Chapter 4

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A day out, will it be met with fortune or dispair?


Subspace sat happily texting away on his phone, his tail wagging. His tail NEVER wags. It's always basically been like a statue glued to his waist from how little movement he used it for. Currently he's sitting on Katana's couch, his face red, smiling all giddly with his mask off like a teenage girl with a new crush. Katana and Hyperlaser both stare at him a moment before looking at eachother. Hyper breaks the silence, "someone's happy today." He comments, looking at Subspace.

This snaps the scientist out of his own little world looking at the two. "Oh, uh, yeah, I am." He replies simply, eagerly looking back at his phone and typing more. "Would you care to tell us the reasons of your sudden happiness?" Katana prods, glancing at Hyper and smiling, holding his hand.

"If you must know, I have a date tonight!" Subspace boasts proudly, his tail picking up pace as it thrashes wildly against the couch. "You never told me you were seeing someone! Come on, tell us who it is!" Hyper looks jokingly offended, recalling the time he too was just like Subspace when him and Katana got together years ago. "No!" Subspace looks at his brother, his eyes glowing with happiness.

"I'm sure I can guess since you've only talked to one person new recently." Hyper pretends he's thinking which catches Katana's interest, "oh? Who?" He questions, looking at his lover. "Well.. He-" "SHUT UP!" Subspace interrupts his brother, embarrassment across his face. "Not everyone needs to know my business y'know!" He crosses his arms, growling.

"Yeah, yeah.. Like Katana can't guess it considering he gave Medkit your number to begin with!" Hyperlaser outs his secret, causing Katana to gasp slightly. "Enemies to lovers! I would have never guessed." He chuckles, finding amusement in Subspace's fluster growing. "S-SHUT UP!" He stutters, standing up. "I'm leaving!" He puts his mask back on angrily.

"Don't leave Sub! I'm sorryyy!" Hyper pleads through laughs of his own. "I need to leave anyways, I have to get ready!" Subspace slips his shoes on, about to exit the house. "Tell Medkit I said hello." Katana smiles. "And let me know when you get back. Or if you stay over again." Hyper chirps, wrapping his arms around his own lover.

"Yeah, yeah, I will! Alright bye now." Subspace takes his leave, happily walking at a speedy place towards the bus stop. Medkit had agreed to pick him up a block away from Blackrock's entrance. He couldn't pick him up directly from Blackrock for obvious traitor reasons, but Subspace didn't mind having to walk.

Happily waiting for the bus, he grabs his tail to attempt to still it. How could he go on a date if he couldn't even keep himself together before it! Growling with annoyance at himself, the bus soon arrives.


Smiling with delight, Medkit had just picked Subspace up, the two now in the car together. "How has your day been, Meddy?" Subspace asks like they weren't texting throughout most of the day. "You already know how my days been, but it's been pretty good." Medkit replies, grabbing Subspace's nervously twitching hand and holds it. "How about yours?"

"Good! I was at Theives' Den earlier, which you already know, visiting Katana with my brother." Subspace smiles, squeezing Medkit's hand. "Where are we going?" He asks, bringing the back of Medkit's hand to his mouth, holding it against his mask.

"Some fancy place, I forgot the name of it." Medkit answers, pulling Subspace's mask down with his thumb. He examines the demon's rotten jaw and lips. "You look nice." He compliments in his forever monotone voice.

Subspace pulls his mask back up. "You look nice-r." He one ups. "Was dinner a good idea though? I mean, I can't really eat around people." Subspace thinks about the decision, looking at Medkit with a glint of worry. "I don't want to ruin our evening."

"I reserved us a spot in a corner, if someone sees they can just deal with it." Medkit shakes free of Subspace's grasp, pulling him over and planting a quick kiss on his head. "Stop worrying so much, I already worried enough." He releases Subspace, allowing him to sit back up right.

"What if people get sick because of me? The smell when I take my mask off isn't exactly pleasant. I don't even know how you can stand it." Subspace sighs. "Maybe it'll be better if I just take my food to-go?" He suggests.

"Not happening." Medkit shuts down the suggestion. "I'm not letting other people get in the way of our evening together. Today could be considered a childhood dream from how long I've liked you. I'm not giving that up." The doctor reaches over and rests his hand on Subspace's thigh. He didn't mind. Medkit had always done this before their fall out.

