Chapter 29 - My responsibilities

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Warning - Mature Content. Read at your own risk. 


I woke up feeling slightly sore in between my legs. I turned around to see Shiv peacefully sleeping and was amused to see his lips slightly parted. I slowly ran my hands through his soft hair hoping I wouldn't wake him up. He was really a light sleeper. I knew he was waking up everytime I changed sides too. All through the night, each time I was changing sides, I was also making sure he was there. My husband was really there! He had slept with me and he was still here next to me lying on the same bed as mine. 

Shiv was an excellent lover. Perfectly paced, perfectly rhythmic, perfectly understanding but loud. I giggled thinking about his finishing moments when he groaned my name in my ears loudly. Initially I was shocked, almost horrified but now it seemed hilarious. I don't know if he would be loud back in Mumbai too because if he was going to be that loud, the whole house will come to know what we are upto. Haaye Anjali, already thinking about future encounters! 

My phone vibrated on the night stand and I quickly turned and picked my phone. 

Your period is predicted to start today!

Oh no! Aunt Flo, not on my honeymoon. I shook my head in disapproval. Couldn't you come in two more days when I was going to go home for 'pagphere'? Maybe I should have listened to Pooja afterall and taken those pills she was suggesting. The reason I didn't take any medication was the anti-depressants had messed up with my cycles so much that it took really long to recover from all of it and now I didn't want to risk it again. 

Pagphere is a ritual when the bride goes to her parental home for the first time after marriage. 

Will Shiv be ok if he found out and I deny him? I hope so too. "Good morning!" Shiv's said in a sleepy voice. Damn, my phone's loud vibrations must have woken him up.

"Good morning, sorry I woke you up." I said apologetically and got up covering my bosom with the duvet. 

"Hmmm, sambhal ke. My soldier is up too. You might see him and make him more excited if you keep pulling the duvet like that." Shiv said putting both his hands behind his head. 

It took me a second to understand what he had just said but my cheeks warmed up when I realized and a slow gasp escaped my lips. I broke his gaze and shyly muttered, "Shiv!".

"What!? My soldier likes to say hello each morning. Seeing you like this, he is bound to get excited!" Shiv replied cheekily. I was aware of the male anatomy but hearing Shiv give out such one liners made me feel all fuzzy and I was sure I felt something down there.He then handed me the bathrobe that was on his side of night stand. 

"Here, go and freshen up. I'll order in food or at least check what our options are looking like." I took the bathrobe and tried tying it up maintaining some level of modesty.


We were out shopping after breakfast. This time we were actually shopping and we had already bought chocolates for Pooja's kids, a neat shawl for Dadi and Ma and a very colorful one for me. Shiv had also bought me a small purse that was lined with shells on one side and my new initials written on the other side again in shells, "A.S.R" for Anjali Shiv Raheja. It was very cheesy but the artist who was sewing the shells on the purse said that everybody here on their honeymoon got these artifacts and we should too. I insisted on getting a similar but smaller version of the purse for Riya and something for Shivani Di and Jai Jeeja as a thank you gift. 

Shiv agreed on getting a different purse for Shivani and he said he will pick up drinks from duty free store at the airport. He said Harshit was into branded perfume so he would buy something for him too. As for Shiv's father, Shiv said it would be best to leave out gifts for him as he ended up scolding Shiv always. I chuckled, it was funny hearing Shiv complain that he received scolding from his father for over spending. 

Shiv and I did end up buying him a fancy reading glass cover and then we decided to head back to the resort. 

I was finally relaxing on the couch in our foyer as Shiv fished out two bottles of lemon soda from the small refrigerator in our villa suite. I had gotten my period as per the alert of the period tracker which had now become fairly accurate in predicting my cycle. I was experiencing cramps and lemonade or any cool drink usually helped keeping the associated nausea away. My feet hurt and I could feel cramps in my upper legs, stomach and this time somehow my back hurt too. I wondered if last night s*x had anything to do with some of these new pain areas or if it was just change in hormonal cycle. 

