Chapter 40 - Knight in Shining Armour

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"They seemed like nice people, right ? I don't have a lot of recollection of when they would live here. I guess I was too busy then. Do you remember them, Shiv?" I had walked into Papa's room after Anjali informed me how Sanjana's mother had questioned her about us.

I sat Papa down on the bed and informed him to take it forward with Sanjana's parents. Sanjana and Harshit had decided to get married so Anjali and my past should not matter now.

Anjali's voice echoed in my head. "That is true, Shiv. Sanjana and Harshit matter the most but haven't we both seen how families play an important role too? I am so sorry I started feeling all awkward and became answer less."

"Anjali didn't want me to come here to tell you, Papa. She is..I mean I myself take offense if anyone asks me about Shikha so, I am not even sure how Anjali must be feeling."

Papa nodded and looked like he was in deep thought.

"I'll handle it my way, beta. Please take care of Anjali beti. She is in our house with a very new and very important relation."

I looked at my old father, lines of worry and experience showed clearly on his face.

"And that is not all, right? What is worrying you, Papa?" I asked him.

After a long pause, he said, "Beta, I had a thought this morning but I am scared to share this with you, Harshit and Anjali."  

I heaved a sigh, I think I knew what he was going to propose, "Please Papa, you are not going anywhere. Not away from us." He had often said, he will live separately with Dadi once Harshit and I were married so that there was no interference from him in our lives."

Papa smiled a little, "Beta - that is the correct way. It is time you and Harshit also separate out. His room needs renovation. It is better he looks for a different apartment, perhaps not far away from here. Anjali and you can take this home and I'll move in with Beeji in our ancestral home in Punjab. (another word for mother).  But, right now, I want you to talk to Harshit and make sure he is really ready for this marriage and I want you and Anjali to welcome Sanjana beti with open arms. It is possible she comes with per-conceived idea of you and Anjali but allow her to get to know you two better before reacting in a way that becomes harmful for our family dynamics."

My heart suddenly felt heavy. I felt buried under a lot of emotions after listening to my father. "Papa, I'll talk to Harshit and I am sure Anjali and I will be able to welcome Sanjana. Anjali has already spoken to her. They have started already forming a bond. Can we please drop you moving away or Harshit moving out for now? Atleast until the wedding?"

I wanted to propose that Papa lives with me and Anjali and if Harshit wants to move out, he sure can. I knew Harshit would have strong opinions regarding this as well but given that he was getting married, it was difficult to speculate his mindset in these days. I wanted to talk to Anjali regarding this since her opinion was of utmost importance too. Admitted she never spoke about the need to move out and live a separate life but her silence didn't mean, I could assume she was okay with my proposed arrangement.

Papa sat in silence still in deep thought. "Please Papa, drop it for now. Let's just focus on getting the Roka done first."

Finally, he gave a silent nod, "Ok. Please take care of Anjali and I am saying that again since she will really be frank with you. So, make sure she always has that outlet where she can talk to you freely regarding any matter, beta." 

"Yes, Papa. I am really working on my marriage with her." I walked back to my room after wishing Papa good night. 


"Cake is sitting perfectly fine. And the little bag at the back is also fine. Ok? Can we drive now? Oh wait, can you drive now?" Anjali looked nervous sitting on the driving seat. We were about to go to Pooja's place for Arya's birthday.  

Anjali had baked a cake for Arya and was now decked up in a beautiful maroon and black saree. She had tied her hair up in a bun which was decorated with a beautiful gajra made of two roses and multiple jasmine flowers.

I smiled at the little struggles of my wife as she was adjusting her sari pallu (the free flowing end of her sari) while sitting on the driving seat. I expected her to immediately respond that she wasn't comfortable driving in a saree when I first proposed that she drive today. Instead, she said yes and now it seemed like she wanted to back out but wouldn't say anything.

"Aa jao iss taraf. I'll drive. Driving in a saree is new to you. We'll let you drive in a saree once you are pro at driving." I thought of relieving her of her misery.

Her face broke into the most adorable smile at my words and she started to get out of the driving seat.

Soon, I started driving with the radio playing latest bollywood songs in the background.

"Anjali, can I ask you a sincere question?" I asked as we were waiting at red lights. 


"Why haven't we bought anything for Aarya yet ? I mean you baked a cake and asked me to bring some snacks for party and that is all. Wouldn't the little girl like getting a present from her favorite aunt? I actually got a little unicorn printed mug in the hopes of becoming her favorite uncle."

Anjali was staring at me intently but didn't say anything. I eventually started to drive as the lights had turned green. I had to prompt again.

