Chapter 20....

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"Are you sure your okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." I wasn't but my brother didn't need to worry about me. I would be fine, not right now but eventually I would be.

Brock had left 6 hours ago. The moment the door shut a wave of emotions came crashing down, drowning me. I had fallen on the ground sobbing uncontrollably. I never needed my mom more than I did right then. She would have known what to say and do. But she wasn't here and I was alone.

I knew I had made the worst decision of my life but I couldn't take it back. I had to keep reminding myself that I did it for him. That I had to do it, even if it broke us apart.

I should have asked him what he wanted to do but I was afraid he would throw what he had worked so hard for away. Asking him to stay would put too much pressure on him to decided between here and LA. I think apart of me was scared to ask him incase he didn't choice me and went back to California.

From the sound of his manager she didn't want him here. She hadn't even tried to think of another way for him to stay here. I didn't like her and the way she spoke to/about me just re-enforced that. There was something off about her.

After Brock left I ended up crying for an hour before Lucas and Megan came home and found me. Instantly my brother went into protective mood and demanded what happened. I only told him the gist of what happened, not wanting to tell him everything that really happened. It was between Brock and I.

Seeing the concern on his face made me snap out of it. I wiped my tears away, put my feelings in a box inside of me, and tried to ignore the pain in my chest. Things were going to end like this anyway, I just put it in motion sooner. I would still be heart broken in two weeks when he left. In a way I was almost protecting myself from falling even more for Brock.

"You didn't have to come with us." Megan said, her voice soft as she touched my shoulder.

"No I wanted too. It's tradition to go to the final night of the festival together." No matter how sad I was I needed to go. Maybe some fresh air would help and maybe I would be distracted enough to forget about all of this for a minute.

"Whenever you want to go we will." My brother added. I sent them both a grateful smile. I didn't like others being concerned about me. It is normally the other way around. This was probably very embarrassing for Lucas and Megan seeing me like this. Not a very good first impression I tell you.

We all slid out of the car and headed for the entrance of the festival. It was now 6 o'clock and the last night of the festival was in full swing. No doubt everyone has been here for a few hours. I could hear a band playing somewhere. In a few hours the fireworks would be set off marking the end of the Fall Festival.

By the looks of it the entire town was here. Every booth was busy and lines for the food vendors wrapped around. Little kids round, arms filled with toys or candy. Teenagers moved around in groups laughing loudly. I smiled fondly at them, that was me years ago.

I followed behind Lucas and Megan. I watched them hold hands and smile at one another with a pang in my chest. They were really cute together and I approved of Megan. She was good for my brother and he needed someone to keep him in line while he was gone.

The sound of my name being called made me pause in my step. Looking over to my right I saw a familiar face pushing through the crowds, Annie along with Brad. I laughed under my breath at the way she didn't even care she was pushing people or the dirty looks she got in return. That was my best friend.

I was enveloped in a tight hug a second later. I hugged her little frame back needing a bit of comfort from someone familiar. Annie was there with me the last time this happened, so she knew exactly what I was feeling right now. When she pulled back she had a soft expression on her face.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I knew it would happen anyways." I shrugged. "But we aren't going to worry about it. It's the last night of the festival which means we need to have some fun." I smiled although it was mostly fake. Annie looked at me for a moment trying to decide if I would break at any second. She seemed to think I was okay for she nodded slowly.

"Sounds good to me." Movement on Annie's left caught me attention. Brad had stepped forward and laced his hand into Annie's. I stared between them with wide eyes.

"Something to tell me?" I questioned, a smirk starting to grow on my face. Annie caught my look and sent me a smile of her own.

"Nope." I knew by that tone she'd tell me later. Wiggling her eyebrows at me she tugged Brad towards my brother and Megan. Laughing softly and shaking my head I trailed after them.

* * * * * * * * * *

"The fireworks will start in 5 minutes!" The voice announced over the festival. Immediately chatters began all around us.

"Lets go find a place to stand." Annie grabbed my hand with her free and pulled all of us after her.

None of us said a word as she did, knowing she'd find us the best spot to see the fireworks. Having been to this so many times she knew where to go. Annie pushed her way through all the crowds trying to find a spot, until we reached an open area.

"Perfect!" She announced smiling.

The last few hours everyone has tried to get my mind off of Brock. Only a few times I heard his name muttered through the crowds but Annie was right there to steer me away. I did catch a group of girls talking about Brock's ex being pregnant.

So far I've only thought of him a few times, laughing with my brother and friends. But he still lingered in my head. Shaking all thoughts of him I turned back to my friends. Lucas and Megan stood off to my left talking and smiling. Lucas's arms were wrapped around Megan lovingly. And off to my right stood Annie and Brad, Annie laughing loudly at something Brad said.

Seeing them all being so happy and cute made me feel lonely. I felt like now I was just noticing all the couple around me which just made me feel even worse. I was yet again alone and I have no one else to blame but myself.

I shouldn't have pushed Brock away. I should have told him how I felt but instead I let the same thing happen as it did 6 years ago. Losing him the first time was painful but now a second time was worse.

The count down begin for the fireworks a second later. Everyone around us yelling and cheering. I smiled sadly as I stood back a bit back from my group.

The fireworks started as soon as everyone yelled out ONE. Tilting my head back I watched the fireworks lit up the sky. I let one tear fall as I wished I hadn't ruin the best thing that could have happened to me.

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