Part 7

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Outside KSE premises

Author's narration

Nuska was very happily moving on the pavement when she exited the KSE premises through the main gate and stood at the bus stand to catch the bus that'd take her to Bambolim in which the apartment where she lodged in was situated.

A Jaguar shining in black came out of the premises and stopped where Nuska was standing. Its window glass declined which made Nuska recognise the person sitting inside on the driver seat. It was no one else but Zaid Khan.

"Oh hello sir!", she chirped.

"Hi.", said Zaid and opened its gate. "Nuska I have an important thing to discuss with you."

"Oh. Sir, you could've called me at your office and..."

"I could've done that. But if I've come here then you must understand it's really important."

"Okay sir.", she said and entered into the car and sat on the seat beside him.

"Can we move?"

"Yes, sure sir."

"Umm. Well, where are you going?"

"I was going to my lodge."

"Oh okay. By the way Nuska, you could've stayed at KSE also and it was really not an issue if you had stayed here as well, after all it's too a hotel."

"Actually sir I'm staying there from the time I arrived at Goa for the interview and this idea really didn't touch my mind."

"That's something crucial you need to learn Nuska. I extract maximum benefit out of anything I get and even if I get it for granted save things require humanity to prevail, I use this idea. All an opportunistic businessman can do is to abide by this thumb rule."

"Hmm you said true sir. I shall remember this throughout my life."

"And if you forget this then remember me, I shall never retreat from teaching you my rules.", said Zaid smiling.

"Sure sir."

With optimistic smiles pasted on both of their faces his car aced the speed towards Bambolim. Keeping his eyes fixed on his way Zaid turned his head left to have a glance at Nuska's face. He smiled to see her locks flying on her face and giving her tickles around the cheeks.

Winds even know to flush her cheeks without any emotional syndrome, thought Zaid looking at her and then turned his head straight.

"Nuska?", he initiated while rolling the steering.

"Yes sir.", she responded as punctual.

"Diploma in interior designing, right?"

"Yes sir.", she affirmed.

"Do you know the best thing about it? Actually that was the matter that made me approach you for an exotic offer."

"Offer... For me? What kind of offer sir?", she hesitated but seemed delighted.

"As you know I focus on extracting maximum benefit out of a situation, except when it violates moral values..."

"Yes sir you've told me this...", she hurried as she was growing curious but still confused.

"So, be ready to begin your journey as a businesswoman too.", he ranted in discursiveness.

"A businesswoman? But how?"

"All you require is training in what you've specialized."

"Sir I don't get this. I was supposed to join the Mumbai branch as an assistant manager in Marketing department na? Then what about my job if join a training.", said Nuska almost confused.

"Okay okay, Nuska, see, I want you to join our KSE's Institute of Interior Designing so that you can extend your talent in interior designing to a next level that will give it an economical structure. Getting me?"

"Umm... No."

"Uff, Nuska, what's bugging you as a doubt tell me?

"Oh doubt is nothing sir, but will you just tell me everything clearly without breaking the flow... Please...", requested Nuska using each and every feature of her face.

"Okay, so listen carefully, Nuska, you'll join your job as assistant manager in the Mumbai's branch but as per this offer's contract you'll firstly be trained in our interior designing institute after which you'll be hired by the event management department which will be giving you contracts on a regular basis for wedding planning and event management in the territory of KSE, not only Mumbai's one but also you'll be given contracts for Goa's huge events also.", went Zaid in an elegant speed and halted gasping.

"What Sir! I mean... I'm so... I'm so surprised... I can't imagine it's such a big opportunity sir! Sir!", Nuska started trembling in joy and her face glowed in gratitude towards zaid.

Zaid smiled as he expected this overjoy from Nuska's side, "I've already told you, no, I extract maximum benefit from an opportunity. So, maybe this is how I'm inspiring you. I hope you got me here."

"I'm speechless... I'm almost speechless sir...", she tried to control her enthusiasm and gulped looking at Zaid with *constancy.

He led his face wear a beautiful smile in response to her exasperation.

She too smiled and her smile widened before into turned into a laughter, "Thank you so much sir. I cannot express my gratitude in terms of words. I'm really grateful to you."

"You deserve this that's all I want to say."

"Sir, you're embarrassing me.", she said resting her palms in her cheeks and breathing freely.

"Nope, for I think you're going to be shameless now.", he coughed a little spuriously.

Nuska's laughter turned into a smile that soon faded and become a frown while she wondered glaring at Zaid, "Shameless? It means?"

"Yeah, for I know it very you'll reach your room and start dancing like a chimpanzee. Isn't it Miss Nuska?", Zaid smirked at her and started laughing.

"Haww... Sir you're making fun of me?", she faked a cry.

"Don't ask to confirm, Miss Nuska, I'm exactly making fun of you.", he laughed heavily while rotating the steering in a reckless manner.

"Sir! Urghh..."

Their cute conversation longed a little when Nuska reached her hotel. She was about to step out of car when Zaid broke the silence, "Note this number Nuska. Your training will start from two days after today. Call on this number, Ravi's colleague, Maria will attend your call. She'll help you out in getting your things shifted to KSE. And yes madam, you'll live there from now."

Nuska couldn't speak anything as she was lost in the face of Zaid throughout his saying.

While walking into the apartment till she stood inside the elevator and till when she reached her room and sat on her bed, thoughts of Zaid couldn't unmount off her mind.

