Chapter 9 The book

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After everyone was now in the pack they all went doing there separate things. I went around the house looking at everything. It was so beautiful here. Even better than my old pack house. Smiling I looked over at the pictures at the wall.

"Strange" I mumbled staring at a picture of a girl who slightly resembled me. I went slowly over it bumping into one of the decorations. "Ow" I grumbled holding my side. Looking back to the picture it was gone.

In it's place was a hallway. Curiosity getting the best of me. I went inside. "Wow" I gasped looking around. There were books everywhere. What was this place? I thought to myself. Walking through I looked at the sections.

Werewolf history, Special wolves. Supernatural powers, ect. This place had everything about all kinds of supernatural beings. Looking around a book on top of a podium in the middle of the room caught my attention as if calling out to me.

Slowly I took cautious steps towards it. Standing in front of the podium the cover glowed. I opened the book and no words were in it. Closing the book I almost walked out when a light flashed. I looked back to the book walking even more cautious towards it.

Opening it I gasped flipping through the pages. "What is this?" I mumbled to myself looking through the book.


Unknown p.o.v

"Father the book has been open" I gasped looking to my father. "That means she has returned, Call your brothers we must leave at once... You know what will happen if we are late" he commanded his voice strong.

Running out of the room I ran to find my brothers. "She's opened the book" I exclaimed at my brothers. They looked up quickly from there game "We have to go do mother and father know?" my eldest brother asked.

"Father knows he told me that we have to go" my brothers nodded scampering out the room. I ran out after them smiling. We are finally going to see our sister again. I wonder how she is. When we left her and Avery we made sure they'd be safe.

"Alright let us head out" my father sighed looking teary eyed. Our sisters were always his pride and joy. Rushing out the castle we went into our chariot. I hope they are still there when we arrive.


Luke p.o.v

There gone. My best friend. My mate. My whore. My best fighter. Pack members are beginning to leave left and right. This is all that sluts fault. If she hadn't let me reject her n front of everyone then maybe they wouldn't have felt....pity.

Ugh pity. I hate that stupid word. But I need my members back and the only  way they'll come back is if they think that Leslie and I have worked out an agreement and apologized or we mate.

Getting up I called pack meeting through mind link. When I entered everyone was already there. I had about 175 members left since that bitch left. Looking at the loyal members I smiled. "We are going to find Leslie" I hissed out her name.

I visibly saw my mother flinch and my father lowly growled. My other members just looked down at the floor and I knew that they were soon going to feel remorse. I need stronger members. "So anyway we will be training t get stronger then we will find her and kill her" I smiled.

'You're a monster that's our mate' my wolf growled.

'I don not care she ruined my pack and would have made me week' I hissed

My wolf growled lowly blocking me out.

That weak son of a b*tch I shook my head. At first I did like Leslie thought. I mean who wouldn't she was submissive and had a nice body. If it just wasn't for that small little issue. If only that dirt bag didn't exist.

'This isn't you Luke' I heard him the real Luke mumble.

'Well I am not you' I growled

'Give me and my wolf control' he hissed fighting

'No you'll go back to that bitch!' I yelled

'She's my mate... Get out of my body' he roared.

I blocked him out. He was strong but not strong enough. He has fought many times and beaten me a few. But I cannot let him out not until I kill her. I must kill Leslie then let Luke feel the pain I felt when he foolishly killed my family.

'I didn't do it!' he screamed.

'Really it looked like you' I hissed.

'It was Drake!' he shouted

'And where is your brother now?' I grumbled

'He died after killing her... Now get the fuck out of me I need to find Leslie" I growled.

I pushed him down looking at the crowd. They looked at me shell shocked. Aww hell I spoke out loud. "You all heard right I'm not Luke I'm Michael and if you want your Alpha back you have to help me kill Leslie or I'll kill you" I grinned evilly.

The crowd shivered putting their heads down again but nodded. I laughed humorlessly. This was going to be easy. Kill her then go back to my mate.


Back to Leslie p.o.v

I was on the 10th page of the book which I learned was the only one in the world that was not found. My stomach growled and I sighed closing the book. It glowed as I got off the podium and walked out. Fixing the decoration out side the secret door closed.

I turned and went downstairs. "Who wants food?" I called. I heard a series of me's and laughed. Then I told everyone to get dressed through pack link. A few minutes later everyone had ran downstairs. "Ok I'll run there in wolf form one of you guys can drive my car but don't scratch it" I smiled.

Everyone nodded and I gave my keys to Keith exiting. A voice coming from a short distance made my head snap. I ran towards it and saw most of my old pack at the edge of my territory. My heart sped up and I felt my wolf pushing to the surface trying to protect me from danger.

I fell to my knee's trying to help my wolf realize that I wasn't in danger just scared. I rolled over groaning in pain. A body suddenly hovered mine and I shivered in delight. "Ethan" I giggled my wolf relaxing.

He smiled down at me and we stared at each other smiling. "Thank you" I whispered. He nodded getting up helping me. His arm's protectively snaked my waist as I faced my old pack members. "Why are you here?" I asked.

They looked at each other then back to me. "We had to leave... Luke was being strange we don't know what happened" a girl who I recognized was making out with Luke in my picture explained.

Weirdly seeing her didn't make me upset knowing she was with my mate. Thinking of her with Ethan on the other hand made a growl escape from my lips. "Shush.. Baby it's ok I'm here" I heard Ethan mumbled In my ear.

Taking a deep breath and looked back at my old pack. 'What do you want me to do?" I growled. "We'd like to join this pack if you'd get the Alpha" a boy said annoyed. I felt Ethan's arms tighten around me. "Don't talk to my mate like that" he growled.

I rolled my eyes giggling. "I'm fine Ethan" he looked at me and nodded. "As for you guys I don't know if I should accept you into my pack" I smirked as they gasped in shock. This could be interesting.



Update AGAIN

I hope you guys enjoy

It would have been up earlier but I was playing Subway Surfers

Lots of P.O.V's in this chap

But I hope you still enjoyed it

Now My Favorite





You know what I prefer though

Oh and I forgot to thank my readers my book is now 417 in the werewolf category

But goodbye for now

and thank you to all the people that commented last chapter

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