"Here you go. We can go check if the water sports are still on and engage in a couple different activities in sometime?" Shiv asked handing out the bottle of lemonade, although I wished it was a freshly squeezed instead of packaged one. He sat down really close to me on the couch and bent down and I felt his lips brush against my collar bone. 

"Umm, Shiv.. actually..I..umm..can't go water sports." Better to tell him now than later. 

"Come on. Don't be scared. I will be there with you. It won't be bad. We can atleast go on the speed bike." He pleaded like a little child eager to go to toy store of some sorts.

"It's not that Shiv. I ..umm. I got my period this morning. I didn't realize until this morning that I was due. I am so sorry, Shiv. I won't feel comfortable engaging in water sports or umm you know this..." I pointed at my collar bone to hint that I was not comfortable in physical activities. I wasn't sure how he felt as his face was expressionless up until this moment but then I saw his expressions soften up and he put aside his bottle on the coffee table and then looked at me. 

"Ok ok. First, why are you being sorry? You should never apologize for something as natural as periods." He let out a sigh and then continued, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? We could have done something that wasn't so stressful. Cramps?" 

I nodded my head in a yes. "Drinking this will ease some of it. Pooja had suggested a pill to take to delay the cycle and I completely ignored her. I ..I should have just taken it so that this trip is not... I... "

Shiv quickly put his finger on my lips and shut me up, "It's ok. I know those pills do more harm than good at times. Unless doctor recommended, you shouldn't take them. So, it's really is ok. "
He tapped my left cheek twice very lightly and then kissed my right cheek

Shiv then leaned sideways and picked up his cell phone, "Did you say you started this morning?"


"Ok. I will download the period tracker and put today's date on it. This way I can keep a track of it and hopefully also know when you are PMSing or genuinely annoyed at something that I did."He then laughed out loud mischievously and I smacked his arm not too gently.

"Oww, Anjali. You hit hard when you are on periods. It's harder than how you dug your nails on my shoulders and back." He yelped feigning pain on his forearm. I bit my lower lip at his audacity and smiled. I did smack his arm one more time but this time I was very gentle. 

"Acha ok, so no hanky panky at all? Peck on lips or makeout session is allowed or no? I have heard kissing alleviates cramps."

I gasped, "Shiv! Maybe, little bit is ok." He finally took a swig opening his bottle and urged me to drink as well. I took a sip and felt the drink sink deeper into my food pipe. 

"Shiv mera hi naam hai. Ok, on a serious note, do you have everything you need or do you want me buy anything?"

I nodded in a no and responded, "I have everything." Somehow, Shiv had managed to relax the atmosphere around us. I was feeling awkward discussing this with Shiv even though I knew it had to be done at some point. I was starting to feel better now that I was basically lounging at one place and sipping a cool drink. 

"Ok, tell me your preferred brand of sanitaries. I will note that down too just in case you know." He must have noticed a look of shock on my face because he then said, "Oh come on. I really don't think this is something to be awkward, Anjali. It's better if the time comes, I buy something that actually works with you because there are hundreds of varieties available in market."

I did respond to Shiv eventually as Shiv explained the practical aspect of it. I didn't want to think about the time when he had made me feel impure and bad when I was menstruating and used it against me to stay away from our room during those days. Later, I would know he was using all that time to be with his preferred partners.

Shiv and I spoke for a long time sipping lemonade and finally both of us admitted it would be better to instead just go outside to the main resort dining area and order freshly squeezed lemonade. 

When evening fell, Shiv checked on me a number of times before we headed out for a stroll around the resort talking about various things including my workplace and then his workplace and what exactly their strategy for atleast coming 2 years is looking like in terms of bringing in more business from more clients abroad. As for my job, I explained Shiv how sometimes I do have to take late evening/night calls mostly for sharing status updates with our US based clients. 

Remembering that these last couple of days were additional bonus for us, we both decided to rest up and relax as much as possible.



