chapter 1

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Much to her horror, Rein was hit by a truck while she was on her way home.

She felt her body hit the pavement and sticky red liquid pouring out from her side like a Niagara fall. Except it's not from her period.

(which was three weeks late)

It was from her fresh wound caused by the impact from the truck. The truck driver climbed out to check on her, but realised that he was far too late to save her.

So he ran. Not turning back, not even once.

It was midnight. 15th of August, Friday night. Surely there was no one there to witness this tragic scene.

Obviously, most of them were stuffing their faces with booze and pussies. There was a party across the street, and some how they weren't able to hear the truck screech.

Must be the loud blaring club music then.

Rein tried to keep her eyes open, but she was failing miserably. Her phone was just in front of her, she tried to reach it but her arms started to loose it's mobility.

Just one phone call.

Just one God fucking damn phone call!

She continued to fight against the fatigue, but she knew that... she was losing.

Slowly her eyes fluttered close, her hands lay limp on her side (it was only a few centimeters away from the pjone).

'The graduation ceremony is tomorrow... ' That was her final thought before her soul left her decaying body.

No one knows what happened that night. Not even those drunk teens across the street.

Rein Keisberger, 24 years old. Single. Still living with her parents. Almost graduated from her bachelor degree in medical science with summa cum laude on top. Had died from terrible car accident.


Rein floated aimlessly in some sort of void. Limbo?  Rein didn't care.

All she thought was how her life had robbed from her hands.  She was planning to become a pediatrician (despite hating older kids), she pulled all-nighters every night. Never went to a party to meet new people and get hangovers the day after.

No,  she never done anything that all university students were supposed to have at least one experience on. 

(Now that she think about it, She never even had a sex before! She really died a virgin)

Instead, she spent her time reading all those thick, 7 pound books from university libraries.  Applying for internsgip, and some how managed to join some organizations.

She wondered if anybody from the organizations will notice her absences now that she's dead. Not that she's close with anyone in the organizations. She thought about her parents and her dunce brother.

Her mom will probably cry-- actually no, she would personally drag Rein back to Earth and whoop her ass with slippers for not being aware, especially during midnight.

Typical Asian mom.

Her dad would cry for her. That's for sure, he was soft hearted. And kind of weird that he had married her demonic Asian mother rather than other white women.

Her idiotic brother will-- most likely than not -- take her bedroom since she was, you know, dead right now. It was biggest room in the house (much bigger that the master's bedroom)  and throw all those awards and books from her cabinet. 

She didn't have many friends to begin with. But she certainly had a best friend, Kayla. She was Rein's childhood friend, not the most studious kind but definitely athletic and pretty.  It was a miracle that she was able to graduate from high school. (because all she does was sleeping and skipping classes all day,  everyday)

Another thing is that when Kayla and Rein entered the university, Kayla started to bring some drunk boys into a dorm. Which Rein obviously against it, because:

1) it's fucking noisy

2) It's so fucking noisy that I couldn't study in your dorm at all!

After those few nights, Rein started to get used to Kayla and her fuckner's moaning and bitchingbitching behind the bedroom door. Rein even deducted that Kayla will acquire sexual transmitted diseases by the time she reaches 60th fuckners.

(She's currently on her 45th, why the hell was Rein keeping a count on those boys Kayla fucked?)

Kayla was the reason why Rein pursue her medical degree. Rein remembered how Kayla kept on pestering her to take up medical science instead of accounting. Saying things that it was interesting, you can help people will sickness. And out of a sudden, Rein's application paper was filled with big, block letter on the first choice.


Now that she think about it... Kayla was fucking persuasive, no wonder she choose political science.

Kayla gets to screw the court.

Kayla also told Rein something about being careful when walking at night. And jokingly added that she might get  isekai by truck.

Some anime shit that Rein didn't understand, but didn't question about it.

And just at the right mother fucking time. The whole reality took its liberty to slap Rein's non existing face and pulled a 'ha, told you so! ' on her.

Kayla not only got to screw the whole court with her bullshits, but also a fucking psychic that slipped right under Rein's non existing nose!

And to sum it all up. 

Rein never march the stage, she never fucked someone, her family was grieving, and her sexually active best friend is a fucking psychic.

And it's all fucking great.


Finally something.

A weirdly humanoid shaped silhouettes appeared before her.  It got a skull of a some sort of bird with down turned beak. (plague masks, but with bones?)

In its right hands, there's a crystal ball and the other a scythe. 

"Pardon my intrusion, my child." He spoke. He approached Rein calmly, he lifted his crystal ball. The crystal ball hummed and flashes. Rein started felt the heat radiant from that clear sphir

"I must apologize for our mistake." He said, "We had mixed up the person with you, but it seems that we were too late prevent this. " He bowed his head.

Rein was speechless. But how?

"We had our monthly raffle, wherein we choose people who will die unexpectedly. But instead of that person, I mistook you for her." He clarified.

Who knew that there is some bingo games in the afterlife. No wonder people dies out of the blue. But to Rein, she was pissed. How could they make such a clumsy mistake? She had her whole life planned before her.

Her graduation.

Her professional licensure exam.

Her masterals.

Her doctorals.

And heck even the day she will finally lose her virginity!

"I am here to amend our mistake in be half of the Gods. We shall provide you another life." He proposed, his crystal ball began to shine brighter and hotter. Rein can actually feel her finger twitching from the heat. (even though she knew that it wasn't there, neither was her other parts of her body)

"Don't die too early, my child " That was his last parting words before Rein lost her consciousness.

And now, she woke up from immense pain.

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