Chapter 1...

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6 years later....

"Ms. Gardner, Mitch is kicking my chair!"

"Am not!" Smiling and rolling my eyes I went over to the desks where the two voices were.

"Katie, Mitch how many times have I told you to get along?" I squatted down and looked at the two of them. These two were always bickering and messing with one another. With a classroom of first graders this was a common occurrence though.

"If you guys want to go out for recess you two better apologize to one another."

"But Ms. Gardener I wasn't doing anything!" Mitch pouted, crossing his arms across his little chest. Mitch was my little trouble maker so I didn't really believe him.

"Guys." I warned. My tone wasn't harsh at all, only firm.

"Sorry." They both muttered, glaring at one another. Grinning I stood up and moved back to the front of the room.

"Okay everyone go out and have fun at recess. Be good!" No sooner had the words left my mouth did all of my students get up and run for the door leading outside. I followed behind and propped the door open.

I shook my head as I watched the kids run around like maniacs. I loved my job and this was one of the reasons. Watching them all run around without a care in the world was sweet. Sure teaching a bunch of first graders can be tough at times with their small attention spans. But it was always interesting. They kept me on my toes which I didn't mind.

"Hey, Haley." Coming towards me was another first grade teacher, aka my best friend Annie Bell. Her name fit her to a T. She had long red hair that was pulled into a tight braid and she had freckles along her face. Annie was really gorgeous.

"Hey, Annie. Excited for the holiday weekend?" I asked, leaning against the door.

"Of course! It is the fall festival and and four days off. Are you going?" Annie stood across from me as we watched our kids.

"Yeah I am going. I volunteered at one of the booths."

"Haley really? You volunteered?"


"The Fall Festival is meant to be enjoyed and to have a date with someone, not volunteer all your time."

"Annie it isn't always about dating someone."

"No, it is about sleeping with them." She joked.


"Haley you need to get out more. You've gone on how many dates in the last year, two?"

"Two is a lot." I defended myself.

"No it isn't. You are 24 and only have had like two boyfriends."

"That is a good thing you know." I pointed out.

"As your best friend I need to help you out. We are going to make sure you have a great fall festival this year. Maybe you'll find a hot guy."


"No Haley, you haven't done anything for yourself since your mom got diagnosed. It is finally your time to do something for yourself and you will, I am making sure of it." She sounded very determined which was never a good a thing. When Annie got her mind on something she never lets it go. Something I have learned in our many years of friendship.

"I love you Ann but I don't need it. I am fine with the way my life is."

"You may be but I am not." I didn't get to reply as another teacher headed our way. Shaking my head I let the conversation slide.

Annie was wrong, I didn't need to date or do anything. I was happy with my life right now. I had a great job, I had my own house, I had friends, what more could I want. Sure a boyfriend would be nice but it wasn't a necessity for me.

I've gone through the whole heartbreak thing because of a guy and I didn't need to go through it again. Once was enough for me.

So with that I pushed all of those thoughts aside. Love was the last thing on my mind right now.

* * * * * * * * *

The day ended an hour and a half later. Like every day I kneeled by the classroom door and hugged all my students. It was something they started themselves. From the first day Katie, the same girl who was arguing with Mitch earlier, came up to me and hugged me goodbye. From then on all the kids followed after her. It was probably the best part of the day for me.

I loved my job even though it wasn't what I wanted to do when I graduated high school. My plan was to go into the medical field but after having to take care of my mom when she got sick I found that I couldn't do it. Watching one person slowly die was enough for me.

So instead I went into teaching. After going to school for four years and doing internships at schools, I got the job here at Parker Elementary school. It was a new school that was built in my hometown which was perfect for me.

After my first day here two years ago I fell in love. It wasn't until then I realized this was what I was suppose to do. Things always happen for a reason and this was one of them.

When I noticed my last student walking towards me I smiled. I looked at the cute brunette girl who was wearing all pink and a holding her pink barbie backpack.

"Bye Ms. Gardner." I loved how little 6 year olds said my last name. And Sadie has a small lisp that caused her to say it differently, something I loved about her.

"Bye Sadie. Don't forget about bringing in your favorite sweet for tomorrow." I hugged her small form before letting go.

"Can I bring cupcakes?"

"Of course! I love cupcakes. Just bring enough for the whole class." Sadie squealed before running out of the room towards her mom. I shook my head but smiled. If only we could all be excited about cupcakes like little kids.

Because tomorrow, Thursday, was the last day before the festival weekend I was letting all the kids bring in their favorite sweets for something fun to do. Their parents may not like it when they bring them home though.

After finishing up cleaning the room and putting my desk back together, I grabbed my stuff and headed home.

Pulling into the driveway of my house I turned off my car and looked up at the cute two story house I have lived my whole life. I sighed seeing the flower beds were dead, leaves from the big tree out front were all over the front lawn, the grass a bit over grown.

With it only being me it was hard to keep up on the yard work and everything else. I guess I knew what I was going to do some of this weekend. I inwardly groaned at that. I hated that it was just me here to do all the work but I wasn't going to complain.

Opening the front door to the house I was met with silence.

"Welcome home." I muttered.

Coming home to an empty house sucked. This past year has gotten worse with my younger brother, Lucas, now away at college. Before I knew he would either be here or be home soon, but now it was just me. Just me in a big house. Sometimes I didn't mind it, but Annie was right I lived a boring life.

I lived by a regular schedule now a days. I got up, went to work, came home and made dinner for myself, and then watch tv until bed. It was boring but it was me, well the new me.

Shaking my head I headed for my bedroom. I didn't want to think about such things, things that were in the past and that I couldn't control. 

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