"If you insist." Subspace leans his head against Medkit's arm, wrapping his claws around it. "I just hope nothing bad happens because of m-""Nothing will, Subspace." Medkit cuts the scientist off, his voice stern. Accepting defeat in the topic, Subspace closes his eyes, breathing in the scent on Medkit's arm, his body relaxing as he allows himself to be comforted by the deer-like demon.

Eventually reaching the resturaunt, Medkit lightly shakes Subspace awake. It was only around a 30 minute drive, but the scientist had dozed off. "Do you even sleep at night? You fall asleep every time you stay still for over 5 minutes." The doctor reaches up to Subspace's mask, taking it off. The pink demon yawns, "I do sleep.. sometimes at least." He rubs his eye. "I need my mask, Med." He reaches for the mask that Medkit is holding away from him.

"It looks bad, wear this one instead." Medkit reaches over and takes a black mask out of the glovebox. "Here." He gives it to Subspace who puts it on. "If you insist." Subspace mumbles, feeling the mask on his face. It looked nicer than his eyesore gas mask he usually wore. Medkit gets out of the car, walking around to open Subspace's door. "Come on," he holds his hand out for the demon to take.

"You're so polite!~" Subspace teases, grabbing Medkit's hand as he gets out. He suddenly felt small against the deer-like demon. Despite him being an inch taller, Medkit was much buffer than him, being a decent weight. Subspace was skinny and weak, bones jutting out from his frame. Intertwining his fingers with Medkit's, Subspace was acutely aware of how much he looked like a twink. He really needs to get in shape.

"Yeah yeah." Medkit grips Subspace's hand, leading him into the resturaunt. He opens the entrance door, allowing Subspace in first. He walks in right behind him. "I tried to book the seat with the most privacy." The medic informs, Subspace silently moving closer to his side. He always hated going out.

Soon being seated at their reservation, it was a corner booth. More than enough room for two people, they sat beside each other, Subspace safely tucked away from view. "Take off the mask," Medkit orders, looking over the menu. "I will once the waiter comes and leaves." Subspace still has his grip on Medkit's hand. "Well look at the menu while we wait." The doctor slides one of the menus into Subspace's grasp.

After looking over the menu, Subspace decided that he couldn't decide and he was just going to get the house special with a water. Looking at the man beside him, Medkit was still observing the menu. "You take so long to decide! Weirdo." Subspace teases, causing Medkit to look at him. "Says you! Didn't you spend 25 minutes looking over the menu at Blackrock's only cafe? There were only 5 items on it." Medkit rolls his eyes. "I already decided, I'm debating if I want to offer you something."

"Offer me what?" Subspace asks, looking over Medkit's shoulder to see what he's looking at. "Knowing your drinking habits, you'd probably fancy a drink from here, I've heard they've got good alcohol here." Medkit tells him, earning an 'ooo' from Subspace. "Are you implying I'm an alcoholic?" Subspace narrows his eyes. "I'm not implying it, I *know* you are. You've been drinking every Friday since you were 15. Surprised it hasn't fried your brain." Medkit rolls his eye. "Maybe you're right. Fine! I won't get any." Subspace sits back, scratching at his mask.

Medkit reaches over and takes the mask off, stuffing it in his pocket before Subspace can react. "Leave if off if it's bothering you. Don't you take it off at the bar anyways?" Subspace growls in annoyance. "At the bar, they know me, it's not crowded and very easy privacy, it's not a fancy resturaunt, and people are too drunk to care." Subspace tries reaching for Medkit's pocket, casuing the doctor to grab his arm, holding it back. "You're weaker than me, stop trying to fight it." Medkit closes the menus, sitting them in the middle of the table. "Just give it back!" Subspace growls, still reaching and being held back. His voice got slightly louder.

"Don't yell, Sub. The rot in your face is getting better anyways, it's fine. You need to get used to having it off." Medkit grabs both of Subspace's wrists with one hand, holding them in Subspace's lap. "Give it here!" Subspace squirms, trying to get his hands free. "Oh my gods." Medkit sighs. "Fine! But you're leaving it off whenever we go out." He takes the mask out of his pocket, giving it to the scientist who hastily puts it on. Looking at Medkit with a glare, he growls, "thank you."