I'm still not sure was it all a dream? I mean I got this job without giving the interview and and also got the position I was seeking. Moreover, even without my wishing and learning this idea, I got an opportunity to showcase my specialization and earn from it. It's really such a great perk for me. Ya Allah! I'm so grateful to you! How will Papa and Ammi react to this? Umm... They'll surely go mad! And my Abdul will not get tired of demanding his favourite items. I'm sure... I'm sure everything is going to be beautiful now... Beautiful like a beautiful dream... My dream job, in the dream company and also a bagful of great opportunities. Thank you so much Allah. Oh, haan, thank you Zaid sir... You've really made me indebted towards you. You're really so kind. So kind.


"Abdul! Are you giving the phone to Papa and Ammi? I've such a great news to tell you all!", shouted Nuska in a video call that she made to her home in order to break the ice on their wait.

"No aapi. First you tell me what's it then only I'll give them the call.", Abdullah started acting smart.

"No na. Please... give them first na... I want tell you all together. Please give them Abdul. Please my little angel.", said Nuska flickering her eyes seeing which Abdullah started laughing and he obeyed her.

"Okay Miss drama queen, I'm giving them the call, you stay on line.", he winked at her.












"I'm so grateful to Allah for this phenomenal achievement of yours, my child.", said Nuska's father wiping his tears of joy.

"Beta, we're really happy. I'm so proud of you Nuska. I'm sure your sir was impressed by your hard work and dedication towards your objectives. I'm really thankful to Allah for giving us this joy.", went her mother in joy.

"I'm still so dumbfounded Ammi. I really can't say it was all due to my dedication, because I got everything so easily as if it was already reserved for me. I've to say Zaid sir is really very kind and big-hearted person apart from being a sharp businessman."

"Yes beta. He's really kind for who nowadays does such a favour on a fresh employee.", said her father and smiled in satisfaction.

"Aapi when you're coming now? And remember you're not coming empty-handed. You've to bring videogames and remote control drone for me. Getting me na?", said Abdullah anxiously waving at the phone camera.

Nuska started laughing, "Sure little angel."

"No beta. This is not done. She'll stay there for training and she's not coming now. Her job has not even begun and you've made a list of extravagance Abdul. Huh. She's not bringing anything like that. Go to your room and focus on your studies.", said the father in a chiding tone that made Abdullah quiet.

"It's okay papa. I'll get him his demands but I won't buy them here. Once I reach Mumbai, I'll get them for him.", said Nuska trying to assure Abdullah but he was already gone.

"Don't bother over these things Nusu, you give your full attention to your work and if anything you need or want any sort of advice don't forget to call us. We're always there for you. And I shall transfer some money to your account so that your stay in such an expensive hotel shall not be compromised you know... Two months of training without job will require you expenditure of all sorts too...", her father was almost saying when Nuska said, "Papa, no problems at all! Sir's PA said everything is free for an employee in the hotel, from rent to food and even our transportation also. It's like I'm living as a royal guest here.", she chuckled joyfully and both the parents exchanged glances with happiness overflowing from their eyes.

"Ma Sha Allah.", they said in consonance.


Oberoi's Mansion, Banguinim.

"Have you brought her along with you, Jacob?", asked Kartik Oberoi stirring coffee in a mug, sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Yes boss, but she's a bit revolting, you know."

"Security! Drag her inside. If she's acting smart then grab her hair and throw her before me.", he said lighting his cigarette.

"But, but, boss...", exclaimed Jacob when he was overpowered by Kartik.

"Shut up and don't even think to say anything against what I'll be telling you now.", Kartik barked at him.

"Ouch! Urghh! Leave me you bloody rascal! Leave me for bitch's sake! Leave! Aah! I said leave no!", cried Venus when she was being dragged by one of Kartik's men into the drawing area where Sunaina and Randheer Oberoi were sitting.

"Take her there and I'm just coming.", saying this Kartik grabbed Jacob by his shirt and pulled him into the drawing area.

"Oh my God! What's happening? Who are they and where are you manhandling them to?", Randheer got up from the sofa when his wife calmed him down, "Oh darling just sit here. Your son has a wonderful thing for you. Just give him a chance to present at least."

"Leave me, please, it's hurting.", Venus started crying while looking angrily at Jacob who was also perplexed at his master's behaviour.

"Boss, if I've wronged you by rejecting your proposal then punish me, why are you hurting my girlfriend?", he went straight.

"Shut up! I don't have time to explain snakes like you, who turn faithless, reasons behind my orders and punishment. I asked you to lend me your girlfriend for a handsome sum not to hear a no from your side, you get this."

"But boss I love her and I can't sell her to anyone for anything...", shouted Jacob at Kartik.

"Hey you mother*ucker will you care to listen till the end?", barked Kartik.

"What's happening you both? Damned! And why, Kartik, you've now come down to purchase other's girlfriend and that also of your servant's? Have you lost your brain or what?", glared Randheer at his son.

"Uff darling he's explaining na, why are you so eager to scold him without hearing the main issue?", said Sunaina rubbing her husband's back.

"Haan, that I'm seeing... the main issue...", remarked Randheer sarcastically.

"Oh dad! Wait I'm telling you everything.", saying this to Randheer he turned towards his men and began, "Take both of them to my office and make sure they don't run away, when I'll give them a luring amount with some life threatening warnings, they'll understand the importance of my proposal. Take them away!"

Hearing his orders, Jacob and Venus were dragged and carried away by security men to Kartik's private office.

Sunaina was smirking and so was Kartik doing. Randheer then learnt the matter was really something important.

Heyyy/ Assalamu Alaikum
Hope all of you are doing good💞

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Is Nuska's happy go lucky fortune a good sign?

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Will update the next chapter soon,
Till then,
Take care
- Nuska Nisthar ❤️

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