These last couple of days were specially good even though the only intimacy we shared were stealing kisses here and there. I figured Anjali faced severe cramps on her days and felt nauseous to the point that yesterday afternoon, Anjali was lying down all afternoon tossing and turning. Something didn't feel right and after repeatedly asking her which I hope was not too offensive, Anjali said it was actually heredity and she had been facing severe cramps ever since she started menstruating as a young 12 year old. 

It was an easier topic when I was married earlier since me and Shikha knew each other for a really long time and I had begun figuring out her cycles much before these decent app trackers existed mostly due to open communication of our relationship. With Anjali, I was trying to figure out so many things that it was fair to say that Honeymoon was indeed the most time of a couples married life. The amount of perspective I had gained in these last 10 days was immense. 

Today, we were packing to check out from the resort in the afternoon. After everything was done, we decided to sit down in a restaurant to get last lunch on this trip. There was something on mind since morning and I really wanted to talk it out with Anjali.

"Ji. I am just going to check one more time after I look through this bag once. did you pick up the phone chargers?" Anjali's voice bought me back from my deep thoughts.

"Yes. Come, sit here next to me for a few minutes." I requested her as I sat down on one side of the bed while she was still standing next to our dressing looking through her purse.

"What is it Shiv?" She hurried to stand close to me and I gestured her to sit. 

"Sit, I just need to talk about something." I finally grabbed her wrist and made her sit next to me. She was wearing a comfortable magenta colored salwar suit as we were headed back home today. With the nuptial chain around her neck , the fresh vermilion on her forehead and her almost gone henna covered hands, she still looked like a new bride apart from the fact that she looked tired and pale. Her cycle had taken a considerable toll on her health which she said was bad because of the stress from wedding and everything but I made a mental  note to make sure she was eating healthy and getting plenty rest once we reached back home too. 

"Shiv, you are worrying me. What is it?" Worry lines were clearly visible on her face. 

"No no. There is nothing that is worrying. You are now part of my family and I just wanted to talk you through how we run finances in the family." 

Anjali looked stumped and she was about to say something but I stopped her, I really wanted to get this out.

"No, hear me out, please!" I  grabbed her soft and tender hands in mine and spoke.

"Every month, Papa takes out a small share for Dadi and another really small share for himself. Harshit and I are given our portion of shares by Papa. Obviously, my share is bigger because I do take care of home expenses being the older one. The reason I am telling you all of this is at no point do I want questions or arguments or politics around this. Dadi continues to be the head of our family even though she lives in Punjab and Papa will continue to be the senior elder in our home and I feel very responsible towards them."

Anjali was staring intently at me and I continued speaking. 

"Shivani is the daughter of our home and she has been willed equally in the family inheritance by Papa already. So, technically our exports company has three partners - me, Harshit and Shivani with me being the managing director. Shivani and Riya hold a very special place in all our hearts. Even though I am younger, I will continue to look out for Shivani and her family. I consider that as my moral responsibility."

I took another pause and let out a sigh when Anjali softly squeezed my hands. "Shiv, I completely understand and I will never question this. Besides, I don't think I will ever have problems with any of this. I promise to support you in every way to take care of them and to fulfill your responsibilities towards them."

I nodded and softly smiled, "That brings me to my other responsibility. You. As soon as we are landing into Mumbai, I am taking you to register this marriage so that legally you and I are bound to each other. Then, we are going to the bank and getting a joint account where I will make deposits each month for you."

"Shiv, this is not necessary. I make a living too and .." I cut her off. I never married her for her money so she could spend her money as she felt was right.

"And now you are my wife. I know you make a living but that is your money. With this money, I want to make sure you are living a comfortable life in our home. I will feel extremely satisfied knowing I am fulfilling my responsibilities towards my wife. If you ever need more, then I expect you to tell me. Ok?"

Anjali nodded and then I saw a thin layer of tears in her eyes, "I need to tell you something too since we are having such an open conversation."

"Yes" I encouraged her to go on. 