Soon, the waiter comes, asking if they'd like any drinks. Both already having their orders ready, they skip the drink stage and go to the main course, Subspace ordering the house special with a water, Medkit ordering some fancy meal with a water and another fancy drink. Subspace looks at Medkit as the waiter walks away, "the hell did you order?" He asks, confused. "Honestly, I don't know, but it sounded cool." Medkit shrugs, grabbing Subspace's hand to hold. "Why did you order the house special?"

"Too many words, it's just easier and saves time. I already knew I'd have a hard time choosing since I'm not craving anything specific." Subspace squeezes Medkit's hand, which honestly isn't that hard considering his lack of strength. "I need to get in shape." Subspace complains, leaning his head against Medkit's shoulder. "I look like a twink."

Medkit stiffles a laugh. "Well, you're not wrong on the second part." This earns a sharp elbow in the ribs. "Ow! I agreed with you!" Medkit growls, smiling while doing so. "Shut up! You weren't supposed to agree!" Subspace rolls his eye, now holding Medkit's hand with both of his. "Even if I'm weaker than you, my claws and teeth are still sharper y'know! I could tear you to shreads!" Subspace threatens, dragging a claw against Medkit's hand, slightly scraping the surface of his skin, close to slicing it.

"Maybe. But you can't do much if your hands are restrained and I'm behind you." Medkit plants a kiss on Subspace's forehead. "I can scream rape if you're behind me, holding my hands back." The comment makes Medkit stiffen. "I already have a bounty, I don't need a rape charge on my case, especially if it's false." "Then don't test your luck." Subspace's smile is obvious under his mask as he squeezes Medkit's hand again.

Soon the waiter comes back with their food. Medkit's is a type of seafood-based meal, looking delicious while Subspace's looks like a pile of sludge. As the waiter leaves, Subspace can't help himself. "EW!" He shouts a little loud, looking disgusting. "Sub!" Medkit elbows his arm. "Manners." He hisses. "Look at it! It looks disgusting! It's all slimey." He complains, wrinkling his nose against the smell. "It smells horrible too!" He picks up a fork poking at the soggy meat thats laid on wet lettuce. Cheese smothered all of the dish, looking very unappealing.

"Just try it." Medkit tells him, silently agreeing with the disgust Subspace shows. "No way! It looks poisoned. You try it." Subspace pushes his plate towards Medkit, refusing to put it near his mouth. Medkit sighs, sliding the second drink he ordered to Subspace. It's some type of alcohol. "Drink this and I'll try it."

Subspace happily takes the drink, sipping it. He flinches back a little. "Gods, it's strong." He comments before taking another sip. "It has whiskey in it." He looks over the Medkit who's staring at the plate of mush. He hesitantly picks up his fork and slowly takes a small bite. He ponders a moment before taking another. "It's actually really good." He looks over at Subspace. "Try it." He pushes it over.

"You're lying, aren't you?" Subspace narrows his eyes suspiciously. "I'm not! I mean if you don't want it, I'll take it." He starts to take it back before Subspace smacks his hand away, picking up his fork and taking a bite. His eye lights up. "Oh it is good!" He starts to happily eat.

"Told ya." Medkit turns to his own food, eating it slowly as Subspace devours his like a starving animal. "Slow down, you're going to choke! When was the last time you ate?" Medkit looks at him, worridly. "Dinner yesterday!" Subspace replies, his mouth full. "Am I really goin' to have to cook you every meal for you to eat?" Medkit sighs. "Probably!" Subspace looks up from his food, smiling.

Finishing their food, Medkit pays. Subspace is the slightest bit tipsy from the singular drink he had. To be fair, it was big. "We should go to a bar!" Subspace suggest, looking at Medkit with malice in his eyes. "Absolutely not." Medkit shuts down, opening the door for Subspace to get in the car. Shutting it after the demon gets situated, Medkit gets in the driver's seat. "You're already starting to get tipsy with one drink!"

"Noo! And that was a BIG drink, strong too!" Subspace defends himself, grabbing Medkit's hand and putting it on his thigh so he can hug the arm, laying his head on it. "Why can't we go?" He asks, staring at Medkit. "You'll run my wallet dry and it's already late." Medkit replies, squeezing Subspace's thigh slightly as he starts to drive.

"I'll pay! My treat since you paid for this!" Subspace wraps his claws around Medkit's arm, slightly digging them into the skin. "I don't want to go home yettt.." He whines, "it's boring there! Biograft isn't a good conversation holder and Hyper goes to bed at 8:30 every night!" Subspace complains, "pleasee? I'll pay for it all!!" He begs.