She was still looking at me but it seemed like she had drifted away in a different place. "Anjali, are you here with me?"

She shook her head, "Ji, I am here. I am sure Aarya will like your gift."  

I hummed and prodded her. "Aage?"

"Ji, Aarya will be very happy with us there with cake, snacks and your gift."

I responded once again, "Yes and that's fine. It's really ok if you don't want to share something Anjali. Perhaps, you've bought her another gift. I just found it a little odd that the girl who you love with all your heart is celebrating a birthday today and will be happy with just us showing up without a present. Children like being pampered. Right?"

"Ji, Aarya is a happy child and doesn't need a lot of from us right now." Anjali responded very slowly and I started to feel very sure that she wasn't comfortable in sharing something here.

We drove in silence for the next few minutes and my mind began to wander about what Anjali had said. Anjali often spoke about Aarya and Arjun and their antics as toddlers and how they would adore their Anjali Maasi right from their toddler phases. Anjali seemed to have other thoughts on birthday gift or she had already bought something that she didn't want me to know.

After Aarya's birthday party, Anjali and I were heading down to a hill station that was about an hour and half drive from here for the weekend. Both of us needed a break, mostly me. Ever since honeymoon, we both had busied ourselves with a office work, house work, Shivani's miscarriage and now Harshit's upcoming Roka. Overall, we had spent very busy few weeks along with some serious discussions involving children, our parents and doctor appointments.

I wanted us to take a break and refresh. I thought Anjali and I needed time together. I also had a selfish motive of getting close to her during the time away. It had been a while since we had talked to each other in free spirited environment and spent some romantic time.



Aarya had cut the cake and was now enjoying her own birthday party with her friends in the children bedroom. Pooja and her sister-in-law were making all the children play games while I sat adoring Aarya who was growing up so fast. 

Aarya had thanked Shiv for the little gift and he seemed to be gloating at being called "sweet uncle!" Shiv had also managed to get chocolate box for Arya so he wouldn't feel left out in the birthday party and Shiv even mentioned that he would take offense if someone got gifts at one of his siblings birthday while not getting them anything.

I was now busy in the kitchen getting all the snacks in plates for the children. All the men were hustled together in the living room.

I didn't tell him - didn't tell him that I had opened a child fund account for both Aarya and Arjun and that every year on their birthday, I made a certain deposit with the thought that this would eventually be helpful when they grow up for their ambitions and dreams.

There were certain things that I wanted to remain with me - are spouses allowed to keep such secrets? It was my hard earned money and I had the right to decide what should be done with it. And, I just used a small amount of it - It wasn't like I was spending on buying a house or a car without his knowledge. I was merely spending something for my happiness.

I was bought back to reality by Pooja had come in the kitchen to take they tray of snacks that I had managed to put together.

"Where are you lost, Anjali?"

"Hmm, I am just getting this ready." I responded.

"Bas ab tum or Shiv bhi aise good news sunao. Phir hum bhi tumhare ghar birthday party ke liye aayenge."

Now, that was indeed worth wondering. I had not shared with Pooja anything that had transpired in the last few weeks with regards to my doctor appointments. I still had Shiv's reaction etched in my mind when I had tried to approach the topic. This was one thought that I had tried not to overthink. However, I was already vulnerable today; it being Aarya's birthday.

"Kya hua? You are again lost, Anjali? I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you with baby talks."

I could feel a thin layer of tears form in my eyes and then I felt Pooja's arms on my shoulders, "You know what Anjali - don't think about it too much. Look, you never thought that a man like Shiv will ever enter your life but then your destiny played out very well. Shiv showed up and you got married and look he is a such good person. Similarly, your destiny will work it's way for this too. Shiv ko waqt do Anjali. Iss rishte ko waqt do. He will take care of you two." Saying so, she pointed upwards, indicating the Supreme being will take care of it.

I nodded and hummed while trying to keep calm.

She smiled at me, "Chal, let's take these trays to the children bedroom and relive our childhood games."

Both of us giggled and carried the trays.



I was sitting with Aniket, his brother, his father and then a couple more men men who were parents of children attending the party or neighbours. Overall, it was a very lively atmosphere and everyone seemed to be very down to earth and seemed to enjoy getting together. One observation was these people never mad me feel left out even though I was meeting nearly all of them first time.

Conversations flowed from politics, weather changes to a lot more. Right now, one of the neighbours, Mr. Kaul was talking about how quickly it was already Aarya's tenth birthday and said that it seemed like only a couple years ago, Aniket and Pooja had married.

