Part 9

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This part contains mentioning of description and talks that are adult in nature. Read with patience.


It was, as always, a moderate weather that knew no cruelty upon the citizens of Goa and a beautiful dusk that was surprisingly meeting the darkness of the night. But it was almost unpredictable what cruelty lied in the lot of humans that nature was going to witness that day.

"In the pool area madam.", replied the security guard when he was asked by Nuska the whereabouts of Bhushan.

"Thank you so much," she chirped and made her way to the aforesaid place.

The whole premises was beaming with glory of lights and glamour as it was an odd thing for a resort that also in a place like Goa.

Nuska kept on walking softly until she reached the entrance to the swimming section of the hotel. She looked around once and looked down immediately as if she'd never look straight.

It was extremely an embarrassing scene that Nuska had to bear while making her way to reach Bhushan in order to get her declaration forms signed.

She looked down while passing by women who were enjoying alcoholic drinks and boys and girls playing and splashing water on each other whose outfits were not worth looking at. Nuska didn't raise her eyes and just kept walking.

She came across another pool where men and women, given not the ultimate worst of her day, 'cause the ultimate worst was yet to come, there were more than dozens of couple engaged in mass osculation. Nuska could've vomited in the pool out of uneasiness.

Thank God these shamelessness is not a part of Mumbai's branch, she thought.

She looked up only to find Bhushan's spot and very embarrassingly looked here and there. Then she found a silhouette matching the physique of Bhushan. Nuska immediately lowered her gaze.

He was seen holding a woman from behind in his arms, almost inclined on her body and kissing and rubbing his face over her nape and shoulders.

It was horribly astonishing for her that the boss whom she approached to get her formalities done was indulged in his an open display of lust and intimacy.

She started trembling in hesitation and that also to the verge of retreating without turning back. She took few steps backwards and thinking to get the paperwork done later she turned around but her foot was swallowed by an unfrequented pool and so was she.

"Aaaah!", she screamed her vocal out before getting submerged into the water along with her papers.

Bhushan's eyes opened wide in shock and he found a young girl struggling to breath in the water.

He immediately left Venus and looked around for lifeguards but given his permission of not to trespass that area during his intimate time no one was present.

Leaving the lady he was cherishing with he said to her, "Venus, make a call to the lifeline office and tell them to reach at private pool with their essentials."

Hearing this Venus immediately dialled the number mentioned on a placard hanging from a pole and Bhushan without missing a moment jumped into the pool.

Nuska was waving her hands and kicking all hard to survive floating on the surface but given her inability to swim she was prone to drowning.

Bhushan, with all his might, swam and reached to her and wrapped the torso of Nuska with his one hand and used his other hand to wave into the water. Nuska felt a little awkward when Bhushan held her that way but given the seriousness of the situation she was cooperating with her boss as he was after all saving her from being drowned.

By the time Bhushan loaded her on top of his shoulders and taking her out he laid her on the floor, Nuska was exhausted out of struggling in the water and panic also had its adverse effect on her.

"Hey? How're you?" Bhushan asked her gasping while Nuska rolled her eyes out of dizziness.

Venus stood still and watching both of them with some planned thoughts in her mind.

"Sir... sir... my papers..."

"Uff I'm asking how are you and you're talking about papers? Have you lost your brain into the pool or what?" he joked out of tiredness.

Saying that he saw the lifeguards approaching towards him but as soon as he was about to get up from there, his feet slipped and his huge body fell on Nuska's beautifully carved one, almost colliding his broad chest with her cushy bosom that spark a strange passion inside him but he chose to get up immediately as Nuska was hurt as well as she was shocked due to that incident.

Lifeguards surrounded Nuska, trying to lift her and take her to the emergency room. She, gathering some strength, was walking leaning on them.

Bhushan, then, couldn't stop staring at her. He was looking at her with an intense fervour when Venus came and hugged him from behind.

"Hey superhero bizman!" she exclaimed in excitement.

"What?" he spoke being lost into the carve of Nuska's body that was a feast to his eyes as her dampened clothes were of less utility then.

When Nuska was completely gone from there he turned to Venus and said, "Yeah baby. Say?"

"Hmm. Someone's not paying attention to me," she complained.

"I'm here love and all my attention is also here." Bhushan spoke and tightened his grip around her body.

"Baby... You tell me one thing if I ask you," she rolled her lips.

"Yeah you ask I'll tell."

"Isn't the girl you saved from drowning now so *ucking sexy?"


"Amm... Like, didn't you notice her body? Her curves are so hot, no, darling. And that wet hair gave her so stunning look."

"Umm. Yeah but I didn't notice much 'cause I've you with me, baby," saying this Bhushan began to kiss all over her face.

"Umm, yeah, I'm I know but I'm really jealous of her now," she said stopping him from leaning on her.

"You and jealous? I'm laughing," said Bhushan laughing.

"Of course my boyfriend boss. I'm just too white and skinny but darling didn't you see the proportion of flesh in her body, its shape, it's just too hot and can make any man mad for her."

