom and was mid-thigh.

"Hey sweet thing" I barfed in my head frowning. Turning I looked at one of my pack members. "Runt" he gasped. I bowed my head praying he wouldn't tell anyone. But he did the opposite. He grabbed my hand tugging my hand grabbing the microphone.

"Everyone look at this!" he yelled in the mic making me cringe. Everyone looked to the stage looking at him curiously. "Guy's you know who this is?" he laughed. They shook there and heads just as I heard the front door open.

I smelled the most amazing scent I have ever smelled. My head shot up and I searched the room. "Mate?" I questioned looking over at the person at the door. It was Luke. The crowd broke out laughing.

"Guys its the fat bitch!" someone exclaimed.

My eyes filled with tears. And I began batting my lashes so they wouldn't fall. "Mate?" I heard Avery mumble next to me looking the guy next to Luke. My hand twitched. Luke's dad ran forward giving me my sketch pad. I checked off the event currently happing.

Tears filled my eyes more. I knew which picture was next. I understood now. Luke's going to reject me. I slowly walked off stage standing in front of Luke. "Go ahead" I croaked my throat tightening in pain.


Writing this I'll admit I cry at the end.

I feel bad for Leslie

But I'm not changing it

Hope you guys like it






I'll update soon.

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