"Remember, how awkward you two were with each other at the time of marriage?" Mr. Kaul questioned Aniket.

Aniket chuckled, "Yes! and now we are a happy little family of four!"

"Time kahan nikal jaata hai pata hi nahi chalta." Everybody echoed and took a sip of the drink from their glasses. No, there was no alcohol at kids' party but just some fizzy drinks instead.

Aniket continued, "These children of today are handful though."

Everbody chuckled, Mr. Kaul said out loud, "But, I see you and Pooja managing so well. Specially Pooja, looking after children and your parents and maintaining good relations with your brothers family too", pointing at Aniket's father and his brother.

Aniket nodded, "Yes, Agreed! We all have come a long way with family dynamics."

Soon, the conversations shifted once again to how the school work was constantly on the rise for children and how the schools expected assignments to be done by students but in reality was mostly being completed by parents.

Our conversations eventually were cut off as it was time and children needed to end the party and really go to bed. Children started taking off one after the other,some with their parents while others on their own since they lived in the building.

Anjali mentioned that she was going to help Pooja wrap up the kitchen as much as possible and needed few more minutes. I said ok but we really needed to make a move now. Anjali and I still had to make another one and half hour drive to Lonavala.

Aniket and I sat down once again, "This weekend you two can enjoy but please next weekend, let's plan a double date. Our wives will love it. I will arrange for our children to be at my brothers home or perhaps at another friends' place."

I responded, "Children are more than welcome. I know how much Anjali loves them. Next weekend is done deal. I have thoroughly enjoyed this evening with everyone. So, I am looking forward to the next weekend."

Soon, Arjun and Aarya came running towards their father, "Papa, look she has received the world game once again. She had got it last birthday also. So, now I can have this game, right?"

"No, Arjun - this is my birthday gift. You can't have it, it's mine. Papa tell him, this is mine. So what if it's a double."  Aarya spoke irritably.

 "Calm down both of you and didn't we decide we will open the gifts tomorrow? Who opened the gifts? Since this was opened before time, I'll get to keep it. Pooja and I will play with this and may be we will invite our friends, Shiv Uncle and Anjali Maasi too. Give it to me now." Aniket said very calmly.

Aarya resisted but then gave in once Aniket spoke in a more firmer tone.

"Anjali Maasi can play with it and she will allow me to play with her too. She loves me more." This time Aarya said sarcastically looking at Arjun. 

"No, she loves me more. I am her knight in shining armour, she had said once. Remember when I was dressed as Superman for school function." Arjun responded with a proud smile on his face.

I chuckled and bought Arjun closer to me, "Oh and then who am I little man? Because, I thought I was her knight too or rather still am her knight in shining armour!"

Aniket and Aarya burst out laughing, Arjun seemed to be upset, "We will ask Anjali Maasi. She will say, Arjun - Maasi?" Arjun called out.

Anjali and Pooja walked towards us with concern etched all over. "What is it Arjun? Why are you yelling like this?" Pooja reprimanded Arjun.

"Maasi, everybody is teasing me. I am your knight in shining armour. Shiv uncle says he is your knight. Can you tell them to not tease me?" The little boy left to stand next to Anjali.

Anjali gave a very warm smile to Arjun and then looked at me and immediately lowered her gaze.

The boy was still pouting.Anjali caressed his little cheeks, "No one will tease Arjun now. I said once he is my knight in shining armour and really is."

Arjun and Aarya made teasing faces at each other and ran towards the room.

"And then what about our buddy, Shiv?" Aniket teased this time.

I smiled widely at my wife who was fumbling to say anything out of being embarrassed by all the teasing. "Waise, Pooja, we planned a double date next weekend. We haven't planned the venuw but Shiv is being generous and has said we can get the children too. I think we will think about it. By the way, these two are headed out for a weekend getaway. Did you know?"

Pooja nodded moving close to Anjali and almost teased my already shy wife, "Yes, Anjali informed me. Isn't that great? I am so jealous. Ani, we should plan something similar too. Also, next weekend let's definitely meet. We will plan out logistics."

I looked at my watch, and it was almost 9:45 pm. If we didn't start now, we would be very late.

I stood up and we took leave from Aniket and Pooja and even bid good bye to the kids. Our day worth of luggage was already sitting in the car.


Anjali and I were listening to songs playing on late night radio as we drove through the city towards our destination. We were soon about to hit the mountainous area where the roads leading up to the hill station would be all windy and narrow.

"Chup baithi ho. Are you tired?" I asked her.