"I can agree in this. Indian beauty has its own charm."

"Right as if she is an Indian goddess of beauty and feminality," she said drifting away from Bhushan a little as she could observe that she had put into his mind the thought of Nuska to the extent he'd ponder on her beauty at least once, but Venus was supposed to give a finishing to what she was doing, i.e, seducing Bhushan to crave for Nuska.

Bhushan was quiet hearing this from her and she came to him with a glass filled with whiskey and offered it to him.

Taking the glass from her hand, Bhushan, with a lost mind, told her, "She's a new employee here."

"Oh wow that's nice. Then you'd see her cushiony bosom daily if her dupatta doesn't obstruct the delights of your eyes."

Bhushan clenched his jaw in exasperation and started gulping the drink quickly seeing which Venus was overjoyed inside.

Chuckling a little Venus held his shoulder to turn his face towards her and began, "And her eyes, holy *hit! They can even germinate manhood in impotents. Have you not noticed your honcho partner Zaid?"

"Zaid... What in him?"

"It's an accurate probability that he has bought her for himself..."

"What! He bought her? But as far as I know I've never seen a slightest sign of his involvement with women. But yeah last year there was a rumour spread among our subordinates that honcho is a gay," Bhushan started laughing.

"Really? That only I'm telling you. She is just so sexy that she turned a gay into a man. And you see this picture that I've found pinned on the display board of his office," she handed him a photograph.

"Look how hungrily he's looking at this girl's breasts..."

"Oh I see..." Bhushan intensified his view over the photo. It showed a group of Boss and employees that contained Zaid and Nuska also in which Nuska's dupatta was dancing in the air and Zaid was looking at her in affection.

Handing the photo to Bhushan Venus saw him emptying the glass. She was satisfied from inside and was waiting for her magic to work.

"Baby, I'll see you," she began treading towards the newly-made luxury wing where lifeguards took Nuska for change and refreshment.








A tall figure having an ape-like structure was walking with difficulty in the corridor of the same wing. His legs would often betray him that was the aftereffects of the drink served to him in treachery.

He'd take hiccups and lean on the wall due to sensation striking his nerves but tightening his fists he didn't stop ambling.

Soon he reached fourth floor and stood outside the room that was of none but Venus, a room the key of which he already had. But inside the room it was not her.




"Hopefully they keep loose dress as well like those of my preference," Nuska said while picking up a top that was provided by the staff to her.

"But it seems this room belongs some girl with carefree lifestyle. Hmm. Her choices look beyond my thinking. Anyways, I just have to change here and reach my room fast," she murmured while wiping her face.

She wiped her hair with a costly feathery towel she saw for the first time and unwore her watch and wristlet.

She held the bottom of her top and pulled it upwards, "I had never imagined this would happen to my documents and my dress. This was most good-looking dress I had but..." she sighed while changing it.

Although Nuska's knowledge illusioned her of the presence of a verboten espionage outside the room, she was not feeling completely easy in changing in a wholly new place that belonged to someone else not because she didn't have that much of open-mindedness but it was an urge of her sixth sense that she hoped in her heart before changing her dress and looking herself hesitatingly in front the mirror.

The glass window of the room had something wrong with it. The curtain mat had easy gaps through which a pair of eyes with one eye closed and cornea of the other eye almost touching the glass surface of the window was piercing the body of Nuska with his gaze.

Although stood there still Bhushan's gasps left their vapour traces on the window sheet that blurred his eye-feasting vision, he'd wipe the glass immediately with his palm and again fix his lustful gaze on her.

Seeing her opening the closet door and taking out a fresh piece of bodice watered his mouth and he swallowed the lump down his throat biting his lips and tried widening his already widened eyes to get full picture of the nerve-enticing scene before him.

It was not like that that Bhushan never saw women without dress for it was an unquestionable casual for him. But calling the beast in him for a decent girl like Nuska was all due to the situation created by Venus which already had its superior planners.

Bhushan felt a kind of twist in his stomach. He clenched his jaws packing his eyelids but opened them in a flash when he touched the pocket of his pant that contained Venus's latch. She'd always leave her keys with him.

He took out the keys from his pocket and with a smirk on his face he slid the keys back there, "at this point of time only this key can unlock the treasure of her beauty before me..." he said shifting his gaze from the latch to the door.

A twist in lock and the door flung open. Came inside Bhushan and immediately locked the door.

Nuska turned behind with astonishment in her eyes and found Bhushan in front of her made feel afraid and guilty as well.

"Oh! I'm sorry sir... I didn't know this room belongs to you... I'm... I'm leaving immediately sir..." she reiterated in anxiety and took her slightly wet dupatta and wrapped it around her body. To her satisfaction she had already changed the top and trousers.

"Nope. Don't leave. You're not at a wrong place. You're at the right place and also at the right time," said Bhushan unbuttoning his shirt...


Hii/ Assalamu Alaikum
Hope you are doing good : )

How was today's chapter?
Any guesses on what would happen next?


Till the next chapter,
Take care,
-Nuska Nisthar ❤️

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