Medkit sighs, "fine! Fine. We'll go to the bar. Mind if I invite some of my friends?" Medkit looks over at Subspace. "Who?" The scientist asks, curious. "Sword and Rocket. They're always looking for an excuse to get drunk." Medkit rolls his eye. "Just like a certain someone I know."

Subspace giggles, "yeah, you can invite them. I don't mind! As long as they don't mind my face." Subspace takes his mask off since they're in the car. Medkit had forgotten to take it from him after they got their food. He scratches at the rot on his cheeks. "Whatever you put on me made it a bit itchy. It's usually numb."

"Good, that means its working. Don't scratch at it too much, you'll inflame it. It should be healed mostly in around two weeks, but you'll still have scars where the rot was worse." Medkit explains slightly, his hand absent mindedly rubbing Subspace's thigh. Subspace didn't seem to mind. "I haven't been scratching it too much!" He informs, proud of himself.

"Here." Medkit grabs his phone, handing it to Subspace. "Go to my recent messages, you'll see Sword. Ask him if he and Rocket want to come drinking with us. Password is 1023."

Subspace looks at Medkit. "Wow, you're trusting. Also, my birthday?" Medkit stiffens, a light blush on his face. "No, that's just a conincidence. I just like how the numbers sound and its easy to remember." He lies. "Just- hurry up and text Sword!"

"Alright, alright! Chill out." Subspace rolls his eyes, looking through Medkit's phone until he finds his messages. Seeing Sword as the most recent, he clicks on it. Texting quickly he writes;

>Hai Sword!! do you wanna come drinking with me and someone? it'll be fun, trust. Also invite your other friend I forgot his name

Sword soon texts back.

>>ur not Med, who r u
>I'm texting for him, hes driving rn
>>ya me and rocket will come :3 we have no other plans ^_^ which bar

Subspace looks at Medkit. "He asked which bar we're going to." Medkit thinks for a moment. "Tell him the last one we went to."

>The last one that you guys went to? (He says that like I know which bar it is)
>>lol ok!! its the
>>that bar near thieves den
>>near the corner
>Drink 'n Dance?
>>ya that one
>>what time?

"What time?" Subspace asks, not looking up from the phone. "What time is it now?" Medkit asks. "Almost 9:30." "Then 10:15."

>>ok!! well be there a lil early then cuz we wanna be
>>howd ur date go

"He asks how'd the date go." Subspace smirks, looking at Medkit. "Tell him it went good." Medkit's voice doesn't stray from his average monotone. "Just good?" "Yes. Just good."

>he said "good. just good." ;( apparentally it wasnt great or the best day of his life :,(
>>wow!! beat him up for being mean
>I will!! he's a bully. can you believe he tried to make me take off some of my CLOTHES for the waiter to see...
>yeah. hes weird.

Subspace snickers as he texts Sword. "What are you doing?" Medkit looks over. "Give me my phone." He reaches for it. "No!" Subspace yanks the phone away. "I'm having a conversation, don't be rude." "You're obviously up to something, what are you doing Subspace." Medkit continues to try and reach for the phone, also trying to focus on the road.

"I'm making friends with your friends, that's what!" Subspace growls, texting something else.

>he's trying to yank his phone away too mid conversation, so rude!!

Sword suddenly calls, Subspace answers, putting the phone on speaker. "Hi!!" He shouts into the phone. "WHAT?" Sword yells. "CLOTHES?" Medkit looks over confused. "What? Subspace, what did you tell him!"

Subspace giggles. "Yeah! I had to basically beg to keep my clothes on at a fancy resturaunt! And then he tried to get me drunk!" Subspace smirks at Medkit. "That is NOT what happened!" Medkit yells, suddenly grabbing the phone, holding it away from Subspace. "I told you to take your mask off so we could EAT! That is NOT your clothes. And you're an alcoholic that suggested going to the BAR." Medkit growls, clearing up his name to Sword.

"Oh." Sword's voice is heard. "Med I thought you were a FREAK for second. Weirdos." Sword sounds relieved as Subspace is giggling uncontrollably at Medkit's flustered face. "Don't believe anything this man says, Sword. He's a manipulative crazy bitch."