"Shiv , my Papa's , my parents have taken care of me all my life and it is because of them I believe I have received this beautiful second chance in this life. I feel it is my responsibility to take care of them and to share some financial burden with Papa. He never came in my way of education and whole heartedly supported my decision to become who I am. I am only earning because of them. I wish to continue paying off some of the bills. I already told Ma that I will continue to support that home. I don't know how Papa will react but I can convince him."

I felt my heart swell with pride. Her confessing this to me itself was a huge thing in addition to saying she will support me through my responsibilities. I had never had this kind of conversation earlier and now it just seemed important to me. Most of it was because, Papa had mentioned a couple days before my marriage to Harshit that even he should consider marriage so that Papa can eventually move down to a care home to avoid any possibility of drama or politics as to who should take care of home once both brothers are busy in their lives. Just like I felt responsible for my parents, Anjali was feeling the same and I had no right to deny support to her. 

"I am incredibly proud of you for so many things now. You are supposed to be responsible for them being their child and I don't support the mentality where daughters are paraya dhan and only sons are meant to support their parents. I will never stop you from doing things for our parents. Can I say one thing?"


"If you or your side of my parents need anything and I mean if ever there is a problem, I would love to get involved too. They are my responsibility too."

"Shiv, I...Thank you, Shiv. This means a lot to me. I can't say this enough." I engulfed in her arms and she leaned on my chest to press herself against me. I then felt her placing kisses on my shirted chest. 

"Shiv, all of this seems like a fairytale. We are headed home now and will it still be like this?" 
Anjali asked me with choked up voice. 

"We will make it work together. Hmmm?" 




"I will put her down and be there." Jai gestured towards Riya's bedroom while holding a sleeping Riya in his arms. The three of us had gone out for a family dinner and after that we decided to stop by Jai's brothers home to visit my mother in law and my brother in law's family. 

Jai and his brother Ajay* were the only children of Mr. and Mrs. Bhatia. We all lived in the same house, the current home of Ajay when I got married and came here. When Ajay got married to Kavya around 6 years ago, me and Jai moved out with little Riya as that home was now small for three couples and a little girl. Ajay now had two sons Amit (5) and Kavi (2) in addition to their beloved Riya.    

*A/N - it's difficult to come up with names so sticking to Ajay for now :) 

Riya was the only daughter even in two generations back of the Bhatia family home and therefore was very loved as well as very pampered. I was taking off my jewelry when I found pair of hands on my waist. 

"She is in deep sleep. She tired herself a lot." Jai then unzipped my tight fitting kurta. This is how our relationship was now. Back in the days, I had to shyly ask him to help me with my dresses but now he understood and helped without asking. I smiled at him as carefully helped me slide out my arms from the kurta. 

"Yes, she did tire herself a lot. But, today she has actually crossed limits, Jai. You talk to her now. She doesn't listen to me." I said and walked towards my wardrobe to fetch my night clothes. 


"Don't just hum Jai. Kavya wasn't looking very pleased with Riya either. I mean which mother would be. Mom (Jai's mother) pampers Riya so much that even today when clearly all the children were being notorious, she sided with Riya and as a result ended up scolding both the little boys. The boys are young but I don't want Kavya and Ajay to hold any resentment towards our daughter." I explained sliding into my night gown while Jai was unbuttoning his shirt. 

I walked over to him and started unbuttoning his shirt for him. 

"Jai, our little girl is being spoiled now. Both our families are pampering her so much. I am happy that she is so loved when there are families who absolutely are partial towards the sons and daughters giving sons more always. But there is a thin line between being a pampered princess and a spoilt princess. Talk to her, will you?" Even years after, my gaze still hovered all over his bare upper body torso. Jai wasn't with six packs but he was still very toned and attractive. 

"You are right. And for the record, she should listen to you as well. I will talk to her." Saying so he kissed me. His kiss had the ability to sooth me and relieve me from all anxiety which was exactly happening. We broke apart as Jai slipped into his night shirt and PJs. 


Jai was in the restroom. He had messaged from the restroom that he had an upset stomach due to something that we probably ate. It was funny how we could actually talk through the thin wall between restroom and bedroom but he preferred to message instead. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Jai finally stepped out and landed right on my lap as I sat resting on the headboard waiting for him. 