"Nothing, was listening to the song. It is so beautiful, the lyrics are so heart touching." Anjali responded.

jab koi baat bigad jaaye, jab koi mushkil badh jaaye, tum dena saath mera,
O humnawaaz !
Na koi hai, na koi tha tumhare siwaa, oh humnawaaz!

Ho chandni jab tak raat, deta har koi saath,
Tum magar andheron me na chodna mera haath

The song continued, "Hmmm, it is indeed a nice song. Anjali, coffee ya chai break le lein? The road for next 40 to 45 minutes is going to be without any rest stops. There are good outlets in the food mall that is upcoming in next five minutes."

"Yes, let's stop. It's getting quite late but I hope you are not tired from the drive. Perhaps, a cup off chai will help?"

"Ok, cool."

We arrived at the food mall but decided to not sit at the table but rather have tea just by the car so that we wouldn't spend a lot of time in this pitstop. I got us chai while Anjali stood by the car.

"Careful, It's piping hot." I said as I handed over the hot paper cup. One of her loose strand of hair was really troubling her so I moved the lock of hair behind her ears.

"You are happy and looking forward to this weekend, right? I for sure am" and I winked.

She smiled and nodded, "Ji, I am happy and umm looking forward as well."

"Bold! I like it." I said taking a sip of chai.

After a brief pause, I spoke up, "Anjali, at the party, one of Aniket's neighbours was asking about the kind of investments they should be making for their own children and was basically seeking advice from Aniket. Aniket recommended the fund account that you have setup for both the children."

Anjali was sipping her chai and then stiffened immediately, "No, I am not offended or anything about why I don't know about this or why I had to find out the way I found out. I was just surprised and began thinking why you couldn't mention it to me about the birthday deposits when we were discussing gift for Aarya."

There was another pause, "Anjali, say something now." 

There was another brief pause. "Ji, Shiv - I...uh...I don't know what to say. I am sorry though. I gaihat was areally didn't mean to hide this but at the same time I guess I didn't know how you would react. Or probably, i did want to hide it because I didn't know if you would have an opinion that was not in my favour. "

"Look Anjali, I am definitely not against the fund account or your decision to make deposit. I am just surprised. Mujhe gussa nahi aa raha hai. I myself don't know what I should feel. It is none of my business to interfere between you and Pooja's children. Maybe, we aren't completely comfortable with each other and that is why I am feeling like this?"

"Shiv, I know how this must have hurt you. I was just fearful I guess or I didn't want to be judged." She once again looked vulnerable and I absolutely hated to make her feel like that.

"No Anjali, this does not mean that you start reporting every spend to me. I do not expect that at all. I am very confused and that is why I decided to share my thoughts with you. I didn;t bring it up to taunt over you. I just want us to have a good strong bond."

Anjai was staring at the ground with the empty cup and I realized my cup was now empty too. So, I gathered both the cups and headed to the nearest trash can.

Anjali spoke up when I walked back, "Shiv, I am really sorry. I should have bought it up atleast when we spoke earlier. As for as our relationship, it will take time to strengthen the bond.Ma had said to me before my bidaai, that relationships require a lot of nurturing and just like raising a plant."

I hummed and responded, "I am sorry too, Anjali. I shoukdnt have brought it up but then I didn't want to bottle up everything within. And Mohini Ma is right. I hope I have not come across as a typical male chauvinist."

I gently grabbed her hands gave a soft squeeze. She smiled at me.

Our car was parked in a pretty empty parking lot given the late night hours.
Looking around, I engulfed her in a quick hug.

"Come, let's head out."

Before I could leave her hands to move towards the driving seat, Anjali called out, "Shiv, you aren't that typical male chauvinist. I can say that after living with you over past couple of months"

I muttered thank you and we both got in a car and started to drive the narrow and windy turns of Western Ghats.

I found out more about the fund accounts and really like the benefits of it. Both of us came to agreement that this was indeed the best birthday gift parents could put to use for once their children grow up. We decided to put something similar in place for Riya too.


And I am back !!

This was indeed a very long break. I was hospitalised for 30 plus days in July and then was I the hospital every week until November of last year. My healing began quickly and I was able to resume office in Jan 2023.

I have been on this chapter for almost a month now but faced major writing block.

Finally , I decided to post everything that I had written in the hopes of getting back soon.

Hope you have enjoyed this chapter ! It was pretty rushed and is not completely edited as well.

I know it's a long long break but I hope Shiv and Anjali still make sense to all of you.

Looking forward to your votes, likes and most importantly comments !

Thank you !

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