"I'm not crazy!" Subspace yells, biting Medkit's arm. "Ow!" Medkit shakes him off. "What the hell, you just bit me!" He growls. "I did!" Subspace sounds proud. "Why?!" Medkit looks at him, confused as he holds his arm away from the demon. "I wanted to." Subspace sits back in his seat, reclining it so he's laying down.

"Sword, what else did he say?" Medkit asks into the phone. "He said you said good instead of great." Sword chirps. "Okay, thats true." Medkit confirms, sighing. "Wow! I can see why he bit you, you're mean." Sword pipes, a loud bang heard from his side of the phone. "What was that?" Medkit asks.

"Rocket's arm just.. Fell off?" Sword sounds confused. "How did that happen?" He can be heard asking someone on his side. A fait "I don't know, it must have been loose," is heard in reply. "Good thing that didn't land on your foot.." Sword turns his attention back to the call. "Rocket's arm was loose, his robo one. I should probably help him put it back on to make sure it's tight! Bye bye Medkit and.. I forgot your name!"

"Subspace. Goodbye, Sword." Medkit informs him of the name, hanging up the call after Subspace says bye. He glares at Subspace. "You're never touching my phone again."

"What!! I didn't even do anything!" Subspace groans, putting his feet up on the dash. "You're being dramatic, Meddy!" He rolls his eye. "You made me sound like a sex driven freak!" "So?" "So, you're not trusted to text people for me anymore." Medkit puts his phone in his door handle, making sure to keep it away from Subspace. "It was funny!" Subspace whines. "It was not."

"Drama queen!" Subspace teases, his loud, confident, ego-filled voice seeming to be back. "You're boring!" He grabs Medkit's hand, feeling along his fingers. "You're being too loud again, take it down, Sub." Medkit grabs Subspace's hand, holding it. "Oh, oops." Subspace lowers his voice again. "It's a habit!"

"We're almost at Crossroads, sit up." Medkit releases Subspace's hand, both hands now on the steering wheel. Subspace quickly takes his feet down and sits his chair back up, hastily putting on his mask. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!" He growls, glaring at the medic. "My windows are tinted, you don't need to wear that." "Better safe than sorry!"

Soon reaching the bar, Medkit checks the time. 10:13. He gets out, walking around the car to open the door for Subspace. Subspace happily gets out, grabbing Medkit's arm as they walk in. "Knowing those two, they're probably in the back." Medkit mumbles, half-way to himself. Walking to the back of the bar, Sword and Rocket are seen, obviously having a drinking battle of who can chug the most beers. There's already multiple empty bottles on the table. "Hi." Medkit greets, sitting in the booth across from the two. Subspace joins him quietly.

"Med!! Hi!!" Sword greets, taking a break from chugging his drink. He's obviously already drunk with his woozy tone. "Hello Med..Medkit.!!" Rocket hiccups, happily swinging back and forth in his seat. "How're you?" He asks, pushing Sword out the seat suddenly.

Sword falls out, onto the floor. "Oww! Why'd you.. do that?" Sword asks, struggling to get up. Medkit sighs, "you two over-do it." He turns to Subspace. "Trade places with me, I know you're going to be too drunk to stand soon too." Medkit orders as Rocket is laughing drunkenly at Sword struggling to get back in the seat.

"Okay," Subspace agrees, sliding out of the booth while Medkit follows. He sits back down, leaning against the window. He fidgets with his hands in his lap nervously, his eyes not leaving Medkit. "What do you want to drink?" The doctor asks, looking at Subspace.

"Whatever the house special is." Subspace replies quietly. He's obviously nervous to be around Medkit's friends. "Do you two want anything?" He turns his attention to the other duo, Sword now angrily shaking Rocket by his shoulders. "Uh.." Sword stops, looking at Medkit. "I want.. uh.. one of.. these!!" Sword grabs a bottle, giving it to Medkit. Some type of beer. "And you, Rocket?"

Rocket smiles. "No! I have.. this one still!" He holds his half-empty beer up before chugging it empty. "Oh.." He looks at Medkit. "Neverm'nd! Sames Sword." He requests the same as Sword happily. "Alright, I'll be back soon. Don't be too dumb." Medkit sighs, walking away.

Subspace sits there awkwardly, waiting for Medkit to return as he sits against the wall, fidgetting. "You!" Rocket can be heard yelling, causing Subspace to look at him. Rocket is pointnig and looking at Subspace. "What?" The pink demon asks. "You that... loud 'ne? Wi'h th'.. uh.. robo thing!" Rocket asks, which is more of a statement. "Yes, that's me. Biograft is the robot's name! It's one of my greatest inventions!" Subspace happily boasts about his invention, his voice full of confidence and pride, but not overwhelmingly loud.