"Are you ok? Do you need anything from the medicine box?" I asked genuinely worried for him even as I ran my hand on his forehead. 

"I am fine. Something didn't go down well it seems. I actually feel relieved now. I can sleep. Shivani?" 


"I received a notification on my phone that Shiv and Anjali's flight landed in Mumbai a couple minutes ago. The booking was all under my name so Google ended up giving me the notification." He said. 

"Oh wow! I hope they had a lovely time. I like Anjali a lot. She is so different than Shiv yet so similar too. Honeymoon is really an important time overall. "

"Hmmm, I know that had a wonderful time by the way." He looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

"What do you mean?" I stopped caressing his forehead as I was really intrigued now.

"So your brother probably forgot that the booking is in my name. He ordered wedding night kind of decorations for their villa suite. I got the copy of the bill after the final checkout from resort this evening our time."

I looked at hime with open eyes as a small gasp escaped my lips and then I reached for covering my mouth with my hands.

"Why did you have to tell me? Although I am really happy for both you know. Mostly for Anjali specially after what we know about her previous marriage. They took that step." I squealed in happiness for my little brother. ,"Wait, so did you end up paying for it?" I asked.

"No. Shiv paid but he probably didn't know that I would receive the final checkout copy. A part of me wants to call him and tease but other part doesn't want him to feel embarrassed. Besides, Anjali will be mortified if she even finds out that we know." 

I nodded, "Jai, I really wish they find happiness and peace with each other just like how I have found with you. Riya is my heartbeat but you truly and completely rule my whole world."

"And you rule my world too. I love you, Shivani."

"I love you too."



It felt nice to be back to India, back to Mumbai specifically. Mumbai was my home and will always be. We had ended up resting a little bit after our flight arrived around midnight and then it took another couple of hours to actually get home after collecting luggage and completing immigration formalities. 

I was fresh and ready to start my new life in this home. Shiv was taking a shower so I went up to the kitchen and was visibly surprised at the view infront of me. 

Dadi was sitting on a stool and instructing Harshit to fry puris until they were correct shade of golden brown. Papa was apparently making tea. 

"Arey Anjali beta. Go sit, we are making Aloo sabzi and Puri. Everything is ready and look Surya has already made tea for everyone." Dadi said and gestured me to sit on the dining table. 

"Dadi, Papa." and I was cut off by Papa. 

"Sit beta. I know what you want to say. Save it for two more days. Biji says you are going to your mothers home for 'pagphere'. When you are back, we will taste your cooking."

"Two days?! You are going for two days? Don't you resume work tomorrow?" I heard Shiv's voice as he approached us. 

"Yes, she will go. Mohiniji was very kind as she did say one night was good with our permission. I said it was fine. Anjali beti can go to work from there as well." Dadi responded. I looked at Shiv and my heart warmed up. He had been really waiting for my period to end to get intimate again. So only we both knew what this was going to be. Calculatively speaking, nothing was going to be affected with me going over to my parents too.  

"Bhai, bhabhi, aloo sabzi and puri are ready. Let's eat first. Aren't you starving bhai?" Harshit intervened and we sat down for breakfast. 

"Pooja beti will come to get her after lunch. You can go get her tomorrow."

"Ok Dadi. As you say, but we have to go to the bank after breakfast. If that takes time, then I will drop her directly and Pooja need not come. Don't worry, I will co-ordinate that effort. 


We both signed up the necessary paperwork at the bank and stepped out in time. 

"There is one surprise for you. Please don't say no.I will drop you at Ma's home."

"Shiv, what is it?" I asked him.

"Just come. Don't ask questions. I will let Pooja know. Ok?"



Slightly unedited.
What do you think Shiv's surprise is? 

Over all thoughts?

The honeymoon is finally over. Thank you for bearing so many chapters on it. I just thought it was necessary.

Finally, thoughts on Shivani and Jai?

Do Vote and Share! 

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