"I ha'e t'at thing." Rocket growls. "'ts annoyin'!" He sits with his back against the wall, putting his non-metal leg on Sword's lap. "I died.. 6? times to it earlier." Sword comments. "I agree, annoyin'!" Sword grabs Rocket's hand, shaking it.

"Good, that means it's good! Bio basically carried the phight earlier, 12 outta 26 kills!" He yells proudly, his voice raising again. "It barely got a scratch too." Subspace sits up straight, some of his awkwardness wearing off. Medkit then returns as Rocket is angrily cursing at Subspace's invention, making Subspace grin with pride under his mask.

Medkit sets the drinks down on the table, Sword quickly grabbing his and opening it to take a gulp. "Welcome back," Subspace smiles as Medkit sits down beside him. "This one's yours." Medkit says, sliding a drink to Subspace who happily takes. He pulls his mask down, using his hand to cover his face from Rocket and Sword, quickly pulling his mask back up after he takes a sip. "It's a fruity drink." Subspace comments. "I don't like fruity drinks that much, I prefer stronger ones." He complains.

Sword and Rocket are now seeing who can chug their drink faster, Rocket somehow winning. "I'll get you another one next time I go back. What drink do you want next?" Medkit takes his own drink, sipping it. It's a lighter drink, he knows he'll have to drive later so he plans to not get drunk. "Something strong, I dunno. You pick!" Subspace leaves the option up to Medkit.

Sword suddenly stands up, almost falling as he does. "Me 'n R'kt.. g'nna go d'nce!" He announces, slurring his words. Rocket follows him up, the only thing keeping him from falling being the sturdiness of his prosthetic. The two stumble off towards the dance floor, laughing and pushing eachother loudly. Medkit turns to Subspace. "We can go sit at the bar if you'd like. I don't plan on walking back and forth." He suggests, sipping on his drink slowly.

"Works with me!" Now being without the other two, Subspace pulls his mask down to chug his drink in a few gulps. He pulls it back up, grabbing Medkit's hand as the two stand up, making their way over to the bar. They sit in a corner, Subspace being against the wall. The bar was long, the side they're on being fairly empty. Subspace takes his mask off, making sure Medkit is sheilding the view of his face from anyone walking by.

"I don't see why you're so worried about hiding your face." Medkit comments, putting his hand on Subspace's cheek, running his thumb across it. "It creeps people out, sometimes making them sick. People treat my face as if I'm a real life zombie, I'd rather not have those reactions if I can help it. The only time I openly don't wear a mask is Halloween." Subspace explains, tapping a button that alerts the bar tender. "The bar tenders here know me enough to not have that reaction though!" Subspace says happily.

A bar tender soon appears. "Hello, Subspace! I wasn't expecting you today." She greets happily. "Yeah, I just didn't want to go home yet after spending the day out!" Subspace smiles. "What can I get for you two?" She asks.

"I'm fine, I don't need anything right now." Medkit answers, still having his first drink. "Uhmmm.. I don't know! Surprise me, give me anything strong!" Subspace replies. "Price range?" "Any!" "Alright, I'll be back soon!" The bar tender walks away to go make his drink.

"You talk like you're rich." Medkit rolls his eye. "I kinda am. I don't pay rent, I barely buy anything, and I get paid for every Biograft made by Blackrock! As well as crystals for Blackrock. Nor do I pay any gas money since I don't have a car! I have enough money to freely spend over a thousand bux in one night with no consequences other than being hung over!" Subspace smiles, swaying in his seat.

"Lucky you." Medkit grabs Subspace's hand squeezing it once before letting it go again. "I forget you don't eat and live in your workplace. Makes sense why you'd have extra bux." Medkit nods, remembering Subspace's living situation. "So, how did you like Sword and Rocket?" Medkit asks, trying to start another conversation.

"They're alright. I don't really know them well right now." Subspace replies, cracking his knuckles. "You seemed nervous when I got back." Medkit comments. "You left me alone in a booth with strangers who looked like they were going to make out." Subspace glares at the doctor. "Maybe I did." Medkit smiles at his plus one.

A few seconds later, the bar tender comes back with a drink. "Here you go!" She hands it to Subspace. "Careful though, it's the strongest drink we have. It's not even on the normal menu!" She smirks maliciously. "Oooo!" Subspace quickly takes a sip before putting it down and coughing. "GODS! That is VERY strong." He wipes his rotting mouth. "I like it!" He takes another sip. "What drink is this?" He asks the bar tender.

"Secret! But it's vodka based." She winks. Medkit's eyes narrowed as the bar tender slightly leaned over the counter. "Could I get you anything else?" She smiles at Subspace. "I'm fine for now, maybe in a few minutes after I finish this drink." Subspace replies, giving the bar tender her leave. She stays. "You sure? I could whip you up another drink, on the house." She winks again. Medkit has obviously gotten her hints, but Subspace remains clueless. "Nope! I'm alright! Nothing else for me, Meds might want something though." He looks at the doctor.

"No thank you, I'm still fine with my drink." He takes another sip, glaring at the girl. "Call me back if you need anything, Sub!~" Her voice is flirty as she walks away. "She's weird." Medkit comments. "Whaddya mean? She's just doin' her job." Subspace looks at Medkit, taking a gulp of his drink. He blinks, putting his drink down. "I don't.." He trails off.

"What?" Medkit asks. "You don't what?" He looks confused. "I don't feel right." Subspace gets up, a bit wobbly. "You haven't drank enough to be that tipsy, what's wrong?" Medkit gets up as well, grabbing his arm to study the demon. "I.. don't know." Subspace looks at Medkit, worry in his eye. He puts his mask on, only for Medkit to take it back. "If you're feeling bad, you don't want the mask on. It can restrict your breathing, we don't want that." He lectures, wrapping his arm around Subspace's waist. "D'ya think she put somethin' in my drink?" Subspace looked hesitently at Medkit. The doctor stiffened at the suggestion. "Maybe." He looks around, no longer seeing the girl. "Let's test it. Walk outside, I'll be right behind you."

"Alright.." Subspace rubs his eye before stumbling towards the exit, Medkit following. Walking out the door, Subspace is met by the bar tender. "Hey.. you feelin' alright?" She asks innocently. "Here, let me give you a ride home, you don't look well enough to walk." She quickly puts her hands on Subspace's waist, pushing him to a car that's already on. "No. I'm fine." Subspace growls, pushing her hands off. "C'mon, Sub! Let me help you~" She chimes, hands back on his waist.

"He said he's fine." Medkit growls from behind the girl, causing her to turn around in shock. "What did you put in his drink?" He demands.

"What? I didn't put anything in his drink! Perhaps you did to get him in your bed." She hisses, horns brightening their glow. "Right, like I need to drug my boyfriend to sleep with him." Medkit rolls his eye, grabbing Subspace and holding him close. Subspace blushes at the title. They hadn't made their relationship official until now. "Boyfriend.? You're gay?" The girl wrinkles her nose in disgust, glaring nastily at Subspace.

Subspace just nods, his arms wrapping around Medkit as his legs begin to shake. "Med.." He mumbles, leaning his head on the deer-like demon's shoulder. "What did you put in his drink?" Medkit repeats, eyes narrowing. Subspace fumbles for his phone, taking it out of his pocket as the two go back and forth, Medkit getting angrier. He calls Hyperlaser, hoping his brother picks up at the late hour.

The phone clicks. "Sub? Why're you callin' me?" Hyper answers, sounding groggy with sleep. "Went to the bar, someone drugged me." He mumbles. "Which bar? I'll be right there." His brother answers, sounds of russtling heard as he throws clothes on. "Theive's Den one. The one I always go to." "Alright, I'll be there in 5." Hyperlaser hangs up. Subspace looks back at Medkit who now has his revolver out, pointing it at the girl. He can tell the two are shouting, but he can't seem to hear them.

Subspace's eyes begin to fuzz, a ringing in his ears. He tugs on Medkit's sleeve to get his attention, as he's about to pass out. Medkit quickly looks over at him, wrapping both arms around the drugged demon to support him, worry in his eye. Subspace leans close to Medkit, trying his best to stay awake.

What feels like hours later, a car is seen pulling up. Hyperlaser quickly gets out, gun in hands. He runs over, grabbing his brother. As if planned, Medkit grabs the girl, shoving her to the ground to restrain her. Subspace looks at his brother who has now picked him up before everything goes black.

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